Memory Trance

Concentration: 5 rounds
Spirit Cost: 9 points
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: One person
Duration: Special
Classification: Faith Healing


By focusing his mind so this his structure aligns with another's, the Gunslinger can aid the recipient in retrieving lost memory. This procedure will work whether the memory loss was caused due to physical injury (like a blow to the head), emotional suppression (something too horrible to remember), or by dark powers (being drained by death magic). If used repeatedly, memory trance may help abate some forms of insanity; For example, a recipient suffering from phobias, depression, or other disorders may be aided by memory trance. The recipient must be willing to undergo this procedure, and the memory trance must take place in relatively calm surroundings. Should this ability be used against an unwilling target, the victim must save versus sleep/charm or suffer effects similar to a Wishsinger's Song of Peaceful Sleep. In this case, however, the victim does remain conscious, but in an extremely dazed condition in which he can neither attack, parry, or call upon spiritual powers. This state of somnambulant lasts for one round per level of the Gunslinger.