

Powers at First Level

This section covers the Shaman, Mathematician, Wishsinger, and the (optional) Necromancer character classes. Priests, Gunslingers, Rangers, and single-level character classes automatically gain access to all powers in a given level.

Members of the aforementioned character classes automatically get four spells (songs, formulae, sigils, or procedures, etc.) For Wishsingers, they keep their songs in a song book. Shaman tattoo a tiny version of the sigil on their own body. Mathematicians and Necromancers keep a text book for their formulae and procedures. While there is nothing "magical" about these books, they are necessary references for the character.

When a character in one of these classes goes up in level, he or she automatically learns one additional spell. No "learn" roll is required for the new power.

During a character’s travels, the Game Master may present the opportunity for the character to learn new spells. Common sources of new material include libraries, other travelers of the same character class, and seized books from defeated enemies. In any of these cases, the character must make a "learn" percentile roll to determine if the spell can be understood.

If the roll indicates failure, there are two ways a character could attempt to learn the spell later on: 1.) The character could advance in level then try again, or 2.) The character could use a wish to increase his/her intelligence by one point then try again.