
Characters with this skill know how to dig for ore (coal, iron, copper, uranium, gold, salt, and etc.) Those so skilled have the knowledge of mine layouts, mining safety, the dangers of underground work, how to detect tunnel gasses, and cave-in survival protocols.  Like farming, this skill requires two checks. Perception tells the miner where and how to dig, while Endurance is required for the actual digging. For day-to-day mining, no proficiency check is required. A Mining check is required when starting a new digging operation (which may or may not result in a cave-in). Constructs may take this proficiency and incur a +2 bonus. Their high Strength attribute and innate tirelessness makes them uniquely suitable for mining operations.

Critical success: The miner finds a rich vein of ore, exceeding expectations by 20%.

Critical Fumble: A cave-in occurs. Usually, this happens before anyone is in the mine, but such a cave-in can catch foolhardy miners who rush into untested mines.