
Not the nicest of skills; the practitioners of this skill are usually of evil alignment.  People with this skill can place subliminal commands into their victims, create multiples (people with dissociative identity disorder), implant a multiple with an introject alter (an alter that is hostile to the primary personality), implant an insanity, make a person into a slave, implant helplessness, and give their victims selective amnesia. Constructs are absolutely incapable of learning this skill.

Critical Success:  The victim is helpless before your power, and will serve you always without hesitation (or at least until somebody else Deprograms him!)

Critical Failure:  The victim gains the dissociative identity disorder insanity, and a vengeful (and clear-minded) alter will seek to accomplish your doom at an indeterminate time.

GM’s note: This skill can prove to be extremely dangerous in the wrong hands and can wreck campaigns when key NPC’s are turned into drones of the players. A GM may wish to limit the powers of this skill or reduce the effects of critical success and failures.