Fractal Replication

Tier: Second
Computation: 4 segments
Area of Effect: One object (3 lb. per level)
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Glass Required: Yes
B-M-S Cost: 0.75

This function creates an imperfect copy of an original material item. For example, a Mathematician could copy a sword using this function, but the copy would be -2 in all functions. A copied book would be legible, but may have spelling errors, inconsistent font, or missing punctuation. Copied jewelry would be heavily flawed (a flawed diamond is still useful for its sharpness and hardness however.) A copy of an intensity 5 antitoxin would function as an intensity 3 antitoxin. Copied food would be edible and nutritious, but mostly tasteless. Money would be obviously counterfeit, but an unscrupulous mathematician could still pass it off to a drunkard, beggar, or fool.

This function was designed primarily for the replication of bulk items, such as grain, water, coarse cloth, twine and the like. This function can cause up to a three pound object (per level) to be replicated. All copies of items function at -2 (or equivalent) in all respects. Supernatural items cannot be copied. An object that is the result of being copied cannot be copied further (i.e. one cannot make a copy of a copy.)