
Like the Elves, the Werites came into being as a result of genetic engineering. However, unlike the Elves' creators, who wanted to make the human race better by improving longevity, the Werites are engineered by the military for warfare. They were to be the "perfect" soldier and were seen as expendible.

Werites are basically ordinary Humans whose genetic code has been hybridized with an animal's. Thus a Human and a wolf would result in a werewolf, while a Human and a cat would result in a werecat. Humans and Werites can interbreed, but the result is always either 100% Werite or 100% Human. 

When the North Point government fell, the military tried to dispose of what they viewed as a failed experiment. However, many of these creatures managed to escape the government's final death blow. 

Today, Werites are viewed with fear and suspicion - a reminder of the tyranny and mistakes of the past. They are often shunned. It is no wonder that many Werites become Rangers (so that they live in seclusion), Warriors (so they they may prove themselves worthy), or Thieves.

Werites have the same dietary and sleep requirements of a normal Human, although the entity may require additional protein if he or she has been engaging in a lot of shape shifting.

Oddly enough, Werites get along well with Constructs. After all, Constructs cannot be bigoted or prejudiced, and are also frequently the victims of racial intolerance themselves.