Affecting Undead: Definitions

BTM Basic Turning Multiplier. Add this value to the characters d20 roll for each HD class of Undead above 1. For instance, a Level 1 Priest (who has a BTM of 3) wants to turn a 3 HD Undead would have to roll a 20 on the d20 roll because a Level 1 base turn is 14, and for a Priest to affect a 3HD Undead requires 14+3+3. A Prtoector, however, could only affect a 2 HD Undead at level 1 because his roll would be 14+4 (and 18) but a 3HD creature would require 14+4+4 (22), which is too high unless combined faith magic is used (see C/Add).
QTY This is how many Undead can be affected by the cleric. A "1/1" means that the cleric can affect one creature per level of experience. A "1/3" means that the character can affect 1 creature per three levels of experience. While a group of Undead can be targeted in a single turning attempt, the d20 must be rolled for each creature to see if it is affected. Additionally, sentient or free-willed Undead get a +1 to +8 resistance (set by the GM) to being affected (in other words, a Level 1 cleric turning a 1HD free-willed Undead might need an 18, not a 14 to be successful.)
DUR Duration of Turn. This value states how long an Undead remains in a Turned or Held condition. A "1/1" means that the creature is affected for one round per level of the cleric, whereas a "1/2" means that it is held for for only one round per two levels of the cleric.
T/D/Lev Times per Day per Level. This is how many times per day a cleric can affect Undead. For example, "1/1" means that a cleric can make a turning roll one time per day per level of experience, whereas a "1/2" means that such an attempt can be made one time per day per two levels. Thus a 9th level Priest can turn nine times per day, a 9th level Protector can turn four times per day, and a 9th level Cavalier can turn three times per day.
C/Add Combinative Addition. If several clerics combine their efforts in an attempt to gang up on a single, very powerful Undead creature, the C/Add value gets added to the focal cleric's d20 turning roll. For example, four clerics (Priest [L4], Protector [L4], Cavalier [L2], and Speaker for the Dead [L3]) encounter an 8HD Undead. This creature could not normally be turned by any of them (the Priest would need a 25 at her level). By combining forces, however, the combined effort of faith magic gives the Priest +3 (from the Protector) and +2 (from the Speaker for the Dead) and +1 (from the Cavalier). Thus her roll is now d20+3+2+1. So, on a 19 or higher, she can turn this creature. For this effort to be successful, the clerics must hold action so that they all turn on the slowest character's initiative, and that no character is standing more than 10' apart from at least one other cleric (thus, in the example above, the four combatants could stand in a 40' line, or form a diamond-shaped pattern in which the vertices are 10' apart.)
Turn This effect causes Undead to make an uncontrolled retreat at maximum speed. The turning effect is broken if the fleeing Undead are attacked.
Hold This effect stuns Undead. This causes them to be unable to advance. Affected Undead can only parry, retreat, or take purely defensive maneuvers. This effect is broken if Undead are attacked.
UTM Universal Turning Matrix. All clerics use this table as the base for calculating their chances of turning away Undead. Take the value for the cleric level, then add the BTM value for each HD category above 1. the table is below.
Cleric Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Base Turn 14 11 7 4 0 -4 -7 -11 -14 -18 -21 -25 -28 -32 -35 -39 -42 -46 -49 -53
HD Class The classes of Undead Hit Dice correspond with the hit die of the Undead monster

Note: Negative values indicate that the Undead creatures are automatically turned. Values above 20 can only be affected through the use of Faith magic (several clerics combining efforts into one massive turning attempt).

Low Level Notes: All clerics, even at low levels, can turn/hold at least one Undead creature for one round, once per day.