Initial Equipment Selections
The list below are simply examples of starting equipment. The Player may opt for alternative choices. Likewise, the Game Master may draft a list of equipment for the characters (likely to happen if the Gaianar rules are used for a non-Gaianar world setting.) It's also worth noting that characters will likely have some equipment that pertains to their non-adventuring profession. For example, a Gunslinger with a proficiency in Cartography might earn side money by making maps. Therefore he/she would likely have pens, paper, a compass, a scroll case, a straight edge, a ruler, etc.. It is also assumed that the character will have some starting cash in addition to their basic equipment at first level. For the sake of brevity, all characters are assumed to own a few changes of street clothes, ordinary shoes, as well as mundane items like matches, forks, knives, candles, a sleeping bag, and a travel tent. The Game Master has the ultimate say as to what is "reasonable". The starting list below chiefly concerns making the character ready for initial combat.
- Leather Armor
- One main weapon (sword, club, ax, etc.)
- One secondary weapon (dagger, hand crossbow, etc.)
- Utility knife
- Body paint
- Leather bag with spellcasting supplies
- Holy symbol and Clan symbol
- A riding animal, such as a horse or other domestic creature
Starting money:
- 80 copper pieces
Cavaliers may be loyal and honorable, but few will call them frugal. Cavaliers are usually nobles or in the service of nobles. They are accustomed to a certain lifestyle. Of course, the fall of civilization meant that those seeking to maintain their level of extravagance now had to actually work to maintain that lifestyle. And thus the adventuring Cavalier was born! Like the Barbarian, a Cavalier is interested in quality items. However, goods that a Cavalier might buy must also be aesthetically pleasing and show visibly fine craftsmanship. A Cavalier would willingly wear beautiful, perfect armor of slightly less protection over dented, scratched armor with more robust protection.
Recommended Starting Equipment:
- Ring mail, chain mail, or plate mail (as permitted by the Game Master)
- One main weapon (usually a large, heavy, two-handed sword)
- One secondary weapon (usually a dagger or single-handed bladed weapon)
- Holy symbol and Noble House symbol
- Pen/paper set in a small decorative box
- A book of poetry (or some other book that gives inspiration)
- An expensive, ornate shaving kit (male Cavaliers particularly would certainly have this)
- A strong horse of good breeding
- Armor for the horse
Starting Money:
- 1,200 copper pieces
Starting Money:
- Leather armor
- Two Gunslinger guns (with 48 rounds of ammunition)
- One secondary weapon (typically a dagger or a concealable holdout pistol such as a pepper box)
- Law enforcement ident
- Pen/paper in a compact kit
- Handcuffs
- Two or more whirligigs
- First aid kit that includes one healing potion, one antitoxin, one course of antibiotics, and several bandages.
- 150 copper pieces
Starting Money
- Primary weapon - usually a pistol of some kind
- Secondary weapon - something small such as a dagger or brass knuckles
- Trench coat with lots of interior pockets (usually worn in-town)
- Leather armor (usually worn when adventuring)
- Spiral-bound note pad and a few pens.
- Investigator ident
- Lockpicks and tools for dismantling traps
- An office in-town, typically in a lower-income area and often located above a bar or a fish & chips stand
- A well-stocked liquor cabinet as well as a cigar humidor.
- A fingerprint kit
- 100 Copper Pieces
Starting Money
- Primary weapon -- Usually medium-sized, such as a short sword or club
- Secondary weapon - typically a small-bladed weapon or possibly a blow dart
- A vial of poison (can either be lethal or a knock-out drug)
- Leather armor or studded leather armor
- Thief tools: for picking locks, cracking safes, and setting traps.
- Rope and climbing tools
Jack of All Trades Starting Equipment
- 80 Copper Pieces
- Primary weapon: A pepper box or possibly a sawed-off shotgunSecondary weapon: Could be anything from a throwing star to a taser
- An extensive set of tools, including wire of various gauges, a soldering iron, welding equipment, and a jeweler's loupe.
- A small repair shop with various contraptions in the process of being repaired.
- A set of work overalls with lots of pockets
- Leather armor (usually worn while adventuring)
- A medium-sized sketch pad, pencils, and a straight edge
- A drafting table with D-size paper and drafting pens.
Starting Money
- 200 Copper Pieces
- Grey or black uniform (denoting the character's official positionLaw enforcement ident
- Primary weapon: An octagonal staff (this is also indicative of the character's profession)
- Secondary weapon: Usually a pistol of some type.
- Leather armor (usually worn while adventuring)
- A chemistry lab for analyzing blood and forensic evidence
- A magnifying glass, fingerprint kit, and tweezers, and an evidence bag
- A sketch pad with pencilsA spiral notepad and a few pens
- A toolkit with chemical reagents (particularly luminol)
Starting Money
- 250 Copper Pieces
Mathematicians are scholars and therefore are used to a certain level of refinement. While not as extravagant as Cavaliers, Mathematicians do value comfort and nice things. Mathematicians also like to collect books and scrolls (or knowledge in any other format). Ideally, they would like to have both a high standard of living and a well-stocked library, but if they can only afford one, they will afford books. Of course, a split-class Mathematician/Thief could just steal what he/she cannot afford.
Starting Equipment:
Starting Money:
- Leather or studded leather armor (worn while adventuring)
- Glass tablet and stylus
- Primary Weapon: Usually a staff or swagger stick (ie. a weapon that does not require significant martial prowess)
- Secondary weapon: Dart gun, derringer, or taser
- A small laboratory with several dozen books, racks of test tubes and bunson burners, and a workstation-sized glass tablet.
- The lab might be configured differently, depending on whether the Mathematician is a chemist, architect, astronomer, or engineer for his non-adventurer profession.
- Alternatively, the Mathematician may have an office at a local school, library, or college
- 500 Copper Pieces
- Leather or studded leather armor
- Digging tools (handy for exhuming cadavers)
- Spiral-bound notepad with and a few pens
- A sketch pad and a few pencils
- Primary weapon: staff or cudgel; short sword is also a possibility (and usually poisoned)
- Secondary weapon: Dagger (usually poisoned) or dart gun (also poisoned)
- Medical kit with a healing potion, antotoxin, antibiotics, and bandages
- Poison kit with both lethal and knockout drugs
- A small research lab with dissection tables, a chemistry workstation, and at least one refrigeration unit
- Several dozen books on anatomy, biology, and the Dark Arts
- 350 Copper Pieces
A Paladin may have a similar taste in goods as a Cavalier. However, the big difference is that Paladins are not particularly interested in the mass accumulation of things. A Cavalier might own a few dozen swords, proudly displayed in a glass cabinet or on an ornate rack. A Paladin, on the other hand, might own one or two really good, solid, finely crafted swords. A Cavalier might own several suits of chain, ring, or plate mail. A Paladin would desire to only have one. Generally speaking, is also not particularly interested in amassing great sums of wealth. Instead, a Paladin is inclined to give excess money to the Church or other charitable institutions. And, likewise, the Church is often willing to supplement the Paladin should he/she fall on hard times.
Starting Equipment:
- Primary weapon: Usually a large, two-handed sword of very high quality. Alternatively, the Paladin could use a short sword and a shield.
- Secondary weapon: Dagger, or other small bladed weapon
- Silver weapon: Dagger or other small weapon.
- Holy symbol and prayer book / holy text
- A few vials of holy water
- Chain mail, ring mail, or plate mail (as allowable by the Game Master)
- A decent, well-trained horse
Starting Money:
- 60 Copper Pieces
Priests ted to lead pretty minimalist lifestyles. They are not obsessed with the accumulation of money or things. To a Priest, a decent ceramic mug is just as good as a decorative cup fashioned from silver. They don't desire fine dining, merely food that is healthy and nutritious. They are a frugal lot. Priests tend to buy things when what they need to replace wears out or is broken. If a Priest can craft an object by hand (and thus save the Church some money), that is even more preferable. Most Priests receive a small stipend from the Church and can expect free lodgings from any remote Church while travelling.
Starting Equipment:
- Primary weapon: Staff or club (or non-bladed weapon of some kind); Possibly swagger stick and shield
- Secondary weapon: Brass knuckles or taser (or any non-lethal stunning weapon)
- Silver weapon: Sling shot with six silver pellets
- Leather armor (worn while adventuring)
- Ceremonial vestments
- First aid kit containing a healing potion, antitoxin, antibiotics, and assorted bandages
- Several vials of holy water
- A decorative box containing communion wafers and wine (or equivalent, depending on the religion of the Priest)
- Holy symbol and prayer book
Starting Money:
- 40 Copper Pieces
Protectors live the most frugal and minimalist lifestyles of all of the character classes. They even out-miser Priests. For a Protector to consider buying something, it must first fill a practical need, it must be of reasonable price, and it must be durable. Unlike a Cavalier, a Protector would have no issues with buying cosmetically imperfect armor at a cut-rate price so long as the item is functionally whole. Likewise, a Protector values skills such as sewing and weaving since he/she would seek to make clothing from scratch and repair damaged clothing rather than waste Church money in a store. Like the Paladin, a Protector likes good, solid, high-quality weaponry. But the weapons owned by a Protector do not have to be festooned with gold or jewels. They merely have to be of very high quality in order to maximize durability and to withstand later enchantment. Like a Priest, Protectors receive a small stipend from the Church and enjoy free lodgings at any Church of the same faith.
Starting Equipment:
- Leather or studded leather armor
- Primary weapons: short sword and shield
- Secondary weapon: pepper box or dagger
- Silver weapon: Usually a silver dagger or silver bullets for a firearm
- Holy symbol and prayer book
- Several vials of holy water
- First aid kit containing a healing potion, antitoxin, antibiotics, and assorted bandages
Starting Money:
- 40 Copper Pieces
Rangers are conservationists and naturalists -- who also happen to be pretty good at combat. A modern-day example of a Ranger would be a Forrest Ranger in a national park. They know a lot about nature and they have the physical prowess to back up environmental laws with the might of arm. Rangers tend to be rustic and not particularly concerned with gold inlay or jewels. They prefer items made from natural materials such as wood, leather, ceramic, stone, and bone. While Rangers do not have any religious or class-specific restrictions on wealth, becoming rich is usually not a priority for the average Ranger.
Starting Equipment:
- Leather or studded leather armor
- Primary weapon: Sword, rifle, bow, or spear
- Secondary weapon: Dagger, hand crossbow, or pepper box
- First aid kit containing a healing potion, antitoxin, antibiotics, and assorted bandages
- Law enforcement ident (only if the Game Master decides that the Ranger is affiliated with the constabulary)
- Satchel with a a book or two on the care of injured animals and/or the treatment of plant diseases
- A small wooden cabin in a remote, natural setting
- Sketchpad and a few pencils
Starting Money:
125 Copper Pieces
A Shaman's tastes are somewhat more extravagant than a Priest's. However, a Shaman would prioritize the symbolic beauty of an item over the cost of an item. They like pretty things but they don't have to be expensive things. moreover, like the Ranger, a Shaman prefers his/her belongings to be made of natural materials. A Shaman does not have a wealth restricting like a Priest/Protector/Paladin does. However, the accumulation of wealth is of a lower priority that the accumulation of wisdom and magical knowledge.
Starting Equipment:
- Leather armor or studded leather armor
- Primary weapon: Staff, spear, short sword, or scimitar
- Secondary weapon: Dagger, blowgun, dart gun
- Silver weapon: Typically a silver dagger or a blowgun with silver needles
- First aid kit with a healing potion, antitoxin, antibiotics, and assorted bandages
- A pouch of various herbs for making natural healing/antitoxin remedies
- Holy symbol
- A satchel of spell components
- Sketchpad with pencils
Starting Money:
- 80 Copper Pieces
The Warrior is one of the most diverse character classes with respect to materialism. They can use any weapon, wear any armor, and can do with their money as they see fit. Some Warriors prefer guns, some prefer swords, while some specialize in martial arts. A Warrior could go for plate mail and a longsword, or go with lightweight leather and a dagger. For a Warrior, anything goes.
- Leather or studded leather to start (or higher, depending on the Game Master's permission)
- Primary weapon: Typically something big and powerful, such as a great ax, longsword, or rifle
- Secondary weapon: Typically something smaller such as a dagger, pepper box, or throwing star
- Some kind of animal such as a horse or attack dog
- Choose three or for other items based on the character concept (since Warrior is a more open-ended character class)
- 125 Copper Pieces
The Wishinger, being one of the "scholarly" classes, is similar to the Mathematician with regard to taste in possessions. Wishsingers tend to be more educated and more affluent than the members of some of the other character classes. Wishisngers tend to prefer weapons that allow combat at a distance. A Wishsinger is not Priestly. They like good food, good clothes, and nobody tells them how they can spend their money. However, Wishsingers tend to buy experiences rather than objects. For example, a Wishsinger might pay to see a play or a musical before he/she would buy a new pair of boots. They can, however, accumulate wealth (unlike Priests, Paladins, and Protectors). Wishisngers are welcome in nearly any local pub, as they are adept at providing lively music. They are also often employed in schools and universities as music teachers.
Starting Equipment:
- Leather armor
- Primary musical instrument: Usually a medium-sized stringed instrument such as a guitar or lute
- Secondary musical instrument: Usually something compact and concealable such as a flute, pennywhistle, or harmonica
- Primary weapon: Longbow, shortbow, crossbow, or pistol
- Secondary weapon: Staff, club, or dagger (note that Wishsingers generally prioritize ranged attacks)
- Repair kit for a musical instrument (spare strings, tiny screwdrivers, etc.)
- Songbook
- Spiral-bound notepad with a few pens
Starting Money:
- 175 Copper Pieces

Things to Remember