Mental Powers


Overview Empathy Empathic Resistance Protest Silent Speech


While this power is in effect, the possessor of this ability is able to sense the emotions of other beings within a 6// radius. While sensing a group will yield a generalized overview of their feelings, this power can have a much more exact reading when focused on a single individual.

To achieve empathic communication (i.e. an exchange of feelings) the wielder of this power must first establish an empathic link with the target. This is done by rolling equal to or under the empathic rating percentage on the percentile dice. Additionally, if both the sender and the recipient are empathic, then the transmittal of visual imagery from one person to the other is also possible. To manipulate a character emotionally, a link must be performed as well as successfully overcoming the victim's Willpower.
In the event of a Changeling, or other naturally empathic creature, the empathic rating given by the innate power Empathy is cumulative with the empathic powers already granted by virtue of race. Thus a Changeling, invoking this ability, can temporarily boost his own racially innate empathy. The empathic rating conferred by this power is equal to 10% per intensity. Empathic resistance is equal to the empathic rating.