Special Powers


Overview Phoenix Memory of Powers Revoke Power Grant Power
Illusionary Death Clone Soul of Combat Emergency Teleport
Innate Power Immunity Lightning Hand Pack Rat Alter Reality

Soul of Combat

This power makes the wielder a formidable menace in combat. When this power is called upon, the wielder is suddenly bathed in an angry red diffusion of sourceless light, and his eyes glow like orange coals, and his breath becomes like fire.
The combatant's fighting capabilities are greatly enhanced. To begin with, the wielder's attack routines are doubled, and parry routines are equally doubled. With fists like flame, bare handed damage is increases by 1d6. Even the wielder's touch can cause paper, leaves, and dry wood to burst into flames, such is the heat of his anger. And like the speed of a wildfire, the combatant's initiative rating is improved. His fighting takes place at +2 to initiative. While the combatant gains 1d8+1 temporary hit points, once the power is expended, the wielder's hit points drop to half their normal level, and Endurance is similarly reduced. At the standard intensity, the power lasts for six rounds.