Reverse Engineer

Tier: First
Computation: 1 round
Range: 3// line of sight
Area of effect: 1 person, object, or effect
Duration: Permanent
BMS Cost: 0.25 per Tier Level

This formula is the Mathematical equivalent to Dispel Magic. It's primary use is to undo the formulae cast by other Mathematicians. Against other mathematics, the user must simply match her Level + Willpower against the Level + Willpower of the Mathematician who invoked the formula to be dispelled. Note that Reverse Engineer is insufficient to dispel a Construct's Theoretical Engine, although invoking Reverse Engineer against a Construct will stun it for 1d4 rounds unless the Construct makes a successful item save versus magic.

Against non-Mathematician formulae, the Reverse Engineer is less effective. The Mathematician still matches her Level + Willpower against the Level + Willpower of the original caster, but the Mathematician takes a penalty when translating non-mathematical concepts into a impromptu mathematical model. Obviously character classes that just use their minds (such as Cavalier or Warrior), or those that depend on divine grace (such as Priest) are more difficult to translate into a mathematical model than those character classes that are more based on science (such as Shaman, Ranger, Wishsinger (after all, music is just audible mathematics), and Necromancer.)

This power can only undo spells and powers. It cannot banish demons or dispel Undead.

Table: Penalties for Reverse-Engineering non-Mathematician Formulae
Character Class Penalty   Character Class Penalty
Barbarian -5   Protector -7
Cavalier -7   Ranger -5
Gunslinger -4   Shaman -5
Mathematician 0   Speaker for the Dead -3
Necromancer -2   Warrior -7
Paladin -7   Wishsinger -1
Priest -8   Other/Unknown/Innate -7