Innate Power Activation

Text Box: The Cavalier lunged at the Thief with unbridled ferocity.  He's armed like a fortress, the Thief bemoaned.  The Cavalier missed, and the Thief retaliated with a well-aimed dagger blow.  As luck would have it, the blade found a weak spot in the fighter's armor.  The dagger plunged through the metal shell and bit deeply into unprotected flesh.
---  Example of a critical success

Innate powers are generally automatically successful, as this ability is basically as much apart of the character's life as eating and sleeping.  However, people do manage to choke on their food from time to time.

Table: Critical Rolls for Innate Powers
D20 Success Effect Failure Effect
20 Free activation for this use and the next use of this power during this day. Ordinary failure, but character looks bad doing it.
19-17 Free activation for this use. Power succeeds, but costs double BMS.
16-13 Power is at +2 intensity. Power succeeds, but is at -1 intensity.
12-9 Power is at +1 intensity. Power succeeds, but is at -2 intensity.
8-5 Spiritual focus: Gain 1d4 BMS for 1 day. Power sink: Power fails and character loses 1d4 BMS.
4-2 Gain an extra Wish Piece. Lose focus: Dazed for the next 1d4 rounds. The character can only parry and take defensive actions, and cannot invoke spiritual powers or innate abilities.
1 Ordinary success, but character looks good doing it. Power surge: Character takes 1d6 points of damage and is dazed for the next 1d4 rounds. The character can only parry and take defensive actions, and cannot invoke spiritual powers or use innate abilities.