Wishsinger - Spiritual Powers - Tier 2
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Wishsingers are members of a "scholarly" class. This means that they rely on magic more than force-of-arms, and that their magic comes from intense study and practice, rather than by intense prayer and meditation. These talented musicians are able to manipulate reality through song and music. Wishsingers are particularly useful in battle due to the fact that most of their spells are area-of-effect in nature rather than targeting a single individual or object. Wishsingers are vibrant, flamboyant, and not at all stealthy. Please note that all of the spells have been rewritten from scratch when compared to the Version 2 of World of Gaianar.
Area of Effect: 6// around Wishsinger
Range: Centered on the Wishsinger
- Levels 1 to 4: 6// range.
- Levels 5 to 9: 12// range.
- Levels 10 to 14: 18// range.
- Levels 15 to 19: 24// range.
- Levels 20 and higher: 30// range.
Harmonic Weapon
- Levels 1 to 4: The area of effect is 6//. Hits ignore armor for one point.
- Levels 5 to 9: The area of effect is 9//. Hits ignore armor for two points.
- Levels 10 to 14: The area of effect is 12//. Hits ignore armor for three points.
- Levels 15 to 19: The area of effect is 15//. Hits ignore armor for four points.
- Levels 20 and higher: The area of effect is 18//. Hits ignore armor for five points.
- Levels 1 to 4: The weight limit is 250 pounds (and +50 with instrument).
- Levels 5 to 9: The weight limit is 400 pounds (and +75 with instrument).
- Levels 10 to 14: The weight limit is 550 pounds (and +100 with instrument).
- Levels 15 to 19: The weight limit is 700 pounds (and +125 with instrument).
- Levels 20 and higher: The weight limit is 850 pounds (and +150 with instrument).
Sea Chanti
- Levels 1 to 4: +2// speed increment. +1 synch bonus.
- Levels 5 to 9: +3// speed increment. +2 synch bonus. +1 to a morale check.
- Levels 10 to 14: +4// speed increment. +3 synch bonus. +2 to a morale check. +1 point bonus Endurance.
- Levels 15 to 19: +5// speed increment. +4 synch bonus. +3 to a morale check. +2 points bonus Endurance.
- Levels 20 and higher: +6// speed increment. +5 synch bonus. +4 to a morale check. +3 points bonus Endurance.
- Levels 1 to 4: 9// range
- Levels 5 to 9: 12// range, -1 penalty to enemy saves
- Levels 10 to 14: 15// range, -2 penalty to enemy saves
- Levels 15 to 19: 18// range, -3 penalty to enemy saves
- Levels 20 and higher: 21// range, -4 penalty to enemy saves.
Sonic Blade
Area of Effect: One handle of any kind
Range: Touch
- Levels 1 to 4: 1d4+1 damage with a 3// boomerang range.
- Levels 5 to 9: 2d4+2 damage with a 6// boomerang range.
- Levels 10 to 14: 3d4+3 damage with a 9// boomerang range.
- Levels 15 to 19: 4d4+4 damage with a 12// boomerang range.
- Levels 20 and higher: 5d4+5 damage with a 15// boomerang range.
Sound Shield
- Levels 1 to 4: The bonus is +4 to AC against missiles. Small insects are repelled.
- Levels 5 to 9: The bonus is +6 to AC against missiles. Larger vermin such as spiders and scorpions are repelled.
- Levels 10 to 14: The bonus is +8 to AC against missiles. Huge insects (up to 1HD) are repelled.
- Levels 15 to 19: The bonus is +10 to AC against missiles. Huge insects (up to 2HD) and rodents are repelled.
- Levels 20 and higher: The bonus is +12 to AC against missiles. Insects, scorpions, spiders (and similar vermin) of any size are repelled. Rodents of any size are repelled. Dogs and wolves are repelled.
Of course, somewhat different rules apply to sentient insects, rodents, and canines. If the creature is a fully-sentient organism, it can breach the shield if it makes a successful Save vs Area Effect.
Trap Trigger
Area of Effect: 90-degree, 6// cone
Range: Centered on the Wishsinger
- Levels 1 to 4: The area of effect is a 6// cone.
- Levels 5 to 9: The area of effect is a 9// cone.
- Levels 10 to 14: The area of effect is a 12// cone. Magic or electronic traps are highlighted (they glow and make noise) for one round.
- Levels 15 to 19: The area of effect is a 15// cone. Magic or electronic traps are highlighted (they glow and make noise) for five rounds.
- Levels 20 and higher: The area of effect is an18//. Magic or electronic traps are highlighted (they glow and make noise) for one turn.

Things to Consider