Priest- Spiritual Powers - Tier 7
Gaianar is a world with many deities that grant a variety of powers to their faithful. The power list here assumes a good or neutral priest in service to a good or neutral deity. Those in service to harmful/evil deities may receive modified versions of the spells in this section. For an instance, an evil deity may not grant healing as potent as a good deity might, and an evil deity may grant the power to inflict diseases instead of curing them. It's strongly suggested that player-character Priests be good (or at least neutral) and no evil. Priests generally serve the community in healing, turning away the Undead, and offering comfort and counsel in times of crisis and loss. They welcome strangers, help the needy, befriend the friendless, and defend the defenseless. Priests often work in tandem with Protectors. While a Shaman and a Priest are both clergy, a Shaman is generally educated by a higher-level Shaman one-on-one or in small groups over an extended period of time. Priests, by contrast, receive formal, structured education through seminaries. Both may worship the same deity but are taught different things, and thus their spell lists differ greatly.
Quick Links: Tier 1 | Tier 2 | Tier 3 | Tier 4 | Tier 5 | Tier 6 | Tier 7
Angelic Warrior
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell.
Banquet of the Gods
While there are lesser "feed many people" spells in the Priestly repertoire, sometimes an upscale feast is in order. For example, a Priest may be brokering a peace deal between two warring tribes, warring clans, or even two warring nations. In circumstances such as this, there absolutely has to be the understanding and trust that nobody attending will be poisoned or drugged. Alternatively, the Banquet of the Gods may be summoned to honor one or more heroes who have made a lasting, positive difference in the world. The Banquet could be used to boost morale of the troops before a difficult battle (armies don't march too well if they are hungry). The spell is not to be used because the Priest is throwing a party for his friends, and he is too cheap to hire a decent caterer.
The spell takes five rounds to cast. During the casting time, the Priest typically recounts some tale of martial prowess or some legendary military battle. The Five-Day War in which the Ex-Libris military stood against Delta Doom is a perennial favorite. Once cast, the spell summons a 100'x100' pavilion, complete with illumination, running water, sanitary facilities, a kitchen, a larder, a security detail, tables and chairs, fine tablecloths, a wine cellar, a wet bar, and musical accompaniment. The pavilion manifests with a staff of 45 ascended souls (10 security, 8 kitchen, 12 wait staff, 5 musicians, and 10 general-purpose). The ascended souls all function as 10 HD creatures and have all of the skills required to do their jobs. Their alignments are some varieties of "good". They are sentient beings and thus may resent being called back into corporeal existence if the Priest lacks a justifiable reason for casting this spell.
Any type of cuisine and beverages can be called upon. The food and drinks are of the highest quality. It should be noted that any attempts to poison, irradiate, or secret a disease into any food or beverage automatically fails. Any poison gas attack launched within the pavilion automatically fails. Any "dirty bomb" or bioweapon launched at the pavilion (within or without) likewise automatically fails. While the pavilion appears to be constructed from cloth, it is actually fire-resistant, has AC(0), and each 10'x10' section has three Structural Points. Additionally, while empathic powers (like the kind possessed by Changelings) will function within the pavilion, the ability to manipulate others by this means automatically fails.
Anyone eating or drinking the food receives two points of natural healing (as nutritious food has beneficial properties). Additionally, the guests also receive 10 points of magical healing and will save versus any poison, disease, or radiological attack at +4 for the following 24 hours. Any ordinary disease (like the common cold or flu) is cured when eating food at this banquet. Irritating health conditions, such as a toothache or athlete's foot, are likewise cured.
If the goal of summoning the Banquet is to mediate a peace deal, the final effect of the spell is to allow both sides to be open-minded enough to listen to each other objectively. This isn't strictly mind-control since one or both sides could still ultimately reject an offer of peace. But the spell is sufficient to at least open the door to peace.
Leftover food and drink last for one hour per level of the Priest (before it vanishes) unless it is donated to the poor. In that contingency, the food and drink have a shelf life of one day per level of the Priest before it spoils. The pavilion cleans up after itself. The trash disappears with the pavilion when the spell ends.
The spell works normally if cast by an Undead Priest. The only variance is that the summoned helpers are also Undead.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell.
Word of Peace
Tier: 7
Prayer: 10 Rounds
Spirit Cost: 80 points
Range: 15// radius
Duration: 1 hour per level
Area of Effect: A crowd of people
Classification: Charm
The power of a riot is often a destructive, violent force that (more often than not) leaves the participants feeling regretful once the dust has settled. However, a Priest of the Light can sometimes offer soothing words to calm minds overrun with violent emotions. Such is the Word of Peace that can bring reason and rational thought back to an angry mob. Priests who have Oration gain a +1 on activation rolls. Likewise, Priests also gain a +1 for activation rolls for being skilled in Deprogramming and/or Counselling. The bonuses are stackable.
To begin this spell, the Priest must make a loud, bold, and impassioned plea for peace, understanding, logic, and reason. The power of the spell actually begins on the first round of casting and gradually increases in potency during the ten-round casting period. Moreover, the Priest’s words are automatically translated into the recipient’s primary language (and thus it also works as a temporary translation spell). At the end of the first round of the casting period, everyone in the area of effect must make a successful Save versus Sleep/Charm to avoid his/her mood being stabilized by one degree (i.e., “very angry” becomes merely “angry”, whilst “angry” becomes “annoyed”.) For larger crowds, the Game Master can streamline by dividing the crowds into groups (i.e., McPhersons versus McCully’s, Labor versus Merchants, etc.) For round 2, the saving throw is modified by -2, and for round 3, the saving throw is modified by -3, etc. Generally speaking, only the most incorrigible miscreants can withstand a full ten rounds of Word of Peace.
Once the spell has been cast, the effects of the spell last for an hour per level. The specific effects include: all participants can understand each other, regardless of language barriers. Idioms are understood for their true meanings (thus greatly reducing the chance that either side will misunderstand each other). The participants will be unable to experience extremes of emotion. They may be able to be happy, sad, or angry, but they will not be able to be ecstatic, filled with rage, or wracked with despair.
Whilst this spell may be considered to be a form of emotional manipulation, it is not actually mind control. Those affected don’t necessarily do what the Priest asks, but they will at least consider what is requested. For instance, a calmed lynch mob will be more open to the idea of handing a criminal over for lawful prosecution. Two warring clans may be inclined to consider diplomacy if they are not red with rage.
This spell can also be used to foster peaceful protest. For example, a crowd that has been beaten down by a local overlord may be inspired to peacefully (but insistently) demand justice and better treatment. A demoralized army may be inspired to hold the line for just a few more hours whilst waiting for reinforcements to arrive.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell.
Star of Healing
Tier: 7
Prayer: 3 Rounds
Spirit Cost: 100 points
Range: Centered on the Priest
Duration: 5 rounds (primary) + 10 rounds (secondary)
Area of Effect: An expanding radius of 1// to 100//
Classification: Healing
This spell is one of the most potent spells in the Priest’s repertoire. It is used to heal numerous individuals at once. For example, natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, forest fires, landslides, and floods often inflict ruinous injury to whole populations at once. However, the most powerful of the Priests of Light can call upon the Divine summon a beacon of light that heals all whom it shines upon.
On the first of the five rounds, the Priest calls forth a shining blue star that quickly rises into the sky. As the star rises, the area of effect increases while the healing effect dilutes.
- Round 1: Area of effect is 1// and heals 100 hit points; 4 points of Endurance is restored; 1 point of BMS is restored; 10 REM of radiation poisoning is neutralized; terminal diseases are cured.
- Round 2: Area of effect is 10// and heals 50 hit points; 3 points of Endurance is restored; 0.75 BMS is restored; 5 REM of radiation poisoning is neutralized; serious diseases are cured.
- Round 3: Area of effect is 25// and heals 25 hit points; 2 points of Endurance is restored; 0.5BMS is restored; 2 REM of radiation poisoning is neutralized; ordinary diseases are cured.
- Round 4: Area of effect is 50// and heals 10 hit points; 1 point of Endurance is restored; 0.25 BMS is restored; 1 REM or radiation poisoning is neutralized; trivial diseases are cured.
- Round 5: Area of effect is 100// and heals 5 points.
During the secondary phase, the star dims but still heals one hit point per round to everyone within a 100// radius. Of course, the spell also has the added effect of providing illumination during the primary and secondary phases. During the primary phase, the light is approximately half as bright as sunlight while it is equivalent to a full moon’s light during the secondary phase.
This is an extraordinarily dangerous spell for Undead Priests to cast. The energy backlash inflicts 6d8 damage to the caster. Moreover, he/she does not benefit from the effects of Star of Healing because it draws power from the Plane of Radiance. In fact, the Priest would need to take shelter or wear protective clothing to avoid taking further incremental damage from the healing star's radiance.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell.
Total Restoration
Tier: 7
Prayer: 1 round
Spirit Cost: 70 points
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent (regrowth takes time, however)
Area of Effect: One person (can be the Priest)
Classification: Healing
This spell exemplifies the pinnacle of Priestly healing. Its effects essentially combine the powers of several lower-level spells at once. Given the danger of certain areas of Gaianar, it is (unfortunately) possible to get poisoned by a vicious animal, struck with death magic from a wandering shade, exposed to radiation, and get food poisoning all on the same day – and that’s after getting sliced and diced on the battlefield. Typically, this spell is used on a person close to death (as the Priest will typically not have very many spirit points remaining afterward). Alternatively, the spell is handy in instances wherein the Priest knows that someone is sick and dying but doesn’t know how or why it is so. Like many powerful healing spells, this is a “heal over time” effect and not a “you were almost dead, now pick up your sword and fight some more” effect.
While the spell takes only one round to cast, the power stays active until the recipient is fully healed. The healing effects are as follows:
- 50 HP of instant healing, followed by one hit point per round until max hit points is attained.
- 25 SP of instant energy endowment, followed by one point per round until max spirit points is attained.
- 10 HP of death magic recovery, followed by one hit point per round until max hit point is attained.
- 1 point of attributes (or anything else) lost to death magic per turn.
- 1 intensity of disease removed per hour (for instance, athlete’s foot is cured in one hour, the flu is cured in two hours, clinical depression is cured in three hours, diabetes is cured in four hours, and dementia is cured in five hours, and cancer is cured in six hours). The spell cures one disease at a time and then moves on to the next illness, starting at the most serious health concern and working down to the most trivial. Thus, cancer would be cured before a toothache.
- 25 REM of radiation is neutralized instantly, followed 5 REM per turn until neutralized.
- Disfigured or amputated limbs are regenerated over a 24-hour period. Note, however, that regrown limbs will be weak for an extended period of time (regaining 1 point of Strength per week until the normal Strength level is attained.) The character is considered “healed” of disfigurement after 24 hours, however.
- Spiritual parasites are banished. Thus, occupying spirits and any sort of empathic intrusion is repelled or revoked.
- Any injury or disease-like effect that is the result of a curse is revoked after one hour per intensity of the curse.
- Mental illness is cured after one hour per intensity of the mental illness. Note, however, this pertains to magical or biological mental illnesses. Persistent mental health that results from experiential trauma and not biological malfunction are not cured by this spell.
The recipient of this spell is generally incapacitated while the healing process is in effect. He/she can move at one-quarter normal speed. However, combat and spellcasting are out of the question. The recipient is rendered listless and significantly fatigued. Once the healing effect is completed, the recipient is reduced to half Endurance and recovers Endurance at the rate of one point per day. Note, if the recipient incurs new injuries while the spell is in effect, the new injuries will also be healed in accordance with the spell’s power. One would hope, however, that a Priest of Light would not periodically inflict injury on a patient in order to keep him/her indefinitely listless and helpless
If the Priest is Undead, this spell works normally on injured Undead allies. However, the Priest takes 1d8 points of damage from the energy backlash when attempting to heal a living ally. Moreover, the casting cost is increased to 100 SP. It's worth noting that Undead allies are indeed "cured" of disease and radiation poisoning. It is certainly true that Undead are not susceptible to illness. Therefore, the curative effects essentially prevent the Undead individual from spreading any illnesses to others and will prevent them from being a carrier in the future. Thus, any Undead that causes illnesses through bites and scratches will only henceforth be able to convey physical damage and not be able to transmit infections. Likewise, radiation does not make an Undead individual sick. However, a highly irradiated Undead companion could still pose a significant health risk to living allies. Fortunately, this spell will purge radiation from an Undead target.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell.

Things to Consider