Word of Law

Tier: Second
Concentration: 5 segments
Spirit Cost: 9 points
Range: Line of Sight
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: 1 target
Classification: Combat

When this power is invoked, the Gunslinger instills a numbing fear of the Law within a target. Note that this power has no affect on creatures that cannot understand the concept of Law (Intelligence less than 4) or on those of Structured alignment. If the tar-get fails a save vs. spiritual powers, he stands in shock for the next 1d4 + 1 rounds. This prevents him from attacking the Gunslinger or his allies, though he can still parry, slowly walk away, etc. Undead, whose very existence defies Order, make this save with a -4 penalty.

However, attacking the target will end this power, giving the victim the ability to attack and otherwise function as normal next round. Most Gunslingers of Good alignment use this power to stun a foe and take them into custody, while those of Evil alignment use it to take a free shot against an enemy.

This power may not be used more than once on a given living target per combat scene, but it can be used repeatedly against the Undead since their nature is that of defiance against Order and the Laws of the universe.