Player Character Races

Humans are by far the most common race on Gaianar. There was a time when there were only humans. Dwarves arose from adaptation to a hostile environment, Elves and Werites are a byproduct of genetic engineering, while Changelings were altered by the True One. The strangest race are the Constructs, who are immortal machines of varying degrees of sentience. Overall, the racial mix for the entire world are: 74% Human, 12% Dwarf, 8% Elf, 3% Changeling, and 1% Fey, Werite, and Construct (actually, Constructs make up less than 1%) . GM's should allow players to choose any race they want for their characters, with the exception of Werite and Construct. These latter two races are optional and thus the players have these choices only at the GM's discretion.

Humans, unlike other races do not have special powers. And likewise, they do not have specific restrictions either. Dwarves can resist poison and see in infrared, but they have a short lifespan and are partially colourblind. Elves, on the other hand, have a long life span and can see in poorly lit conditions, but they lack Willpower and have limited choices of character class. Changelings may seem omnipotent, with their powers of flight and empathy, but they are also the most physically weak, are vulnerable to broken bones, are severely claustrophobic, and have high dietary and sleep requirements. And the Fey, also flyers, are aliens and are seen by native Gaianarians with fear and suspicion. Moreover, their bodies are shaped strangely and so it makes equipping the character more expensive. And most healing potions are dangerous to the Fey. Werites are physically tough, but often behave unpredictably and are frequently social outcasts. Constructs have the strongest bodies and the weakest minds, and only a small percentage of them have souls.

Humans advance in rank faster than any other race, and they have an unlimited selection of character classes.

Not all Humans are created equal either. The GM should allow the player character some flexibility in defining the attributes of his or her character. Humans can be as short as the shortest Dwarf (although it is rare), and likewise the tallest Human was close to 10' tall (though he died very young). For instance, if a player wants his character to be an albino, allow it, but also impose the limitations of albinism (poor vision, allergic to sunlight, etc.)