Insanity Classifications

The tables below state the names and categories of the various types of insanity.  Generally, unless the illness description states otherwise, the insanity returns to its dormant state within 1d6 turns of the triggering stimulus being removed.

Table: Insanity Category
1d20 Category 1d20 Category
1-6 Mood Altering 14-17 Personality Disorder
7-8 Ritualizing 18-19 Perceptual Disorder
9-13 Phobias 20 Serial Crime
Table: Specific Insanities
Mood Altering
1-6 Depression
7-8 Mania
9-11 Manic-Depression
12 Suicidal Depression
1-4 Addiction
5 Avoidance Cycle
6-7 Kleptomania
8-12 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
1 Agoraphobia
2 Bathophobia
3 Claustrophobia
4 Kinetimortophobia
5 Mysogynophobia
6 Nocturnophobia
7-10 Vertophobia
11 Xenophobia
12 Misophobia
Personality Disorders
1-2 Dissociative Identity Disorder
3-4 Megalomania
5 Napoleonic Complex
6-10 Paranoia
11 Self-harm Complex
12 Simple Dissociation
Perceptual Distortions
1-3 Active Schizophrenia
4-6 Catatonic Schizophrenia
7-9 Disorganized Schizophrenia
10-12 Size Distortion
Serial Crime Disorders
1-3 Serial Murderer
4-8 Serial Rapist
9-12 Serial Thief