Shaman - Spiritual Powers - Tier 2
The Barbarian, Ranger, and Shaman are three closely-linked character classes that operate on a continuum. All three are Nature-revering professions. The Barbarian has strong combat skills and a smattering of spells. The Ranger balances prowess and magic. The Shaman is weaker in physical battle but wields powerful Nature-based spells as well as a moderate amount of healing power. Unlike a Priest, who learns in universities and from books, a Shaman is typically taught in small groups by a revered elder. While both Priests and Shamans serve the Light, Priests generally have an urban outlook while Shamans are decidedly rural.
Tier: 2
Prayer: 1 round
Spirit Cost: 10 points
Range: 3// (must be in hearing range)
Duration: Instantaneous (primary) and 1 hour per level (secondary)
Area of Effect: One person
Classification: Charm or Healing
The Shaman is often the go-to healer in his/her community. Of course, not all injuries are physical and thus the Shaman's spiritual tradition also includes healing the mind. The Sigil of Calming allows the Shaman to interrupt a panic attack in progress. Changelings in particular are vulnerable to claustrophobia and panic when enclosed in tight spaces. A Shaman's Sigil of Calming will cancel the effects of any failed Panic check and thus can apply to any manifestation of mental illness. Once the panic event is interrupted, the recipient gains a residual +4 bonus to future Panic checks for the remainder of the secondary period of the spell (1 hour per level at the standard power). If the Shaman also has the Counseling non-combat proficiency, the bonus to the Panic check is an additional +1 for each intensity of the Shaman's counseling capabilities. This spell takes a full round to cast because the Shaman must speak soothing words to the recipient whist drawing the Sigil of Calming in the air.
In more formal, one-on-one counselling sessions, the Sigil of Calming can be used as a boost to the Shaman's Counseling skill. For instance, if a Shaman is treating a patient for depression or social anxiety disorder, the Sigil of Calming will give the Shaman a +2 bonus to the proficiency check. Essentially, this spell makes it more likely that the Shaman will succeed in making incremental progress when treating a patient with a persistent mental health concern.
As a side note, this spell has a useful effect when treating addition. While it will not reduce the withdrawal effects from drugs and alcohol, it will at least help the recipient keep a clear head when facing withdrawal. In other words, the recipient will not feel psychologically anxious or afraid during withdrawal even though he/she may feel physically miserable for several days.
Of course, this Sigil becomes more effective as the Shaman ascends in level.
- Levels 1 to 4: Secondary duration is 1 hour per level; Counseling synergy is +2.
- Levels 5 to 9: Secondary duration is 4 hours per level; Counseling synergy is +2.
- Levels 10 to 14: Secondary duration is 12 hours per level; Counseling synergy is +3.
- Levels 15 to 19: Secondary duration is 1 day per level; Counseling synergy is +3.
- Levels 20 and higher: Secondary duration is 3 days per level; Counseling synergy is +4.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This spell has been rewritten as a healing spell. It is no longer a mind-control spell.
Disease Curing
Tier: 2
Prayer: 1 round
Spirit Cost: 12 points
Range: 1//
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: One person (can be the Shaman)
Classification: Healing
Shamans are the honored healers of their communities. To heal diseases, Shamans can call upon Nature for assistance in purging illnesses in others. This spell could also be used on himself/herself.
To cast this spell, the Shaman must draw the Sigil of Disease Curing on the ground and have the diseased/ill person stand or sit on the designated spot. Once done, vines erupt from the ground and wrap themselves around the person who is to be cured. Over the next few rounds, the targeted person is gradually transformed into a plant-based tree/humanoid hybrid. It is the radical change in metabolism and body composition that effectively kills the person's diseases. After all, who ever heard of a tree getting cancer?
While the recipient of this spell is transformed, he/she is utterly immobilized by virtue of being rooted to the ground. However, the person remains aware, awake, and can communicate (albeit slowly).
At the end of the healing period, the spell reverses itself and the subject is restored to his/her normal form. At higher levels, the Shaman can cure more serious diseases while at the same time reduce the time required to accomplish the cure.
Note: Although an Undead Shaman can cast this spell, an Undead recipient cannot benefit from this spell. The healing vines simply cannot merge with dead tissue. A Necromancer would be the correct practitioner in cases such as these.
- Levels 1 to 4: Healing transformation lasts 12 hours; cures food poisoning; stomach viruses; common cold; flu; cholera; and other ordinary inconvenient diseases.
- Levels 5 to 9: Healing transformation lasts 10 hours; cures non-fatal magical illnesses that deplete secondary attributes; cures serious illnesses such as blood infection, dental abscess, bronchitis, etc.
- Levels 10 to 14: Healing transformation lasts 8 hours; cures life-threatening illnesses such as kidney failure, congestive heart failure, diabetes, etc. Cures Undead Spiral and other diseases transmitted by members of the Undead.
- Levels 15 to 19: Healing transformation lasts 6 hours; Cures fatal diseases.
- Levels 20 and up: Healing transformation lasts 4 hours; cures fatal diseases and also removes 25% of the radiation burden from the recipient.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new Shaman spell (oddly enough, there was no disease curing spell in the Shaman repertoire in Gaianar 2nd Edition).
Elemental Arrows
Tier: 1
Prayer: 1 round per arrow
Spirit Cost: 20 points
Range: Touch
Duration: Until discharged
Area of Effect: One or more arrows
Classification: Combat or Elemental
A Shaman understands that rustic warriors often must go into battle with weaponry that is older or technological inferior compared to city-dwelling fighters. Barbarians, after all, prefer visceral combat that is fought with axes, swords, and bows. After all, where is the glory of killing someone from half a mile away with a sniper rifle? What bardic legends would be written about such an act? To counter the technological disadvantage in combat, a Shaman can cast the Sigil of Elemental Arrows in order to give arrows, bolts, spears, thrown daggers, or darts a bit of added elemental "punch'. The projectile needs to be large enough to inscribe a Sigil upon. Therefore, most missile projectiles are perfectly suitable whilst blowgun needles are generally not.
Sigil of Elemental Arrows is a spell most Shamans would wish to cast in advance of fighting. While the spiritual point cost only needs to be paid once per casting, it takes a full round to inscribe each projectile. Thus, if a Shaman wanted to enhance ten arrows, it would take ten rounds. Each projectile can carry a single elemental enchantment. However, the Shaman can make projectiles of various types using the same casting. For instance, a Shaman could enchant five thrown daggers for water and five arrows for fire in the same casting. It would still take ten rounds to enchant all ten projectiles. At base level, a Shaman can enchant ten projectiles and the items hold their charge until used.
Depending on the nature of the elemental charge, the projectiles would have varying effects upon impact:
- Air: Target must make a Skill check or be knocked over by a gust of wind (lose all actions in this combat round and the next combat round if unsuccessful); the spell creates breathable air for one person for one turn. If shot into the ground in a region in which the air is poisoned, the spell will create a bubble of breathable air 10' in radius.
- Fire: Target must make a Save vs Area Effect to avoid getting singed by a wreath of flame. If unsuccessful, the target takes an additional 1d6 damage. Additionally, the character appears comically singed like in a 1950s "Tom & Jerry" cartoon. Personal belongings must make an additional Item Save to avoid being damaged (and gods forbid the target was carrying dynamite or gunpowder). The spell could ignite a campfire if the arrow is shot into a pile of kindling.
- Water: Target is drenched in water. Save versus Area Effect to avoid personal belongings (like a scroll, a wristwatch, etc.) from being ruined. Black powder, gun powder, and many explosives are particularly susceptible to water damage. The spell creates ten gallons of drinking water (if the arrow is shot into a barrel or other container) and can put out a fire the size of a campfire.
- Earth: Target must make an Endurance check to avoid being knocked back ten feet (note, the target is not knocked over like in the Air variant, but instead is actually pushed back). This could be quite useful if one's enemy is near a cliff or a lake. If shot into a pothole, the hole will fill with up to ten cubic feet of dirt and gravel. If shot at a damaged building, it will seal over one hole of up to ten feet radius with stone that is 2" thick.
The ability for the practitioner to enchant projectiles increases as the Shaman ascends in level.
- Levels 1 to 4: The Shaman can enchant ten projectiles per casting.
- Levels 5 to 10: The Shaman can enchant fifteen projectiles per casting.
- Levels 15 to 19: The Shaman can enchant twenty projectiles per casting.
- Levels 20 and higher: The Shaman can enchant twenty-five projectiles per casting.
Changes from the printed (book) version: The duration is "until discharged"; utilitarian functions have been added.
Tier: 2
Prayer: 1 round
Spirit Cost: 18 points
Range: Touch (anchor object); Special (lost object)
Duration: 1 round per level
Area of Effect: One object
Classification: Divination or Utility
While most folk seek the services of a Shaman for healing or wise counsel, others will occasionally call upon the Shaman's well-honed divination powers instead. This is particularly handy when a member of the community has lost something hard to replace, such as a wedding ring or a magic sword. Likewise, the Sigil of Finding is helpful when trying to track down thieves who have stolen something precious. To cast this spell, the Shaman must make a clay model or a wood carving of the missing object. It need not be actual size, merely proportionally correct. If the Shaman has artistic ability, the chance to scry the object's location increases by 15%.
Generally speaking, the less common the object, the greater the chance of success. For example, a stolen wedding ring or an artifact sword is easier to locate than a box of dishes purchased at Restaurant Supply Depot. And while a coin purse may be able to be located, stolen coins are nearly impossible to find because they are ubiquitous and identical.
Type of Object | Levels 1-4 | Levels 5-9 | Levels 10-14 | Levels 15-19 | Levels 20+ |
Powerful Magical Item. Example: Paladin's Holy Sword | 12% | 24% | 36% | 48% | 60% |
Precious Keepsake. example: Wedding ring | 10% | 20% | 30% | 40% | 50% |
Rare and expensive: famous oil painting | 6% | 12% | 18% | 24% | 30% |
Moderately hard to replace. Example: gold watch | 5% | 10% | 15% | 20% | 25% |
Reasonably common. Example: Favorite axe | 3% | 6% | 9% | 12% | 15% |
Very common. Example: Leather jacket bought off the rack | 2% | 4% | 6% | 8% | 10% |
Common as dirt. Example: copper coins, beer bottle | 2% | 3% | 4% | 5% | 6% |
Example of Data Gleaned | 12 miles, 245 feet away, north by northwest. | In an abandoned shack, 12 miles, 245 away, north by northwest. | In an abandoned shack, 12 miles, 245 away, north by northwest. It's in a locked box under the floorboards. | In an abandoned shack, 12 miles, 245 away, north by northwest. It's in a locked box under the floorboards. Two humans guard the shack. | In an abandoned shack, 12 miles, 245 away, north by northwest. It's in a locked box under the floorboards. Two humans guard the shack. It's the Murphy Twins, and there's a 15 CP reward for their arrest. |
As with the Sigil of Scrying, the replica of the missing object is consumed once the spell's duration expires. However, the replica object remains intact if either the power activation fails or the scrying attempt fails.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This spell has been completely rewritten.
Iron Prison
Tier: 2
Prayer: 1 round
Spirit Cost: 15 points
Range: 10// line of sight
Duration: 1 turn per level (primary) and 1 hour per level (secondary)
Area of Effect: 1// radius
Classification: Elemental Earth
Shamans develop strong ties to the Elemental Planes over the course of their careers. By virtue of them developing relationships with various elemental entities, the Shaman can call upon particular elementals from the Plane of Earth to stifle and slow the Shaman's foes. In this instance, an Earth Elemental can be called upon to wield iron on behalf of the Shaman.
The Shaman can draw the Sigil of Iron Prison into the ground with any sharp piece of iron or steel (and Gaianar doesn't exactly have a dagger shortage). Once done, any foes caught within the area of effect must make a successful Save versus Area Effect to avoid being shackled by tendrils of iron that suddenly jut from the ground. Targets are immobilized for one turn per level of the Shaman unless the captives can make an Endurance check at -4 or somehow manage to inflict 3 Structural Points of damage against the tendrils (AC(0)). Fey caught within the spell effect temporarily lose 3/4 of their Endurance and suffer intense pain (but not loss of hit points).
Note, however, that Iron Prison is not a "murder" spell. The spell terminates if the Shaman or his/her allies inflict damage to the captives. Note, however, applying handcuffs to the prisoners while trapped does not actually inflict damage.
Once the primary phase of the spell has ended, the tendrils retract into the ground. The secondary phase of this spell lasts for one hour per level and includes the following properties: the ground remains highly magnetized and will foul compass readings; the residual iron aura is exceedingly painful to Fey (it doesn't cause damage, but the discomfort is quite intense); Constructs get confused (-4 to any intellect-related function). Once the secondary phase passes, the ground returns to normal.
Like many spells, the Sigil of Iron Prison increases in potency as the Shaman ascends in level.
- Levels 1 to 4: Radius is 1// and the tendrils have 3 Structural Points.
- Levels 5 to 9: Radius is 3// and the tendrils have 4 Structural Points
- Levels 10 to 14: Radius is 5// and the tendrils have 5 Structural Points.
- Levels 15 to 19: Radius is 7// and the tendrils have 6 Structural Points.
Changes from the printed (book) version: The Iron Prison is no longer permanent or indestructible.
Tier: 2
Prayer: 1 round
Spirit Cost: 10 points + cost of transferred spell
Range: Touch
Duration: Until discharged
Area of Effect: One person
Classification: Utility
This spell is similar to the Ranger spell "Mentor's Gift". With this power, the Shaman can bestow access to a single-use instance of a spell that a lower-level Shaman would ordinarily not have access to. For instance, a 7th level Shaman could grant a 1st level Shaman access to Planar Armor. A recipient of the Sigil of Mentoring can only carry one such Sigil on his/her body at any particular time. Attempts to carry a second concurrent Sigil of Mentoring will overwrite the first.
To cast the Sigil of Mentoring, the Shaman must prick his/her finger and draw the Sigil on the recipient's body using the Shaman's own blood. If the Shaman is Undead, the drop of blood can come from a willing, trusted friend. This act constitutes a trivial injury that does not amount to one hit point of damage. Once the Sigil is drawn, the blood dries instantly and will not fade or wash off until used. Once the power is activated by the recipient, the Sigil disappears.
Like with "Mentor's Gift" and "Disciple's Blessing", the Sigil of Mentoring activates based on the casting level of the recipient. Thus, if a 7th level Shaman grants a casting of Planar Armor to a 1st level Shaman, the power will invoke as if cast by a 1st level Shaman. Like Mentor's Gift, the spirit point cost is prepaid by the Shaman bestowing the Sigil and thus it costs nothing for the recipient to invoke.
Because the Barbarian and Ranger classes are strongly associated with the Shaman (the three classes essentially occupy three positions along the combat/magical continuum for character classes in service to Nature), the Game Master may (key word "may") rule that a Shaman can bestow the Sigil of Mentoring onto a Ranger or a Barbarian. If this act is permitted, the Ranger/Barbarian would be able to be endowed with a Sigil of Mentoring and the power level would be -2 levels for Rangers and -4 levels for Barbarians (with a minimum casting level of 1).
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell.
Planar Armor
Tier: 2
Prayer: 3 segments
Spirit Cost: 22 points
Range: Touch (can also be the Shaman)
Duration: 1 turn per level
Area of Effect: One person (initially)
Classification: Defense or Elemental
Shamans maintain good relationships with the entities who make their home in the Elemental Planes. Because of this, the spirits of the elemental realms are happy to aid the Shaman when he/she is in need of protection. Because Shamans do not use metal armor, they are often at a disadvantage on the battlefield when it comes to defense. However, a call to an elemental ally can even the odds. In this case, the Shaman can use the Sigil of Planar Armor to invoke one type of elemental protection.
- Air: This armor is translucent and will have some chance to deflect missile attacks (-2 penalty). The armor produces breathable air (in the event that the Shaman finds herself in a hard vacuum or exposed to poisonous vapors. The Shaman takes half damage from falling.
- Fire: The armor wreaths the Shaman in red flames (which do not injure the Shaman). Anyone hitting the Shaman with bare hand attacks (like boxing or martial arts) will take 1d4 damage. The armor illuminates a 2// radius and prevents the Shaman from taking damage from hypothermia. It also prevents the Shaman from taking damage from ordinary fire sources (thus a Shaman could walk into a burning building but would still be harmed by magical fire).
- Water: This armor coats the Shaman in a thin film of water. Blunt weapons (such as staves, clubs, and round projectiles) are slowed and thus inflict half damage. The Shaman can breathe underwater while the spell is in effect.
- Earth: This armor wards the Shaman's skin with grey stone. It grants the Shaman a +4 bonus to his/her armor class as well as immunity to knockback effects. The Shaman's movement speed is reduced by 2//. The Shaman gains 2 DR versus any damage from environmental extremes. Should the Shaman be exposed to any spell that has the effect of turning someone to stone, this spell would negate that spell.
At base level, the Shaman can bestow protection upon one person (usually the Shaman herself). However, as the Shaman increases in level, she is able to grant protection to multiple allies at once.
- Levels 1 to 4: One person is protected.
- Levels 5 to 9: Two people are protected.
- Levels 10 to 14: Three people are protected.
- Levels 15 to 19: Four people are protected.
- Levels 20 and higher: Five people are protected.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell, and it replaces "Scales of the Dragon".
Tier: 2
Prayer: 1 round
Spirit Cost: 5 points per Tier level
Range: 5// line of sight
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: One person or object
Classification: Utility
Like Priests, Shamans have the ability to undo spells cast by others. The method of removal differs significantly for Shamans, however. To purge a person or object of a magical effect, the Shaman must first draw a sketch of the person or object in question and then draw the Sigil of Quiescence to complete the spell. As with other character classes that have the power to neutralize magic, the chance of success is the Shaman's Willpower + Level versus the Willpower + Level of the original caster. If the Quiescence spell succeeds, the sketch catches on fire and leaves no ash behind. If the spell fails, the picture remains, and the Shaman can try again (albeit with a 1 segment casting time since the picture has already been drawn). If the Shaman has Artistic Ability, he/she gets a 5% (or +1) bonus to the dispelling roll.
The Sigil of Quiescence works best against spells cast by other Shamans. The chart below displays the modifiers for removing spells cast by members of other character classes.
Table: Penalties for Dispelling non-Shaman Spells | ||||
Character Class | Penalty | Character Class | Penalty | |
Barbarian | -1 | Protector | -4 | |
Cavalier | -4 | Ranger | -1 | |
Gunslinger | -6 | Shaman | 0 | |
Mathematician | -7 | Speaker for the Dead | -6 | |
Necromancer | -3 | Warrior | -4 | |
Paladin | -4 | Wishsinger | -3 | |
Priest | -2 | Other/Unknown/Innate | -5 |
Changes from the printed (book) version: The modification table has been added for dispelling non-Shaman spells. The casting mechanics have changed.

Renewed Mobility
Tier: 2
Prayer: 1 round
Spirit Cost: 20 points
Range: 1//
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: One person (can be the Shaman)
Classification: Healing
The world of Gaianar is a dangerous place and one chocked full of hazards that can leave one paralyzed or maimed. An unlucky adventurer might get shot in the back by greedy highwaymen. A structural failure while exploring an abandoned fortress might result in a snapped spine. A disease might destroy one's nervous system (in this case, the Sigil of Disease Curing might purge the disease, but the lasting damage might already be done). Or perhaps the adventurer simply has bad luck (falling off a cliff, getting into a motor vehicle accident, getting crushed in a rockslide, etc.) For these reasons and more, those in need of potent healing often turn to the Shaman for aid.
As with the Sigil of Disease Curing, the Shaman draws the Sigil on the ground and the injured person is positioned on top of the Sigil. Once done, vines quickly grow out of the ground, wrap around the recipient, and transform the beneficiary into a humanoid/tree hybrid. This transformation is necessary because plants have regenerative properties that animals simply do not possess. While transformed, the recipient's internal injuries are healed, broken bones mended, and severed nerve connections are rejoined.
During the period of healing/transformation, the recipient cannot move (due to being rooted to the ground). However, the person remains awake and can speak (albeit slowly). At the end of the spell, the recipient's hit points are restored to 100% and all injuries (such as broken bones, maimed limbs, severed spine, and damaged nerves) are likewise healed. Once the spell ends, the vines retreat into the ground and the recipient is returned to his/her natural form. The healing transformation takes less time as the Shaman ascends in level.
An Undead Shaman can cast this spell on a living recipient (although the casting cost is 30, due to the energy conversion required.). However, this spell does not work on an Undead recipient because the healing vines cannot merge with non-living tissue. A paralyzed Undead individual would likely need the services of a Necromancer.
- Levels 1 to 4: Full healing takes 5 weeks
- Levels 5 to 9: Full healing takes 4 weeks
- Levels 10 to 14: Full healing takes 3 weeks
- Levels 15 to 19: Full healing takes 2 weeks
- Levels 20 and higher: Full healing takes 1 week
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell
Spirit Combat
Tier: 2
Prayer: 7 segments
Spirit Cost: 16 points
Range: 10//
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: One entity
Classification: Spiritual Warfare
Shamans are people who keep one foot in the material world and one foot in the spirit world. Because of this, the Shaman has the ability to fight against purely incorporeal beings such as angels, demons, and various spirits. This spell works almost identically to the Gunslinger spell "Initiate Spirit Combat" (Gunslingers also keep an eye in the spirit world).
When the Shaman draws the Sigil of Spirit Combat in the air (and this Sigil will glow and hang in place whilst the spell is active), the Shaman is empowered to challenge spiritual entities and attempt to cast them away. This works on incorporeal spiritual entities (such as demons) and on summoned creatures. Likewise, summoned elementals may be dispelled with this spell (although Fey are specifically not affected as they are permanent, corporeal entities who just happen to also be elementals). A Shaman can break off spirit combat at any time, provided that his/her Willpower remains stronger than the target's. If the Shaman is victorious in spirit combat, the target is affected as if Dispel Magic had been invoked against it. If the Shaman is victorious and has not lost a single point of Willpower, then the creature is Abjured (which means it cannot come back to the material plane for an extended period of time.) This ability can be used on victims of spiritual possession to separate the occupying spirit from its host. Finally, this spell can be used to break psychic/empathic manipulation (i.e., an ally who is under control from a psychically active humanoid and not an actual incorporeal being). Changelings, for instance, have the ability to manipulate others via psychic means.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This spell is mainly unchanged.
Tier: 2
Prayer: 1 segment
Spirit Cost: 15 points
Range: 10// line of sight
Duration: Instantaneous (primary) and 1 round per level (secondary)
Area of Effect: 1// radius
Classification: Combat
Shamans are highly attuned to Nature and thus phenomena such as storms inspire awe and not fear. On the battlefield, the Shaman can call upon the deafening power of the thunderclap to rebuke and impede her foes. If the Shaman has the Predict Weather non-combat proficiency, the stunning effect and deafening effect each last an extra round.
To invoke this power, the Shaman draws the Sigil of Thunder on a piece of paper using a charcoal writing instrument (this can even be something as simple as a stick that was briefly set on fire and then extinguished). Once drawn, the paper ignites on its own accord, flares momentarily, and then disappear without a trace of ash. The power released invokes a thunderclap that stuns all of the Shaman's foes within the area of effect (everyone affected loses their current action and all actions for the next round -- except for parrying or retreating at half speed). For the secondary effect (which lasts one round per level of the Shaman) the foes are deafened and experience significant tinnitus. While deafened, Wishsingers are effectively unable to cast spells. Likewise, deafened individuals have great difficulty communicating with one another using the spoken word (-6 to all spoken communication attempts). Of course, targeted individuals can avert harm by making a successful Save versus Area Effect.
While the area of effect is initially a 1// radius, the circle widens as the Shaman ascends in level.
- Levels 1 to 4: The area of effect is 1// radius.
- Levels 5 to 9: The area of effect is 2// radius.
- Levels 10 to 14: The area of effect is 3// radius. Non-magical glass items must make an Item Save versus Harmonics to avoid being shattered.
- Levels 15 to 19: The area of effect is 4// radius. Non-magical glass items must make an Item Save versus Harmonics to avoid being shattered. Metal items assembled with nuts and bolts must make an Item Save versus Harmonics in order to avoid the fasteners vibrating loose.
- Levels 20 and higher: The area of effect is 5// radius. Non-magical glass items must make an Item Save versus Harmonics to avoid being shattered. Metal items assembled with nuts and bolts must make an Item Save versus Harmonics in order to avoid the fasteners vibrating loose. Magnets must make an Item Save versus Harmonics in order to avoid being demagnetized for one turn.
Changes from the printed (book) version: The stun effect is shorter, and the deafening effect is longer.
Tier: 2
Prayer: 4 rounds
Spirit Cost: 24 points
Range: Hand's reach
Duration: 1 hour per level
Area of Effect: 1// radius (initially)
Classification: Defense
The ability to cast a circle of protection is one of the Shaman's signature powers. In a world where the angry dead harass the living, and where restless spirits haunt the dreams of the innocent, a Shaman can stand between the malevolent entities and the community he protects.
To cast this spell, the Shaman will need to carve the Sigil of Warding into four candles in which each one is attuned to a particular element. The correspondences are as follows:
- Air - East - Yellow
- Fire - South - Red
- Water - West - Blue
- Earth - North - Green
The Shaman starts casting the circle while facing east and works clockwise until he is once again facing east. At each of the directions, the Shaman utters a brief prayer to the associated elemental power (which is why this spell takes four rounds to cast). At the end of each prayer, the Shaman lights the associated candle before moving on to the next element/direction. Once the circle is cast, the warding repels Undead of 5 HD or less, incorporeal spirits of 12 Willpower or less, ordinary vermin of 2 HD or less (rodents, scorpions, snakes, bugs, etc.), and scrying attempts from anyone with 12 Willpower or less. Creatures and entities that exceed the specifications of the Warding can cross the boundary by making a successful Save versus Spiritual Powers.
If the Shaman is Undead, the magic circle will not repel other Undead creatures. However, it will cause such creatures to view the Shaman (and allies) favorably.
Of course, the warding radius and the potency of the circle of protection both increase as the Shaman ascends in level.
- Levels 1 to 4: The circle of protection is 1//. The circle repels Undead (5HD), spirits (12 Will), vermin (2HD), and scrying (12 Will).
- Levels 5 to 9: The circle of protection is 2//. The circle repels Undead (8HD), spirits (14 Will), vermin (4HD), and scrying (14 Will).
- Levels 10 to 14: The circle of protection is 3//. The circle repels Undead (11HD), spirits (16 Will), vermin (6HD), and scrying (16 Will). Creatures and/or entities attempting to cross the circle will incur 1d8 damage (hit points or spirit points, depending on which is more relevant.)
- Levels 15 to 19: The circle of protection is 4//. The circle repels Undead (14HD), spirits (18 Will), vermin (8HD), and scrying (18 Will). Creatures and/or entities attempting to cross the circle will incur 2d8 damage (hit points or spirit points, depending on which is more relevant.)
- Levels 20 and higher: The circle of protection is 5//. The circle repels Undead (17HD), spirits (20 Will), vermin (10HD), and scrying (20 Will). Creatures and/or entities attempting to cross the circle will incur 3d8 damage (hit points or spirit points, depending on which is more relevant.)
Changes from the printed (book) version. This power has been rewritten from scratch.

Things to Consider