
Characters with this skill have the ability to swim quickly and for long periods of time.  For each point of Endurance, the swimmer can swim at 3// for one turn.  Thus the average person trained in swimming could swim strongly for just over an hour and a half.   Those possessing this skill can tread water for two turns per point of endurance.  After which point, Endurance checks and decays follow the same pattern as described in the "Running" proficiency. The character can swim at +1// for every two slots invested. Constructs may not take this skill.

Critical Success: The character can swim for a 50% greater time before Endurance loss begins.

Critical Fumble: The character inhales water and cannot resume swimming for 1d4 rounds; roll a successful swim check to determine if the character can tread water during recovery.

Note: it is assumed unless otherwise stated that all player characters have some limited swimming ability (can tread water and slowly make their way to shore), though only 10% of Dwarves have this ability.