Mob Control

This skill gives the character the ability to influence a mob of people with his words and actions. A master of this skill can turn a peaceful group of people into an angry one, or defuse a violent mob before too much harm can be done. This skill is difficult to quantify, but there are several rules to remember. First, small manipulations of a mob’s thoughts and feelings are easier than large ones. Second, the larger the mob, the harder it is to impress them. Finally, the more the mob has in common, the easier it is to influence them, while a mob of completely random individuals is harder to manipulate. Constructs may take this skill, but have a –3 penalty due to their lack of facial features and limited vocal range.

Critical Success: The mob whole-heartedly agrees with the character and is willing to work with him to a very reasonable extent.

Critical Failure: The mob realizes that they are being manipulated and turns on the character.