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World of Gaianar Third Edition is still being developed. New year, new updates! By now, most of the Rules For Players is uploaded. For the Books of Spiritual Powers, all but the Wishsinger character and two optional classes are completed. Check back for new updates! Chapter 17 of "Adventurers Wanted" (a World of Gaianar Novel) is completed as of June 2023. Work on the 4th Tier Wishsinger spells continues in August 2023. Check out the Guide to the Afterlife in the GM Notes section. AI thumbnail art has been added to many of the spells.
World of Gaianar - Third Edition, is a multi-genre, free-to-use, free-to-play role-playing that combines elements of fantasy, horror, and steam punk. The primary campaign setting (Gaianar) takes places on a world that had once achieved the equivalent of 22nd century technology as well as always having had some level of magic. Therefore, technological artifacts frequently were enhanced with magical properties.
Four centuries ago, a world war, ravaged the planet and brought civilization to its knees. The aggressor, the demon-lord Scaxathrom, had achieved physical incarnation and led a destroying army of the Undead on a rampage that left most of Gaianar's cities in ruins. Only Saint Jareth and Saint Kyle successfully stood against Lord Scaxathrom and banished him once again to the Conflagration.
Now, following several centuries of Dark Age, the world is getting back on its feet. New civilizations are being built, law is returning to the land, and hope is once more something that is part of the human psyche. It is still a dangerous time, for the land is filled with the shambling dead, and the monsters outnumber the living. It is a new age where a handful of heroes can make a difference. It is a time when hope is like a candle held against the night.
This world is third in position around a yellow dwarf (G4) star. It has an orbital period of 320 days and an axial tilt of 15 degrees. Gravity is 0.9g. Gaianar is a water planet, with 81% of the surface covered by oceans. It boasts four continents in the western hemisphere and one in the east. The planet has a 24-hour day.
This world has a single moon (called the Watcher), which is tidally-locked to the planet. The Watcher is slightly more massive than Earth's Moon and therefore Gaianar experiences more dramatic tides when compared to Earth.
The parent star (Gai) is a G4 yellow dwarf, which is slightly smaller and dimmer than Sol (a G2 dwarf), There are two other planets in this system that are known to harbor life. A M8 red dwarf star orbits Gai at the periphery of the Gai system, so it is possible that adventurers may find additional civilizations there.

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