Mentalist - Spiritual Powers - Tier 3
While a Priest or Shaman calls upon the Divine, and a Mathematician or Necromancer relies on memorized procedures, the Mentalist relies solely upon mental discipline. Most of the Mentalist's power pertains to manipulating minds, shielding thoughts, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, and the alteration of physical objects. While Changelings make ideal Mentalists (given that they are a naturally empathic race), most other races can harness their mind when given proper training.
Calm Mental Distress
Tier: 3
Concentration: 1 segment; Interrupt
BMS Cost: 0.75 points (1.0 points if used as an Interrupt)
Range: 5// line-of-sight
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: One person (initially)
Classification: Utility, Healing
The World of Gaianar is a realm where supernatural horrors can cause gut wrenching fear. While Cavaliers excel at banishing fear, the Mentalist also has a limited ability to counter fear effects. Additionally, the Mentalist can use this spell to counter the effects of any one instance of a particular mental illness.
For example, both Changelings and Dwarves have built-in genetically-caused phobias. Changelings fear closed-in, tightly-packed spaces (claustrophobia). Dwarves fear deep water (bathophobia). A Mentalist cannot cure either phobia, but he could negate an instance of flare-up. Thus, a panicked Changeling could resume a calm demeanor and keep crawling through a narrow crevice. A panicked Dwarf could regain command of his senses and start bailing water out of a sinking ship.
From a game mechanics standpoint, this spell negates the effects of a failed Panic check. Therefore, it is quite useful against manifestations of unnatural fear, PTSD, phobia, anxiety, OCD, or any other affliction whose triggering is measured by a Panic check.
If the Mentalist actually has the Counseling non-combat skill, this spell imparts a lasting benefit on the target. For each intensity of Counseling, the target receives an in-kind bonus on the next Panic check. Thus, if the Mentalist has two ranks in Counseling, the target gains a +2 bonus on the next two Panic checks. If the Mentalist has four ranks in Counseling, the target gains a +4 bonus to Panic for the next four checks.
It should be noted that this spell can be used as an Interrupt. This means that the Mentalist can forgo his planned action and use this spell at any time during the combat round, regardless of the Mentalist's initiative roll. If used as an Interrupt, the casting cost is 1.0 BMS.
At base level, the spell affects only one person. However, the quantity of targets and range both increase as the Mentalist ascends in level.
Levels 1 to 4: The Mentalist can affect one person within a 5// line-of-sight range.
Levels 5 to 9: The Mentalist can affect two people within a 10// line-of-sight range.
Levels 10 to 14: The Mentalist can affect four people within a 20// line-of-sight range.
Levels 15 to 19: The Mentalist can affect eight people within a 40// line-of-sight range*.
Levels 20 and higher: The Mentalist can affect sixteen people within a 80// line-of-sight range*.
* Binoculars or a spyglass is permitted.
Empathic Shield - Wide Radius
Tier: 3
Concentration: 1 segment
BMS Cost: 2.0 points
Range: Centered on the Mentalist
Duration: 1 turn per level
Area of Effect: 5// radius (umbra), 10// radius (penumbra)
Classification: Utility, Mind
This spell is a more potent version of Empathic Shield Narrow Radius. Unlike the first spell, the more powerful version has two areas of effect. The umbra of this spell operates at full capacity while the extended region (penumbra) operates at half capacity (for fractions, round up).
While the spell is active, the Mentalist and any ally within a 5// spherical region, gains a 20% bonus to Empathic Resistance and a +2 bonus to Save vs Sleep/Charm. This is cumulative with other innate resistances and other spells cast by members of different character classes.
Of course, anyone implementing some form of "detect magic" or "magical sight" will certainly detect this spell. The power is otherwise invisible (i.e. it doesn't make a shimmering effect like Mathematical wards).
The protection offered by this spell does increase as the Mentalist ascends in level. The protections enumerated are for the umbra; the penumbra offers half protection.
Levels 1 to 4: The shield provides +20% to Empathic Resistance and +2 to Sleep/Charm.
Levels 5 to 9: The shield provides +30% to Empathic Resistance and +3 to Sleep/Charm.
Levels 10 to 14: The shield provides +40% to Empathic Resistance and +4 to Sleep/Charm.
Levels 15 to 19: The shield provides +50% to Empathic Resistance and +5to Sleep/Charm.
Levels 20 and higher: The shield provides +60% to Empathic Resistance and +6 to Sleep/Charm.
Force Blast
Tier: 3
Concentration: 1 segment
BMS Cost: 1.0 points
Range: 5// (damaging) or 10// (stun. Line-of-sight, ranged touch attack
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: One person or object
Classification: Combat
The Mentalist makes for an excellent scout, spy, diplomat, or assassin (sometimes multiple roles at once). The Mentalist's preferred weapons are of the silent variety - dagger, blowgun, and bow. Likewise, the Mentalist can direct his mind to unleash a silent, invisible blow against a person or structure. Like in the Invisible Barrier spell, Force Blast works by building up a sudden static charge in the molecules of air. For this spell, the blast has a velocity equivalent to a bullet fired from a gun (slower than light, faster than sound).
At base level, Force Blast inflicts 3d6 damage against people or objects. The Game Master could rule that the static discharge may cause secondary effects, such as igniting tinder or erasing a memory card. If the Mentalist also has engineering, he can use this spell for spot-welding metal. If the Mentalist has physics or chemistry, he can use this spell to recharge a dead battery.
At base level, the spell inflicts either 3d6 points of damage or stuns for 3d6 rounds. For the purpose of this spell, "stun" means that the target must make a save vs magical weapon or be rendered unconscious for 3d6 rounds. If the target makes the save, then he/she still cannot attack, is only able to move at half normal, cannot cast spells, and functions at -4 for all other ability checks until the stun effect dissipates. This spell has a greater effect as the Mentalist ascends in level.
- Level 1 to 4: The spell inflicts 3d6 damage or stuns for 3d6 rounds
- Level 5 to 9: The spell inflicts 4d6 damage or stuns for 4d6 rounds
- Level 10 to 14: The spell inflicts 5d6 damage or stuns for 5d6 rounds
- Level 15 to 19: The spell inflicts 6d6 damage or stuns for 6d6 rounds
- Level 20 or higher: The spell inflicts 7d6 damage or stuns for 7d6 rounds
Invisible Barrier
Tier: 3
Concentration: 1 segment
BMS Cost: 1.5 points
Range: 5// line-of-sight
Duration: 1 hour/level (non-damaging) or 1 turn/level (damaging)
Area of Effect: 10'x10' surface area (can be configured in shapes other than squares)
Classification: Defense, Mind
While the Mathematician is the most adept at free-standing wards that manifest as freestanding expressions of pure geometry, a Mentalist can also project protective wards of a different variety. A Mathematician's ward is translucent (like a pane of glass) and hard to the touch. A Mentalist's ward, by comparison, is utterly invisible and has no substance at all and rely on the power of psychological repulsion rather than hardness of substance.
A Mentalist barrier creates a low-level fear effect. Unlike the overt fear effects created by certain Undead and demons, the fear caused by this barrier is generally just enough to make the potential trespasser choose a different path, open a different door, or open a different box, or simply not move forward. To overcome this effect, the target must make a successful empathic resistance check. Of course, Cavaliers are able to easily banish fear effects and thus are rarely repelled.
The barrier works differently on sentient beings depending on their type. Living people will generally feel some unspecified sense of unease and not want to approach. A Construct might experience a conflict in its tactical software (with the Construct perceiving an unknown threat that the software does not detect). An Undead may fear the proximity of something that could harm them (such as silver, ultraviolet light, sunlight, etc.)
Animals capable of a reasonable amount of cognitive function (like reptiles or rodents). will also be repelled and generally do not get a resistance roll (due to them being driven primarily by instinct). Non-sentient entities such as simple Undead, ordinary insects, and appliance-grade Constructs are not affected by this spell.
The Mentalist could also choose to enhance the invisible barrier with a damaging effect. This is accomplished by causing the air molecules within the area of effect to become electrostatically charged. If this option is chosen, the barrier stands for one turn per level instead of one hour per level. At the base level, the barrier inflicts 1d6 points of damage per round (save versus area effect for half damage). While it is certainly possible to pass through the barrier in a single round, anyone foolish to remain in the area of effect will take damage for each successive round. The Mentalist has the option to reduce damage to 1 point per round if the objective is to create a freestanding bug zapper.
This spell increases in potency as the Mentalist ascends in level.
- Levels 1 to 4: The area of effect is 10'x10' (or any shape of equal surface area). The maximum damage is 1d6 per round.
- Levels 5 to 9: The area of effect is 20'x20' (or any shape of equal surface area). The maximum damage is 2d6 per round.
- Levels 10 to 14: The area of effect is 30'x30' (or any shape of equal surface area). The maximum damage is 3d6 per round.
- Levels 15 to 19: The area of effect is 40'x40' (or any shape of equal surface area). The maximum damage is 4d6 per round.
- Levels 20 and higher: The area of effect is 10'x10' (or any shape of equal surface area). The maximum damage is 5d6 per round.
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Tier: 3
Concentration: 1 segment; Interrupt
BMS Cost: 1.25 points
Range: Centered on the Mentalist
Duration: 1 turn per level
Area of Effect: A 5' circular disc under the Mentalist's feet
Classification: Utility, Air
Being able to scale walls comes in handy in the Mentalist's traditional role of scout, spy, or assassin. Unlike a Thief or Investigator, a Mentalist does not have to carry ropes or picks. By way of tightly-controlled telekinesis, the Mentalist can excite the air molecules underneath her feet and thus forms a buoyant column that can slowly and quietly lift the Mentalist aloft.
At base level, the Mentalist can use this spell to lift herself and up to 75 pounds of equipment (her clothing and other carried items counts towards this allowance). The Mentalist can ascend (or descend) at a leisurely rate of 6// per round. The Mentalist can also make horizontal adjustments of 1' per round. There are times when the Mentalist may need to use this spell as an interrupt. For example, if a trap door opens beneath the Mentalist's feet, or if the floor is suddenly electrified. In this use, the Mentalist forfeits her planned action and does not need to roll initiative. The spell automatically lifts the Mentalist 1" off the ground (or 1" above the pit if a trap door is opened).
At base level, the Mentalist can lift herself and 75 pounds of stuff. However, the Mentalist can carry heavier loads at higher level and may even be able to carry an additional person aloft.
Levels 1 to 4: The Mentalist can carry an additional 75 pounds and ascend at 6//. Horizontal correction is 1'.
Levels 5 to 9: The Mentalist can carry an additional 150 pounds and ascend at 9//. Horizontal correction is 2'.
Levels 10 to 14: The Mentalist can carry an additional 225 pounds and ascend at 12//. Horizontal correction is 3'.
Levels 15 to 19: The Mentalist can carry an additional 300 pounds and ascend at 15//. Horizontal correction is 4'.
Levels 20 and higher: The Mentalist can carry an additional 375 pounds and ascend at 18//. Horizontal correction is 5'.
Mend Flesh
Tier: 3
Concentration: 1 segment; Interrupt
BMS Cost: 1.0 point
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: One person
Classification: Healing
While Priests are the most efficient healers, the Mentalist is able to address minor injuries when a more specialized practitioner is unavailable. Unlike healers who draw down divine energy in order to will a miracle, Mentalists achieve healing effects by way of carefully controlled telekinesis. Essentially, Mentalists heal people by sealing wounds and repairing physical damage by direct manipulation of the injured tissue.
At the base level, Mend Flesh can be used to heal 1d4 points of damage. Depending on the Mentalist's skill sets, the spell can either heal more damage or heal different kinds of creatures. If the Mentalist has ranks in the non-combat proficiency Healing (or some other type of surgical skill), then the spell heals an additional point. If the Mentalist is split-classed with at least one level in Mathematician, then the spell can also heal one Structural Point of damage to a Construct. If the Mentalist is split-classed and has at least one level in Necromancer or Speaker For the Dead, then the Mentalist can also heal Undead humanoids. If the Mentalist is split-classed and has at least one level in Ranger, then the Mentalist can also heal animals.
Like many Mentalist spells, Mend Flesh increases in potency as the Mentalist ascends in level.
- Levels 1 to 4: The spell yields 1d4 healing.
- Levels 5 to 9: The spell yields 2d4 healing.
- Levels 10 to 14: The spell yields 3d4 healing.
- Levels 15 to 19: The spell yields 4d4 healing.
- Levels 20 or higher: The spell yields 5d4 healing.
Microscopic Vision
Tier: 3
Concentration: 1 segment
BMS Cost: 0.25 points
Range: Centered on the Mentalist
Duration: 1 turn per level
Area of Effect: One object within a 10' visual range
Classification: Utility
One of the aspects of a job in espionage and diplomacy involves having to read miniaturized coded messages. Whereas the ordinary person might need a special reader to decipher a piece of microfiche, the Mentalist only needs to squint. The power of this spell allows the Mentalist to effectively "zoom in" on a small object with the equivalent power of a 10x magnifying lens. The Game Master may determine that this spell could confer a +1 or +2 bonus when attempting to repair small objects, pick locks, or perform certain surgical techniques. At higher level, the magnification increases proportionately.
Levels 1 to 4: The maximum magnification is 10x.
Levels 1 to 4: The maximum magnification is 50x.
Levels 1 to 4: The maximum magnification is 100x.
Levels 1 to 4: The maximum magnification is 500x.
Levels 1 to 4: The maximum magnification is 1000x.
Telepathic Probe
Tier: 3
Concentration: 1 segment
BMS Cost: 0.50 points
Range: 3// line-of-sight
Duration: 1 turn per level
Area of Effect: One person
Classification: Utility
This particular spell often makes the Mentalist sought after by members of law enforcement. While most Changelings innately have the power to read the emotional state of others, Telepathic Probe allows the Mentalist to read surface thoughts.
The definition of a "surface thought" is what the person is thinking about at that moment in time. For example, if a person knows the combination code to a bank safe, but is currently ordering dinner at a restaurant, it is much more likely that the surface thought would pertain to food and drinks, not bank codes.
Of course, a good interrogator can manipulate the target into bringing a buried thought to the surface. For example, the question "Where'd you bury the body" will cause the murderer to think of that information, even if he/she refuses to answer aloud.
It is greatly useful for the Mentalist to know the same language as the target. As most people's internal thoughts are composed of an amalgam of words, images, and concepts, the Mentalist will get the best result if he can s both the words and concepts (this spell does not convey mental imagery). Without a common language, the information gleaned is vague. For example, instead of "I need a hammer", the Mentalist might only understand that the target needs a tool of some kind.
If the target has empathic resistance (and most sentient beings have 10%-20% resistance), a successful empathic resistance roll will block the esper attempt.
The range of this spell increases as
- Levels 1 o 4: The range is 3//.
- Levels 5 to 9: The range is 6// and can penetrate clear polymer.
- Levels 10 to 14: The range is 9// and can penetrate clear polymer or glass.
- Levels 15 to 19: The range is 12// and can penetrate clear polymer, glass, or a Mathematical ward*.
- Levels 20 and higher: The range is 15// and can penetrate clear polymer, glass, Mathematical wards*, or Priest/Shaman wards*
X-Ray Vision
Tier: 3
Concentration: 1 segment
BMS Cost: 0.75 points
Range: Centered on the Mentalist
Duration: 1 turn per level
Area of Effect: A 90-degree visual cone 10// long
Classification: Utility
Given a Mentalist's usual choices in profession, it is often useful to determine whether others in the close vicinity have concealed weapons. As firearms and daggers are customarily made from metal, such items are easily detectable in the x-ray spectrum. Of course, other Mentalists may be able to detect the character using this spell since a small amount of x-rays emit from the Mentalist's eyes while the spell is in effect.
Aside from being useful as a metal detector, this spell is generally effective at detecting radioactive materials or radiation leaks. It can also be used to decipher specially-coded documents that are written with metallic inks.
Of course, this spell has medical uses if the Mentalist is so trained. For instance, if the Mentalist has ranks in the Healing non-combat proficiency (or an equivalent proficiency that pertains to medical care), he can detect the presence of broken bones, oncological growths, or internal injuries in others. This sight grants a +1 bonus to any attempt at medical treatment.
In situations where ordinary illumination is unavailable, X-Ray Vision can be used to compensate to some degree. In the absence of visible light, the Mentalist can still see other people by their skeletal structures. He can detect metal doorknobs or furniture made of metal. Constructs made from metal would certainly be visible in the x-ray spectrum. Items that emit x-rays would likewise be visible.
The radiological light emitted from the Mentalist's eyes is insufficient to requiring anyone exposed to keep track of radiation exposure.
The length of the visual cone increases as the Mentalist increases in level.
Levels 1 to 4: The cone is 10// long.
Levels 5 to 9: The cone is 15// long.
Levels 10 to 14: The cone is 20// long.
Levels 15 to 19: The cone is 25// long.
Levels 20 and higher: The cone is 30// long.
Low Profile
Tier: 3
Concentration: 1 segment
BMS Cost: 1/25 points
Range: 10// line-of-sight
Duration: 1 turn per level
Area of Effect: Three people (initially)
Classification: Mind
"Low Profile" is the precursor spell to Invisibility (Tier 4). With the Low Profile spell, the Mentalist does not become invisible, but she does become significantly less noticeable. To understand the cognitive effect of Low Profile, imagine watching a movie and your attention is on the star of the film. Somewhere, in the background, there's a character that walks down the hallway behind the main star who is simple wearing a white smock and a clip board. That person passes the star of the film and never seen again. How much does the viewer remember of the person with the clip board? Low Profile has that kind of effect. Targets of this spell can see the Mentalist just fine, but simply don't care. The Mentalist won't be remembered in any significant way, and certainly won't be challenged. After all, who challenges a janitor, busboy, street sweeper, or window wiper? The Mentalist is basically viewed as someone who "probably has some reason for being here" and generally remembered only in a vague and hazy way afterwards.
If the targets are not on any kind of high alert (i.e. your typical night watchman at 2:00AM in a quiet factory) no saving throw is applied. If the targets have some particular reason for vigilance (i.e. someone pulled an alarm or some supervisor told the staff to be on the lookout for intruders), a save vs sleep/charm is granted.
Note that this spell directly affects cognition. Therefore, appliance-level Constructs and feral Undead are generally not affected by this spell. Moreover, security cameras can record the Mentalist just fine (so the Mentalist may still want to don some kind of disguise in situations such as these).
While this spell can only ensorcell three individuals at base level, the Mentalist can affect more people at higher levels.
- Levels 1 to 4: The spell affects three people.
- Levels 5 to 9: The spell affects six people.
- Levels 10 to 14: The spell affects nine people.
- Levels 15 to 19: The spell affects twelve people.
- Levels 20 and higher: The spell affects fifteen people.

Things to Consider