Stun Construct

Tier: Second
Computation: 8 segments
Area of Effect: 1 Construct
Range: 8// Line of Sight
Duration: 1d4 rounds per level
Glass Required: Yes
B-M-S Cost: 0.75

The power of this formula can temporarily interfere with the functioning of a Theoretical Engine, thereby stunning the construct. Stunned Constructs can only retreat and take defensive actions. To determine if the formula is successful, the Construct must make an item save versus harmonics. If successful, the formula has no effect, otherwise the formula has normal effect. For Living Constructs (those rare Constructs that have been granted a living soul), this formula only targets the Theoretical Engine, not the Construct's mind. Thus, if the save fails, the Construct is rendered fully defensive, but still has full use of its mental faculties and remains aware (i.e. the Construct is able to coolly plot revenge while retreating.)