The Wish Song
  The following list is a description of the possible results of using the innate power Wishsong, or the Wishsinger's spell song Chaotic Wishsong. On 1d100, the indicated action happens. The GM should roll this determinant. Unless otherwise noted, the Area of Effect is a 60 foot sphere centreed on the Wishsinger.
1d100 Party Damaging
1 A single party must defeat a Dark Halo.
2 All party members are damaged by spiritual backlash for 2d8 points of physical damage and are drained of 4d8 spiritual points. A save vs. death magic halves this damage.
3 All party members are deafened for 1d4 rounds by shrill singing. Treat party as if under the effects of a Shaman's Sigil of Thunder.
4 Unearthly resonance disrupts one supernatural function on all supernaturally powered and/or consecrated weapons unless a successful item save versus harmonics is made.
5 Party is sunk two feet into the ground. It takes 2d10 turns to dig free. Subtract one turn for every strength point above 16.
6 1d8 giant mushrooms (15' tall with a 3' wide base) grow from the soil at random locations within the area of effect.
7 10d100 large dragonflies form a 3// radius, blinding all; combat occurs as if under full moon at night conditions. The insects take 5 rounds to disperse.
8 All trees in area of effect turn to white quartz crystal. This does not kill the affected trees, as they continue life as living quartz tree.
9 All trees are become sentient (INT/WIS of 1d6+1) and able to see, hear, and speak. They revert into normal trees after 3d6 months have passed or until a Dispel Magic is invoked.
10 All wooden weapons fall from wielders hands and take root. The weapons must make an item save versus magic or else be transformed into living plants, rendering them useless as weapons. Consecrated/magical items gain a +1 save per degree of enchantment, and will still retain magical properties even if transformed into plants.
11 An 60// wind rolls through the area of effect. Anyone whose Strength is less than 17 is blown down and unable to initiate any physical actions until the wind subsides. the wind lasts 1d4+1 rounds.
12 An 3rd intensity Wind Funnel (as in the innate power) appears and serves the Wishsinger for five rounds.
13 An 8HD air elemental servant appears and fights for the Wishsinger for three rounds.
14 An impenetrable, blinding fog descends on the area of effect affecting everyone but the Wishsinger.
15 The air becomes unbreathable for all enemies in area of effect. Victims of the toxic air must save versus poison against an intensity 1 poison effect. The air remains toxified for 1d4 rounds.
16 1d8 small springs of 5' radius each generating two gallons per minute appear in random locations within the area of effect and generate pure water for five rounds before drying up.
17 A 4HD water elemental servant appears and fights for the wishsinger for a period of six rounds.
18 The ground within AOE turns into a 100' deep lake. This effect lasts for 1d4 years, over which the ground gradually fills in, returning to its original state.
19 The sky turns cloudy and begins to rain. Roll 1d4 for severity; 1 = a fine mist, a 4 represents a downpour. It rains for an hour.
20 All water in canteens becomes healing elixirs of intensity 1d4 potency. This healing elixirs remain stable and drinkable for 1d4+3 days, thereafter they revert back to normal water.
21 1d8 fire pits of 5' radius appear randomly. Anyone stepping into these pits take 1d6+3 damage. The fire pits do not spread and will instead flicker out and become extinguished after five rounds.
22 A 5HD fire elemental servant appears and fights for the Wishsinger for a period of six rounds.
23 All metal weapons in area of effect suddenly heat up to red hot causing 1d6 damage to wielders. The weapons remain hot for three rounds.
24 One enemy in AOE bursts into flames; save vs. system shock for negation. If the save is failed, the victim suffers 2d6 damage.
25 A meteor shower rains from the sky. All within the area of effect, including the Wishsinger and party members, take 3d12 damage. A successful save versus area effect halves the damage.
26 1d8 empty pits of 5'´5'´10' appear randomly in the area of effect. Any individuals caught in these pits will be pushed to the surface unharmed when the pits close up after one turn.
27 An earth elemental of 6HD fights for the wishsinger.
28 All enemies in the area of effect are turned to mud; a save vs. polymorph negates the effect. Affected characters will revert to their native forms after one day if left undisturbed, or can be brought to normal form by means of Remove Curse, Dispel Magic, or one hour - whatever comes first.
29 An earth bridge up to 300' long and up to 5 feet wide appears. The bridge disappears after 1d4 turns. It can be positioned strategically by the wielder, but it cannot be dropped on people.
30 Wishsinger turns to mud; Effects are same as #28.
  Weird stuff
31 All party members are temporarily turned into Changelings unless a successful save vs. polymorph is made. Affected individuals are transformed for a period of 2d4 turns.
32 All party members are shrunk to 3" high for a period of five rounds. An invocation of the innate power Change Size negates this effect for all affected individuals. Carried/worn items shrink with the person.
33 All persons caught within the area of effect must save versus system shock or change skin colours; Artificial skin tone gradually leeches out of skin tissue over a period of 2d4 days. Roll a 1d6 to determine new skin colour:

1: Dark brown (South Point)
2: Pale, freckled (West Point)
3: Fair, tans quickly (Isle of Gales)
4: Swarthy (North Point)
5: Yellow or Olive (East Point)
6: Medium Brown (Any desert region)

34 Rose petals fall from the sky. The effect lasts for one full turn but has no effect on visual tasks.
35 A large, smelly cigar appears in the hands of all individuals within the area of effect.
36 All individuals caught within the area of effect must make a successful save versus polymorph or else receive a Mohawk haircut.
37 1d3 modern art statues appear randomly within the area of effect. Each is made of some sort of stone and is worth about 1d10 silver pieces.
38 For the next five rounds, all individuals within the area of effect not wearing gloves or gauntlets suddenly have six fingers on each hand, resulting in a -2 penalty to Dexterity.
39 Gravity is reduced to ½ normal intensity within the area of effect. All falling damage is halved and running speed is increased by ½. Normal gravitation resumes after five rounds.
40 Fire works explode in the sky. This effect only works in darkness or twilight conditions. The fireworks display lasts for 2d6 rounds and can be seen for up to one mile distant. On the final round, a fireworks dragon descends upon the party in a menacing fashion but does no damage.
41 A small, ivy covered gazebo appears in the area of effect. It is fashioned from white painted wood. The effect is permanent.
42 All grass in area of effect is turned to 5' high corn stalks bearing mature ears.
43 A single monolithic block of black basalt, 2' wide, 1' thick, and fifteen feet tall appears next to the Wishsinger. It disintegrates after one day.
44 All metal weapons are pulled up into the sky (Roll a strength check hold on to affected weapons.) Weapons dragged into the air fall 5 rounds later and can be found 3d10// from the area of effect.
45 A small moon appears and orbits the primary moon. This effects lasts only two rounds.
46 Party is teleported to a location of Wishsinger's choice. The Wishsinger must have visited the target location at least once.
47 Party is teleported to a random location within a 1 mile radius. It will not cause the party members to materialize inside solid objects.
48 Party is transported to location of GM's choice. The GM may not use this power to slay the party (i.e. transporting the party to the bottom of the ocean.)
49 Enemies within the Area of Effect are teleported to location of Wishsinger's choice. The Wishsinger must have visited the target location at least once.
50 1000 lbs. of cheese is transported to the area of effect.
  All teleports in this section are one way.   
  Power Affecting
51 Invoking innate powers within the area of effect is not possible for the next five rounds.
52 Innate powers invoked within the area of effect have double range and duration if invoked within five rounds.
53 Consecrated and/or supernaturally powered items within the area of effect lose potency for five rounds.
54 A random useful consecrated and/or powered item will appear in the hands of the Wishsinger. There is a 5% chance that this item will remain with the Wishsinger as a permanent item.
55 All persons within the area of effect gain one invocation of the innate power Wishsong at some time of their choosing.
56 1d4 wolves appear to aid the wishsinger.
57 1d3 bears appear to aid the wishsinger.
58 An man-eater tree fights for the wishsinger.
59 One party member suddenly has hit points doubled and fights at BAtCh+4.
60 All non-Warrior types in the Wishsinger's party suddenly fight as if by a Warrior of equal level.
  The duration is for one specific battle or encounter.   
  More weird stuff
61 The Wishsinger's name is written in the sky and is visible for one turn and can be seen from ½ mile away.
62 Wishsinger is cloaked in a rainbow aura; the rainbow offers the Wishsinsger a +1 bonus to AC and illuminates a 1// radius area and renders the Wishsinger immune to light-based attacks. The effect lasts seven rounds.
63 A rainbow appears and brings a tiny pot of gold to the party (1d4+2 GP)
64 Day and night is reversed for 5 rounds.
65 Tiny flowers bloom from all armour within the area of effect. This effect does not damage the armour, but the effect is permanent.
66 All enemies in area of effect are shrunk to 3" high; effects are similar to #32. The enemies' equipment shrinks proportionally.
67 A silver crown appears on Wishsinger's head (80 SP value). This effect is permanent.
68 The words "Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore" booms from the sky.
69 The words "69 dude!" booms. Things become excellent for the adventurers. (Count this as a limited wish).
70 A Undead creature of randomly rolled status wanders aimlessly through the area of effect. (Note: this creature will not attack unless attacked. If left alone, it will simply wander around mindlessly.) The creature vanishes after 2d4 rounds.
71 If enemies within the area of effect fail a save vs. sleep/charm, they will think Wishsinger is a god, and donate all possessions to the caster. This effect only happens if the victims are of fewer levels or hit dice than the caster.
72 The area of effect becomes an apple orchard. This effect is permanent.
73 Invisible hands scoop up all individuals within the area of effect and drops them from a height of 25 feet. (The save is a Dexterity check with a -4 modifier)
74 A illusionary UFO passes overhead, hovers briefly, then leaves. (It doesn't do anything else).
75 Roll two effects on this chart.
76 Wishsinger gains a +1 bonus to AC.
77 Wishsinger is penalized at -1d4 AC .
78 Party members gain +2 bonus to AC.
79 Enemies mysteriously miss in next 1d4 rounds of attacks.
80 Enemies attack only the Wishsinger.
  The effects in this category last for five rounds.   
81 Party members gain 1 hp
82 Party members gain 1d4 hp.
83 Party members gain 1d8 hp.
84 Party members gain 1d12 hp.
85 Party members HP are fully restored as if by Total Regeneration.
  These events cannot raise hit points above the established maximums for each character.
  Shock Sphere
86 All enemies in the area of effect are shocked for 1 hit point of damage.
87 Enemies in the AOE are shocked for 1d6 HP of damage.
88 Enemies are shocked for 2d6 HP of damage.
89 Enemies are shocked for 3d6 HP of damage.
90 Enemies are shocked for 4d6 HP of damage.
  It should be noted that events 86-90 cannot actually cause the death of any of its victims. If the victims HP is brought to zero, the victim is simply unconscious ( in a coma) for 3d8 hours, and will have 1 hp at the end of the down time.
91 Party members have innate powers replenished.
92 Party members have 2d4 spiritual points replenished.
93 Party members have spiritually powered or and scientific devices replenished. 1d4 charges are restored to each device owned by the party members
94 Wishsinger gains access to the 8th level song Wishsong, but then must make a save vs. system shock or be rendered comatose for 2d4 weeks. A successful save indicates a comatose condition for 2d4 days. Con Loss from singing the 8th level Wishsong applies here.
95 All party members' innate powers are triggered (except the Wishsinger).
  Try not to roll these!
96 Save vs. Death magic or randomly switch alignment (roll 1d10, 10 = no change in alignment.)
97 An evil spirit attacks your dreams. (Effective next time the Wishsinger sleeps; treat as an incorporeal demon of 3d6+3 Willpower) Note that the Wishsinger will not know this effect has taken place until he has actually fallen asleep.
98 A random party member becomes a Dark Halo for one turn.
99 All party weapons go berserk, attacking wielders once. (BAtCh for weapons is equal to the Wishsinger's BAtCh).
100 A random event occurs, as per the GM's will.