Read Lips

With this skill, a character can know the contents of a conversation without being able to hear the actual words.  As long as the character can see the target's facial movements, the content of the spoken words can be gleaned.  All that is required is a successful proficiency check by the character.

This skill has a range of 8//.  Beyond this range, the character is penalized by -1 for every 1// distance beyond 10// (Changelings excepted: they are penalized by -2 at a range of 6// or less, but unpenalized at 7// to 1 mile).  Additionally, the observing character must know how to speak the language that the target is speaking.

Critical Success: The character has a very good understanding of the conversation.

Critical Failure: The character catches parts of the conversation and reads just enough to be left confused and wondering about the details.