Geometric Shield

Tier: First
Computation: 1 segment
Area of Effect: 1 pane per level
Range: 3// per two levels
Duration: One turn per level
Glass Required: Yes
B-M-S Cost: 1.0

This function creates a perfectly flat and vertical two-dimensional plane of geometric force. It is 95% transparent, and can be tinged with any hue the Mathematician pleases. The plane measures 1// by 1//. The Mathematician can create one such plane per level of experience and each plane has one structural point. The plane is proof versus all physical attacks (until broken down by sustaining damage), and the armour class of the segments is AC(5) with a +1 bonus to AC for every third level above level three. The shield can be initially placed anywhere within the casting range, but afterwards can be moved at 1/2 the Mathematician's normal ground movement. The "movement" is relative to the Mathematician's position, thus, if the Mathematician is standing on the deck of a sailing ship that is traveling at 9// per round, the shield panes will not drift away behind the boat.

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