Mathematician - Spiritual Powers - Tier 5
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Tier 5
Mathematicians are a scholarly character class. They have poor combat skills and low hit point accumulation. However, they have five Tiers of spells as well as a large number of spells within each Tier. By solving complex formulas, a Mathematician can create geometric structures from nothing, grant animating to inanimate objects, create protective barriers, and summon weapons of exquisite sharpness. Most formulas can be cast from a distance and thus allowing the Mathematician a better chance of surviving combat.
Deactivate Construct
- Ordinary Constructs: +0 to Saving Throw
- Awakened (Sentient) Constructs: +2 to Saving Throw
- Living Constructs: +4 to Saving Throw
It should be known that Living Constructs with deactivated Theoretical Engines are still aware and are instead paralyzed. They can sort of mumble out requests for help (like the Tin Man in the "oil can" scene in "Wizard of Oz").
Presumably, a deactivated Theoretical Engine could be reprogrammed. For instance, a Mathematician could deactivate an enemy drone and repurpose it for mining, security, or manufacturing. To reactivate a Construct, a Mathematician need only cast Theoretical Engine again. No first-time research would be needed since all of the difficult work in creating the Theoretical Engine in the first place has already been completed by the original Mathematician that built the Construct in the first place. Alternatively, the Game Master could rule that a quiescent Construct's Theoretical Engine could be "jump started" from a sufficiently dense power source such as nuclear reactor, a stardrive core, or a jump-gate generator.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This power is no longer a "murder" spell and is reversible.
Dome of Protection
Due to the high casting cost of this formula, the Mathematician is generally left in a weakened state after this formula is invoked. In addition to costing 10 points of Body-Mind-Spirit, the Mathematician also expends 8 points of Endurance and 4 points of Willpower. Due to incredible fatigue, the Mathematician suffers a -1 penalty to all mental tasks and a -4 penalty to all physical tasks while the shield is up.
However, with the high cost comes significant defensive benefits. The Dome, while gas-permeable, is sufficient to turn away poison gas. Likewise, it will keep out fog and mist (and thus effectively serve as a ward against Mist Walkers and similar monsters). Anyone wishing to teleport into the protected region must first make a successful Save versus Area Effect or else be randomly transported to a reasonably safe spot outside the Dome and no closer than 500' to the Dome's periphery. Spiritual entities, elemental beings, angels/demons, Dark Matter, and out-of-phase entities must likewise make a successful Save versus Area Effect when attempting to enter the protected region or else be randomly repelled to a relatively safe spot 500' away. Similarly, objects cannot be teleported in without a similar successful saving throw. The Dome does have the unintended side effect of disrupting the Whirligig network (and thus nobody can send or receive mail in the protected region).
The Dome also serves to ward off up to 10 REM per round per level of the Mathematician. The game Master may rule that the protection is degraded if the Dome loses a significant number of panels. Likewise, the Dome can maintain a comfortable temperature in the 65-75 degree range.
The Dome is made up of interlocking hexagons crafted from pure geometry and has an appearance similar to that of the Epcott Center in Florida. Each pane has a single Structural Point. Therefore, the shield will repel a certain amount of physical damage. Broken panels regenerate at ten-round intervals. However, the warding against teleporting continues to function even if most of the panels are broken.
The Mathematician can command the dome to emit light (and thus make nocturnal combat a little easier). The light emitted is pink in color and similar to that of a large array of sodium vapor lights.
The Dome's protection ends early if the Mathematician sleeps, is killed, or becomes incapacitated. The Game Master could rule that the Mathematician's negative modifiers for intellectual tasks start incrementally increasing between hours 18 and 24. Should the Mathematician maintain the dome for the full 24 hours, he/she collapses and falls into a deep slumber for no less than 8 hours and cannot be easily awakened. Additionally, Dome of Protection cannot be cast again until the Mathematician has recovered 100% of his BMS, HP, Endurance, and Willpower through ordinary rest.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This spell has been re-written from scratch as a Tier-5 spell and replaces the Tier-4 spell "Ward vs Realm Travel" (which is now discarded).
Emergency Recall
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell that has been written from scratch.
Enhance Item
As with Theoretical Engine, the Game Master ultimately approves or disapproves the proposed enchantment. If the Mathematician fails the roll for Enhance Item, the object is not destroyed, but the BMS points still get spent. The Mathematician can try again on another day.
- The base item must be of the highest possible quality.
- The base item should have artistic merit
- The base item should be in perfect (or at least near-perfect) cosmetic condition.
- The base item cannot be broken in any meaningful way.
- Up to four (4) discrete enhancements can be added to any particular item.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This formula is now more general-purpose and can enhance any high-quality item (and not just weapons). It requires GM input/approval. It replaces "Monofilament Shape Enhancement".
This formula was presumably created by a Mathematician that liked to travel light. This power allows the Mathematician to create a fully realized, three-dimensional version of any two-dimensional object. For example, the Mathematician could extrude a tasty meal from a magazine picture of the same dish. The Mathematician could extrude a bottle of wine from a painting of a bottle of wine. Of course, the size proportion of the extruded object does not change. Thus, a 3" picture of a longsword shown in a mail-order catalog would yield a 3" longsword once extruded. Extruded objects are still "actual size". Likewise, magical items cannot be created with this formula (although it is certainly possible to create a mundane version of a magical item).
That said, the Mathematician may find it useful to travel with a book that contains full-scale, high-quality images of commonly used objects such as ration bars, healing potions, rope, patches, medical supplies, a lantern, etc. Likewise, a realistic picture of a dagger or a box of bullets could likewise be handy in conjunction with Extrusion.
It should be noted that Extrusion has an additional, uncommon use as well. Extrusion can be used to free people and objects from two-dimensional prisons (like "the hero is trapped in the painting" or "the hero is trapped in the mirror" tropes). It will also reverse the effects of Tessellation (whereupon a 3D object is flattened to two dimensions).
Changes from the printed (book) version: The duration is permanent. It can now be used to extract people from mirror traps.
Fire of a Thousand Suns
- 1/Red. 4d10 points of physical damage as the Death Die explodes in a shower of mono-dimensional shrapnel. Save vs. Area Effect for half damage. Constructs take double damage.
- 2/Orange. 4d20 points of fire damage as the Death Die releases a scorching blast in the infrared spectrum. Save vs. Area Effect for half damage.
- 3/Yellow. 5d20 of electrical damage as lightning bolts erupt from the Death Die. Save vs. Magical Weapon for half damage
- 4/Green. A blast of poisonous gas vents from all 8 sides of the Death Die. Save vs. Poison or suffer int(5) poison and "strong" acid. A successful Save reduces it to int(2) poison and "weak" acid.
- 5/Blue. Cold of Space. A blast of 5-degree (kelvin) air inflicts 5d10 damage + general stiffness (-3 to physical tasks for the next 5 rounds). Save vs. System Shock for half damage.
- 6/Indigo. Ray of Madness. The Death Die becomes a visible portal to the Imaginary Realm. Save vs. Sleep/Charm or gain a random insanity.
- 7/Violet. Dimensional Gate. Save vs. Area Effect or be sent to another dimension.
- 8/Black. Fate Worse Than Death. Save vs. Death Magic or contract Undead Spiral (a painful disease that starts with crippling, flu-like symptoms that ultimately kill then victim if untreated.) Those killed by Undead Spiral invariable rise as Undead monsters of some kind or another.
Changes from the printed (book) version: the area of effect is a volume instead of a surface area. The spell is slightly tweaked so as to be the successor to Death Die.
Fractal Bullet
The third and final variation of the "Fractal" weapon formulas calls forth a compact orb that is only 1" in diameter and yet weighs 500 pounds. The Bullet momentarily hangs in the air when summoned and shimmers with the strange beauty of the Mandelbrot Fractal. Once the Mathematician chooses a direction for the Fractal Bullet, the missile will travel in that direction for 1,000' at near-relativistic velocity. An object that is so small, yet has such high density, and empowered with such high velocity inflicts absolutely devastating damage to any person or object it encounters. For all intents and purposes, armor is useless against the Fractal Bullet, as the missile simply bores through anything in its path. Given that it travels at a significant fraction of the speed of light, parrying is not an option. Unlike Fractal Shredder, Fractal Bullet follows an absolute straight line instead of following the contour of the environment.
Of course, the damage inflicted varies greatly depending on what is being struck.
- Ordinary non-living matter: 6d10
- Living matter (and people): 8d10
- Energy-based shields not created by pure geometry: 10d10
- Constructs and geometric contrivances: 12d10
Changes from the printed (book) version: This spell replaces Crystal Bullet. It now has damage that is scaled to the type of target.
Changes from the printed (book) version: Living targets now get a save for negation.
Liquefy Object
Changes from the printed (book) version: Liquefy Metal and Liquefy Stone have been combined to form Liquefy Object. The yield has been increased to 50 pounds per level since this is a Tier-5 spell whose main purpose is to incapacitate Constructs.
Monofilament Longsword
- Ordinary non-living matter: 1d10
- Living matter (and people): 2d10
- Energy-based shields not created by pure geometry: 3d10
- Constructs and geometric contrivances: 4d10
Changes from the printed (book) version: "Ranged touch attack" is explained; the damage is scaled more logically.

Steal Construct
Changes from the printed (book) version: Living Constructs will automatically know if a subversion attempt was made. There is now a 1-round reboot at the end of the spell.

Changes from the printed (book) version: The weight limit has been increased to 50 pounds per level.

Things to Consider