Wishsinger Saving Throw Matrix

Explanation: Wishsingers are masters of music and song, and use their skills to fuel a powerful array of abilities. They are quite resistant to the tools of their trade - Spiritual Powers and Sleep/Charm effects, and the stamina needed for powerful songs requires them to have some level of physical endurance. Since Wishsingers are often travelers, they have some experience with Undead and have learned to endure some Death Magic Effects.

Wishsingers often have little interest in science, labouratories, and technological inventions. As such, they have very little experience handling toxins or poisons and are ignorant of the strange nature of Magical Weapons.

Table:  Wishsinger Saving Throws
Character Level Death Magic Magic Weapon Area Effect Poison System Shock Spiritual Power Sleep/Charm
Rating Average Poor Average Poor Average Good Good
1 to 3 16 18 16 18 16 14 14
4 to 6 14 16 14 16 14 12 12
7 to 9 12 14 12 14 12 10 10
10 - 15 10 12 10 12 10 8 8
16 - 20 8 10 8 10 8 6 6
21+ 6 8 6 8 6 4 4