Cavaliers are primarily fighters and therefore their spiritual powers chiefly concern enhancing their combat prowess as well as their horsemanship. Cavaliers also get access to Chosen Weapon (starting at 8th level). Cavaliers also are granted an assortment of spell-like abilities based on their character class. Although not generally their first choice in combat, Cavaliers do also possess a limited ability to affect Undead by act of faith.

 Things to Consider

  • Cavaliers spiritual powers require a Faith check and sufficient Spiritual Points.

  • Cavaliers resist fear and help others resist fear as well. This is the main factor that makes Cavaliers different from the other fighter types.

  • High Faith also unlocks the Cavalier's Granted Powers.

  • While weak in comparison to the Priest/Protector, a Cavalier does possess a limited ability to rebuke Undead by act of faith.

  • Cavaliers can create a Chosen Weapon, which can unleash astounding damage when called upon. This power usually works once per day.