Mentalist - Spiritual Powers - Tier 4
While a Priest or Shaman calls upon the Divine, and a Mathematician or Necromancer relies on memorized procedures, the Mentalist relies solely upon mental discipline. Most of the Mentalist's power pertains to manipulating minds, shielding thoughts, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, and the alteration of physical objects. While Changelings make ideal Mentalists (given that they are a naturally empathic race), most other races can harness their mind when given proper training.
360-degree Vision
Tier: 4
Concentration: 1 segment
BMS Cost: 1.0 points
Range: Internal to the Mentalist (or Touch)
Duration: 1 turn per level
Area of Effect: The Mentalist (initially)
Classification: Utility
Given that Mentalists are often employed in diplomacy, espionage, and reconnaissance, it would make sense that a Mentalist would develop some means to avoid being stabbed in the back or being shot from behind. To that end, 360-degree vision allows the Mentalist to see in all directions at once.
Once this power is activated, any attacker who would attempt a rear or lateral assault would be disqualified for any situational bonus (typically between +1 and +4). Moreover, the Mentalist cannot be "surprised" by the attack. Of course, the Mentalist loses her depth perception while this spell is in effect. It is also worth noting that the Mentalist is vulnerable to gaze attacks from any direction (as she technically cannot avert her eyes). She could, however, cancel the spell early if needed.
At base level, only the Mentalist can benefit from this spell. However, additional allies can be affected as the Mentalist ascends in level.
- Levels 1 to 4: Only the Mentalist can benefit.
- Levels 5 to 9: One additional ally can benefit.
- Levels 10 to 14: Two additional allies can benefit.
- Levels 15 to 19: Three additional allies can benefit.
- Levels 20 and higher: Four additional allies can benefit.
Deep Probe
Tier: 4
Concentration: 1 segment
BMS Cost: 3.0 points
Range: 5// line-of-sight
Duration: 1 round per level
Area of Effect: One person
Classification: Mind
Few reputable therapists would ever use this spell. However, the role of the Mentalist often involves espionage, diplomacy, and reconnaissance. Additionally, some Mentalists may find employment in law enforcement (especially as a split-class Investigator/Mentalist or Gunslinger/Mentalist). This spell is deeply invasive.
Unlike other "surface" telepathic spells, Deep Probe allows the Mentalist to sift through a target's memory as if paging through an encyclopedia. While there are some instances wherein this spell is not morally objectionable (like "I can't remember the deactivation code for this KillBot, you've got to dig it out of my memory!") it is more often than not an act that a neutral party would find sleazy and voyeuristic.
To successfully probe another's mind, the Mentalist must overcome the target's Empathic Resistance. If target fails his resistance roll by more than 25%, she will be unaware of the mind-reading attempt. If the roll is fail+24, then she is aware that a mental probe is transpiring but cannot effectively resist it (unless she casts some other defensive spell or moves out of range). If the resistance roll is successful, then the target is aware of the probe attempt and is able to block out the psychic intruder for that round. As this spell lasts for one round per level of the Mentalist, the caster could make any number of attempts until the spell expires.
Deep Probe confers an empathic attack value of E20. This does not increase the caster's Empathic Resistance score. The spell's power can be augmented with the 1/4 of the Mentalist's innate empathy. For instance, a Mentalist whose innate empathy is E25 could add 6% to the attack value of this spell.
Answers to quick questions (such as an access code or the location of a hidden document) only take one round of probing. Answers to more complicated questions (like "why did you murder your mother") might take more than one round -- and could take the whole duration of the spell. The Game Master would, of course, determine how much time it takes to dig out complicated secrets.
Of course, the target cannot deceive the Mentalist if the probe is successful. However, it is still possible for the Mentalist to obtain faulty data if the target truly believes something that is in fact false. Moreover, the target may have been psychologically conditioned/programmed with false intel on the odd chance that a Deep Probe might be used against the target.
If the target has dissociative identity disorder, the Mentalist may have an extraordinarily difficult time effectively using this spell. Alters (additional personalities) tend to have independent empathy ratings with varying degrees of Empathic Resistance. Moreover, most dissociative systems have a "protector" alter that would intercede against a Deep Probe. Protector alters also tend to be aggressive when triggered.
Levels 1 to 4: Attack value is E20 and the range is 5//.
Levels 5 to 9: Attack value is E25 and the range is 10//.
Levels 10 to 14: Attack value is E30 and the range is 15//.
Levels 15 to 19: Attack value is E35 and the range is 20//. *
Levels 20 and higher: Attack value is E40 and the range is 25//. *
* The use of binoculars or a spyglass is acceptable.
Tier: 4
Concentration: 1 segment
BMS Cost: 3.25 points
Range: Self
Duration: 1 turn per level
Area of Effect: The Mentalist
Classification: Air, Telekinesis
One of the side effects of a Mentalist's mastery of telekinesis is that she is eventually able to fly. After all, taking to the air is simply a matter of using TK to offset gravity. At base level, the Mentalist can only fly slowly (24//). If the spell expires before the Mentalist returns to the ground, the Mentalist begins burning Endurance at the rate of one point per turn. During this extended period of flight, the Mentalist cannot gain new altitude but instead descends at the rate of 6// per round. The Mentalist can still change direction at will along the X axis and Y axis. If the Mentalist runs out of Endurance before reaching a point of safety, then the caster will fall in accordance with physics and take any indicated damage.
Of course, the Mentalist does attain a faster speed as he ascends in level. At higher levels, the Mentalist can even bring one or two other people aloft, so long as they hold hands with the Mentalist. This spell is additive to any other means of flight. Thus a Changeling Mentalist at Level 4 could fly at 60// while the spell is active (36// racial, 24// from the spell). It is also additive with mechanical augmentation. For example, a Mentalist operating a hang glider could make the glider fly faster using this spell.
Levels 1 to 4: Speed is 24//, Maneuverability C.
Levels 5 to 9: Speed is 36//, Maneuverability B.
Levels 10 to 14: Speed is 48//, Maneuverability A.
Levels 15 to 19: Speed is 60//, Maneuverability A. The Mentalist can bring one person into flight.
Levels 20 and higher: Speed is 72//, Maneuverability A. The Mentalist can being two people into flight.
Full Spectrum Vision
Tier: 4
Concentration: 1 segment
BMS Cost: 1.25 points
Range: Internal to the Mentalist (or Touch)
Duration: 1 turn per level
Area of Effect: The Mentalist (initially)
Classification: Utility
The natural upgrade to "X-Ray Vision", this spell allows the Mentalist to view any frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum. For instance, the Mentalist could view the world with an infrared overlay atop her normal vision. Or she could disable her visible light perception and only see in infrared. Likewise, engaging ultraviolet sight is often effective in revealing people or objects cloaked by invisibility. Other uses include X-ray and gamma-ray vision (useful in detecting radioactive substances and/or contamination), and microwave or radio waves (useful in detecting data beacons, communication arrays, and alarm systems).
Full Spectrum vision can also reveal certain types of illusions (particularly the free-standing holographic illusions). For example, a Mentalist might get suspicious of a stranger who appears normal in the visible light spectrum but doesn't appear at all in infrared.
While the Mentalist could theoretically see the entire EM spectrum at once, most Mentalists refrain from doing so. One's field of vision would usually get too cluttered if there are too many overlays operating at once.
It is worth noting that longer-wave rays tend to look blurry to the Mentalist. This is due to the fact that less-energetic wavelengths (such as low-frequency radio waves) have a wave height that is larger than the Mentalist's retinas.
At base power, the Mentalist can only cast this spell on herself. However, the Mentalist does gain the ability to include allies in this spell.
- Levels 1 to 4: The spell only affects the Mentalist.
- Levels 5 to 9: The spell affects the Mentalist and one ally.
- Levels 10 to 14: The spell affects the Mentalist and two allies.
- Levels 15 to 19: The spell affects the Mentalist and three allies.
- Levels 20 and higher: The spell affects the Mentalist and four allies.
Greater Empathic Manipulation
Tier: 4
Concentration: 1 segment
BMS Cost: 2.5 points
Range: 5// line-of-sight
Duration: 1 round per level
Area of Effect: One person (initially)
Classification: Mind
All Changelings are born with empathic gifts. Many have a rating of E20 to E30, while exceptional Changelings may rate at E40 or higher. Likewise, there are always a handful of other humanoids who have a wild talent for empathy. Many natural empaths are drawn to the healing professions (like counselor, social worker, clergy, and therapist). While a Mentalist could pursue such careers, they are not obligated to do so.
Given that Mentalists are more likely to be involved in careers pertaining to espionage and diplomacy, the ability to manipulate the emotions of others can be of great use (regardless of the murky morality of doing so).
Depending on the Mentalist's power level (as well as intent), the caster can change her target's emotional balance by one or more increments. Examples of emotional increments are as follows:
Happiness: Neutral, at ease, content, happy, joyful, blissful, and ecstatic
Anger: Neutral, irritated, annoyed, mad, angry, belligerent, seething
Fear: Neutral, ill at ease, disconcerted, anxious, frightened, terrified, panicked
Other emotions such as arousal, sadness, and love follow a similar projection. When casting this spell, the Mentalist adds 1/4 of her innate empathic power rating to the casting power of this spell. For instance, if the Mentalist has an E20 rating and is a Level 3 mentalist, her empathic attack power would be E25. Note, this spell does not enhance the Mentalist's Empathic Resistance score at all, merely the "attack" value".
Note that this spell is not a "murder" spell. While targets of this spell may become enraged to the point that they would attack allies, they will always (and invariably) refrain from delivering a killing blow or inflicting a permanent injury. Of course, the targets can be cajoled into reckless activity or making poor choices.
While the resistance for this spell is usually the target's Empathic Resistance score, the target would be entitled to a Save vs Sleep/Charm if manipulated into doing something that is in diametric opposition to one's alignment or code of ethics. For example, a Paladin whose avarice has been maxed out by this spell would be given a saving throw to avoid shoplifting a fancy new sword. He would not get a saving throw if he simply blew his budget on a fancy new sword.
- Levels 1 to 4: Attack value = E20. The Mentalist can affect one person within a 5// line-of-sight range. Mood change is one increment.
- Levels 5 to 9: Attack value = E25. The Mentalist can affect two people within a 10// line-of-sight range. Mood change is two increments for a single target or one increment on two targets.
- Levels 10 to 14: Attack value = E30. The Mentalist can affect four people within a 20// line-of-sight range. Mood change is three increments on one target, two increments on two targets, or one increment on three or four targets.
- Levels 15 to 19: Attack value = E35. The Mentalist can affect eight people within a 40// line-of-sight range*. Mood change is four increments on one target, three increments on two targets, two increments on three or four targets, or one increment on up to eight targets.
- Levels 20 and higher: Attack value = E40. The Mentalist can affect sixteen people within a 80// line-of-sight range*. Mood change is five increments on one target, four increments on two to four targets, three increments on five to eight targets, two increments on nine to 12 targets, and one increment on up to 16 targets.
* Binoculars or a spyglass is permitted.
Impose Illusions
Tier: 4
Concentration: 1 segment
BMS Cost: 3.0 points
Range: 10// line-of-sight
Duration: 1 turn per level
Area of Effect: One person (initially)
Classification: Mind, Illusion
The Mentalist creates illusions in a very different manner than a Crystallin does. Whereas clergy in the Crystallin faith can create temporary, freestanding manifestations that are essentially holograms, the Mentalist causes her targets to hallucinate implanted images, sounds, tastes, scents, and textures. The illusion fails of the target rolls under his/her Empathic Resistance score.
This spell has a lot of practical uses. For instance, a Mentalist can create the illusion that an open door is barred shut. A person can be made to believe that a poorly-cooked meal tastes good. Certainly this spell can be used to disguise people temporarily.
The Mentalist can also be both creative and vicious with this power. For example, the Mentalist could fire an empty gun at a target and create the illusion that the person has been shot. Or the Mentalist could cast an illusion that the target is being choked by a boa constrictor snake. While the sensation of terror would be quite real, the victim's death would not be. Should an illusion be "lethal" the victim is reduced to a comatose state for one round per level of the Mentalist.
Like most other spells, Impose Illusion is not a "murder" spell. Should the Mentalist create a truly lethal illusion (such as the image of a false bridge that spans a deep canyon, or the illusion that a vat of molten metal is a swimming pool) the target will get a Save vs Sleep/Charm in order to snap out of the illusion (as this roll yields much better odds than the Empathic Resistance score).
Of course, this spell requires that the target possess some level of self-awareness. It is generally ineffective on single-function "appliance" Constructs, common feral Undead, and low-intelligence animals such as insects and vermin.
The range and quantity of targets increases as the Mentalist ascends in level.
- Levels 1 to 4: One target, 10// range.
- Levels 5 to 9: two targets, 15// range.
- Levels 11 to 14: four targets, 20// range.*
- Levels 15 to 19: Eight target, 25// range.*
- Levels 20 and higher: Sixteen targets, 30// range.*
* The use of binoculars or a spyglass is acceptable.
- Levels 1 to 4: The spell affects three people.
- Levels 5 to 9: The spell affects six people.
- Levels 10 to 14: The spell affects nine people.
- Levels 15 to 19: The spell affects twelve people.
- Levels 20 and higher: The spell affects fifteen people.
- Levels 1 to 4: The Mentalist can neutralize an int(1) toxin.
- Levels 5 to 9: The Mentalist can neutralize an int(2) toxin.
- Levels 10 to 14: The Mentalist can neutralize an int(3) toxin.
- Levels 15 to 19: The Mentalist can neutralize an int(5) toxin. The Mentalist can neutralize 5 REM radiation.
- Levels 20 and higher: The Mentalist can neutralize an int(5) toxin. The Mentalist can neutralize 5 REM radiation.
Move Large Objects
Tier: 4
Concentration: 1 segment
BMS Cost: 3.5 points
Range: 12// line-of-sight
Duration: 1 round per level (weaponized); 1 turn per level (tool)
Area of Effect: One object
Classification: Telekinesis
This spell is an enhanced version of the Tier 1 power of similar name. With this higher tier variant, the Mentalist can move much larger objects -- such as cars or pianos. Of course, people can also be moved (broken elevator? no problem!) Also, as with the Tier 1 version, this spell can be used as a weapon or as a utility.
When cast for utilitarian reasons, the spell lasts for one turn per level of the Mentalist. Examples of utilitarian applications might include levitating a piano to a third floor apartment, dragging a broken-down car to a repair shop, moving a fallen tree out from a busy road, or carefully moving an unexploded warhead into a shielded container for safe demolition.
Of course, the Mentalist can weaponize large objects by hurling them at high velocity. If used in this manner, the spell lasts for one round per level and the damage dealt is 5d6. Most people respond poorly to having pianos thrown at them. Of course, whether the object can be used more than once as a weapon depends on the item's durability. For example, a car makes for a better battering ram than a sofa. As this spell is hardly subtle, the target is entitled to a Save vs Magical Weapon to avoid being slammed by a fast-moving bulky object. With respect to damage: this spell does accelerate an object sufficiently to cause real, significant damage. However, this is not the same as being flattened by a tractor trailer. The secondary effect is usually knock-back (a successful Endurance check negates this effect).
Like many other spells, the range and damage both increase as the Mentalist ascends in level.
- Levels 1 to 4: The range is 12// and can move an object up to 300 pounds. Slam damage is 5d6.
- Levels 5 to 9: The range is 15// and can move an object up to 600 pounds. Slam damage is 5d8.
- Levels 10 to 14: The range is 18// and can move an object up to 900 pounds. Slam damage is 5d10.
- Levels 15 to 19: The range is 21// and can move an object of up to 1,200 pounds. Slam damage is 5d12.
- Levels 20 and higher: The range is 24// and can move an object of up to 2,000 pounds. Slam damage is 5d20.
Remote Viewing
Tier: 4
Concentration: 1 segment
BMS Cost: 3.5 points
Range: 2 miles (initially)
Duration: 1 turn per level
Area of Effect: 10'x10'x10' volume
Classification: Mind
One of the more voyeuristic powers in the Mentalist's arsenal is Remote Viewing. This talent allows the Mentalist to view a limited volume (usually a room) from a far distance. The Mentalist's remote senses include sight, hearing, and smell. This is not astral projection, as the Mentalist's soul never leaves his body.
Remote Viewing does have certain limitations. It does not grant mind-reading. It only confers a sense of hearing, sight, and smell. Certain materials -- most notable lead, iron, cobalt and black basalt -- will block the Mentalist's power. A spell in the "Detect Magic" category will detect the attempted espionage (but not necessarily who is attempting it).
Of course, some Mentalists use this power for prurient reasons. Why rent pornography when you can remote view the real thing?
This power does require a lot of concentration. A Mentalist can record his observations while the power is active but he cannot engage in combat or heavy labor. At best, the Mentalist can maintain this power while walking at normal speed and keeping conversation to a minimum.
The range and volume of viewing does increase as the Mentalist ascends in level.
Levels 1 to 4: The range is 2 miles and the view is 10'x10'x10'.
Levels 5 to 9: The range is 4 miles and the view is 15'x15'x15'.
Levels 10 to 14: The range is 6 miles and the view is 20'x20'x20'.
Levels 15 to 19: The range is 8 miles and the view is 25'x25'x25'.
Levels 20 and higher: The range is 10 miles and the view is 30'x30'x30'

Things to Consider