Raising a Slain Character

Under normal circumstances, one can raise the dead through simple use of Raise Dead, or an equivalent power, although one will usually need to then cast other healing or regenerative spells upon the very weak (but now living) victim before they can return to health.

If a character is slain by death magic, it is preferable to quickly raise that character from the dead to prevent the deceased from reanimating as a shambling corpse. Three rituals are required, and must be performed the same day the character was slain:

If the first ritual is not used, the character still rises from the dead, but is now both evil and insane. If the third ritual is not used, the character still rises from the dead, but does so having already contracted a terminal and incurable form of Undead Spiral. Because of these facts, shortcuts are not recommended.

If the slain character is not going to be raised from the dead, one the following burial procedures must be used to prevent reanimation of the corpse as an Undead:

For believers of non-Evil deities, but who do not worship the True One, cremation is the best, as only the True One’s portfolio includes defense against Death Magic.