Scattered Images

Tier: Second
Computation: 5 segments
Area of effect: the Mathematician
Range: centreed on the Mathematician
Duration: 1 turn per level
Glass required: No
B-M-S cost: 1.0

With this formula, the Mathematician bends space in such a way that light is warped and scattered about him. Once invoked, 1d4 + 1 images for every 3 levels of the caster spring into being within a 5 foot radius around him. The figments mimic the Mathematician's movements exactly: casting spells, taking injuries, running and attacking. Since the images shift position as the folds in space warp and bend around the Mathematician, it is impossible to determine which image is real – roll randomly to determine if any attack or spell actually strikes the Mathematician. (For example, with 9 figures, the Mathematician should have only a 1 in 10 chance of being struck.)

Images will disappear when successfully struck – treat them as having the Mathematicians racial base AC, modified for Dexterity only. Area effects can destroy the images, but first check to see if the Mathematician makes his Save vs. the effect. If he succeeds and suffers no ill effects, no images are destroyed. If there is still some penalty even if the saving throw succeeds, destroy half of the remaining images, rounded up.

Blind creatures are obviously not affected by this power; similarly, anyone may close their eyes to avoid seeing the images, but this is rarely a wise course of action. Note that Undead and Constructs still "see", and thus are affected by this spell. Additionally, some creatures may have eyes but depend far more upon other senses, so beware!