Gunslinger - Spiritual Powers - Tier 2
Gunslingers are the law enforcers of Gaianarian civilization. While the cities have (mostly) become places of relative safety, the spans in-between are infested with cut-throats, highwaymen, mutant monsters, and the walking dead. And so the Gunslingers stand for law, defending friend and stranger alike from the lawless. While Gunslingers do not have the "Chosen Weapon" power that give an edge to Cavaliers, Barbarians, Paladins, and Protectors, Gunslingers instead have two Tiers of supernatural powers instead of only one. For access to Tier 2, a Gunslinger must be 6th level or higher.

Call Upon Honor
- Levels 1 to 4: The bonus is +2 or 10%.
- Levels 5 to 9: The bonus is +3 or +15%.
- Levels 10-14: The bonus is +4 or +20%.
- Levels 15-19: The bonus is +5 or +25%.
- Levels 20 or higher: The bonus is +6 or +30%.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This power scales with the Gunslinger's increases. This Discipline has been renamed "Call Upon Honor" from "Way of Honor".
- Levels 1 to 4: One target is affected.
- Levels 5 to 9: Two targets are affected. They must be standing within 10' of each other.
- Levels 10 to 14: Three targets are affected. They must be standing within 15' of each other.
- Levels 15 to 19: Four targets are affected. They must be standing within 20' of each other.
- Levels 20 and higher: Five targets are affected. They must be standing within 25' of each other.
Creature Type | Target's Saving Throw Modifier |
Humanoid (Elf, Human, Dwarf, etc.) of Saintly, Lawful, or Despotic | +4 |
Humanoid - Benevolent, Apathetic, or Malevolent | +0 |
Humanoid - Heroic, Chaotic, or Satanic | -2 |
Constructs - Ordinary | Immune |
Construct - Living | +6 |
Undead, Sentient - Saintly, Lawful, or Despotic | +2 |
Undead, Sentient - all other alignments | -4 |
Undead, non-sentient, any alignment | -6 |
Animal | -2 |
Plant (presumably one capable of moving) | -4 |
Spirit or Elemental - Saintly, Lawful, or Despotic | +4 |
Spirit or Elemental - all other alignments | +0 |
Changes from the printed (book) version: The saving throw modifiers based on target creature type are now listed. Affected enemies now make a reasonable, informed retreat at best speed instead of mindlessly wandering away.
Mark of Law
When invoking this power, the Gunslinger draws a series of runes upon the lawbreaker’s forehead and wrists. Because it takes 10 minutes to complete the runes (using black ink) it is usually only used in non-combat situations on those who are unable to resist (such as a criminal in shackles.)
The triggering behavior must be both lawful and just. For example, a criminal convicted of stealing would have his Mark triggered if he committed robbery, but it would not trigger if the criminal became so impoverished that he had to steal food to survive. A murderer’s Mark would trigger if she killed in cold blood, but if she were conscripted in wartime and killed on the battlefield, the Mark would not trigger.
- Any Gunslinger of a level higher than the one who bestowed the Mark upon the target,
- Any Priest or Shaman using a spell such as Dispel Magic or Remove Curse (provided the target has reformed his ways and is truly repentant.)
- The original Gunslinger can always remove the Mark.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This Discipline could theoretically be used in combat (although it is unlikely). This Discipline has the possibility of removing curses imposed by other character classes.
Mentored Disciple
Survive Fasting
Concentration: 1 hour
- Levels 1 to 4: Only the Gunslinger is affected.
- Levels 5 to 9: One additional companion is affected.
- Levels 10 to 14: Two additional companions are affected.
- Levels 15 to 19: Three additional companions are affected.
- Levels 20 and higher: Four additional companions are affected.

Telepathic Contact
Changes from the printed (book) version: Alignment/Range multipliers; Prior permission is now required prior to telepathic contact.

Vanquish All Shadows
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell.
Word of Law
Creature Type | Power Modifier |
Humanoid (Elf, Human, Dwarf, etc.) of Saintly, Lawful, or Despotic | +4 to target save. Duration halved. |
Humanoid - Benevolent, Apathetic, or Malevolent | No modifiers. |
Humanoid - Heroic, Chaotic, or Satanic | -2 to target save. Effect lasts an extra round. |
Constructs - Ordinary | Immune. |
Construct - Living | +6 to target save. Duration halved. |
Undead, Sentient - Saintly, Lawful, or Despotic | +2 to target save. Standard duration. |
Undead, Sentient - all other alignments | -4 to target save. Effect lasts an extra round. |
Undead, non-sentient, any alignment | -6 to target save. Double duration |
Animal | -2 to target save. Duration lasts 1.5x. |
Plant (presumably one capable of moving) | -4 to target save. Double duration. |
Spirit or Elemental - Saintly, Lawful, or Despotic | +4 to target save. Duration halved |
Spirit or Elemental - all other alignments | +0 to target save. Standard duration |
Special Rules for Undead Gunslingers
If the Gunslinger is Undead, the effects listed in the matrix above for living and Undead targets are swapped.
This power increases as the Gunslinger ascends in level.
- Levels 1 to 4: The power has a 4// range and affects one targets.
- Levels 5 to 9: The power has an 8// range and affects two targets.
- Levels 10 to 14: The power has a 12// range and affects three targets.
- Levels 15 to 19: The power has a 15// range and affects four targets.
- Levels 20 and higher: The power has an 18// range and affects five targets.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This Discipline now costs 10 SP. The duration scales with the Gunslinger's level, as does the range. The power yield is modified for alignment and creature type.

Things to Consider