Rope Use (Knot Tying)

With this skill, the character can tie all kinds of knots in ropes; granny knots, square knots, hangman knots, sheepshank, etc.  All that is required is a successful proficiency check.  If the character has been tied up with ropes, he or she may attempt escape; a successful proficiency check at -4 allows gains the character freedom from his restraints.  For escaping from other types of personal restraints, the check is at -8. Constructs may take this skill, but the entity will suffer a –3 penalty due to the fact that a Construct’s fingers are more rigid than an organic humanoid’s.

Critical Success: The knot is perfect and can take twice the normal load or the character escapes the ropes flawlessly.

Critical Failure: The knot is flawed and can take only half the normal load or the character not only fails to escape the ropes but also becomes entangled so that all future Rope Use checks to escape are made with a -2 penalty.