Shaman - Spiritual Powers - Tier 3
The Barbarian, Ranger, and Shaman are three closely linked character classes that operate on a continuum. All three are Nature-revering professions. The Barbarian has strong combat skills and a smattering of spells. The Ranger balances prowess and magic. The Shaman is weaker in physical battle but wields powerful Nature-based spells as well as a moderate amount of healing power. Unlike a Priest, who learns in universities and from books, a Shaman is typically taught in small groups by a revered elder. While both Priests and Shamans serve the Light, Priests generally have an urban outlook while Shamans are decidedly rural.
Dream Message
- Levels 1 to 4: The Shaman can send a one-sentence message to one person.
- Levels 5 to 9: The Shaman can send a two-sentence message to one person, or a one-sentence message to two people.
- Levels 10 to 14: The Shaman can send a three-sentence message to one person or a one-sentence message to three people (or some other equivalent combination.
- Levels 15 to 19: The Shaman can send a four-sentence message to one person or a one-sentence message to four people (or some other equivalent combination).
- Levels 20 or higher: The Shaman can send a five-sentence message to one person or a one-sentence message to five people (or some other equivalent combination).
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell.
Elemental Orb
Tier: 3
Prayer: 1 round
Spirit Cost: 32 points
Range: 10// line of sight
Duration: 1 round per level (as a weapon)
Area of Effect: A 10' diameter sphere of elemental force
Classification: Combat or Elemental
While Elemental Orb and Fists of the Elements both grant the Shaman the power to unleash the power of Air, Fire, Water, or Earth, Elemental Orb strakes at a distance instead of at melee range.
Like other Elemental spells, the effects vary greatly depending upon which element is summoned. The spell summons a 10' diameter sphere that can be propelled at 36//. The Shaman can make small course corrections (up to a 45-degree change in direction at the end of each round). The sphere can climb gentle slopes at 24//, steep hills at 12//, or vertical surfaces at 6//. The sphere does not fly or burrow.
An Air sphere has the power to knock an enemy down (the target loses the current action and the action next round). It also has the power to make arrows and bullets miss their targets. Finally, it will randomly disperse lightweight objects like powders, dust, sand, papers, and the like. A Fire sphere can set ordinarily flammable items alight (such as dry leaves, paper, etc.) and it will inflict 1d8 fire damage to living targets on the round of contact as well as the round after. A Water sphere will drag the target 36// away before releasing him/her/it. Likewise, the Water sphere will extinguish all fire sources smaller than 10'. Finally, an Earth sphere will generally crush all fragile objects in its path (it is basically an Indiana Jones stone ball of doom). Against living targets, it inflicts 1d8 damage and can stun the victim for the current round and the following round.
More than one target can be affected in a single round if the targets are in the same linear path. The orb cannot be commanded to go into reverse. With 45 degrees of directional change per round, the Shaman could theoretically attack the same target every six rounds. If the Shaman loses sight of the Elemental Orb, the sphere will simply continue travelling along the current vector until the spell expires.
The spell becomes more powerful as the Shaman increases in level.
- Levels 1 to 4: Air: The sphere is 10' and knocks down foes; Fire: 1d8 damage this round and the next; Water: The sphere is 10' and drags the target 36// away; Earth: The sphere is 10', inflicts 1d8 damage, and stuns targets this round and the next.
- Levels 5 to 9: Air: The sphere is 20' and knocks down foes; Fire: 2d8 damage this round and 1d8 the next; Water: The sphere is 20' and drags the target 36// away + 1d4 water inhalation damage; Earth: The sphere is 15', inflicts 2d8 damage, and stuns targets this round and the next.
- Levels 10 to 14: Air: The sphere is 30' and knocks down foes; Fire: 3d8 damage this round and 1d8 the next; Water: The sphere is 30' and drags the target 36// away + 2d4 water inhalation damage; Earth: The sphere is 20', inflicts 3d8 damage, and stuns targets this round and the next.
- Levels 15 to 19: Air: The sphere is 40' and knocks down foes; Fire: 4d8 damage this round and 2d8 the next; Water: The sphere is 40' and drags the target 36// away + 3d4 water inhalation damage; Earth: The sphere is 25', inflicts 4d8 damage, and stuns targets this round and the next.
- Levels 20 and higher: Air: The sphere is 50' and knocks down foes; Fire: 5d8 damage this round and 2d8 the next; Water: The sphere is 50' and drags the target 36// away + 4d4 water inhalation damage; Earth: The sphere is 30', inflicts 5d8 damage, and stuns targets this round and the next.
Changes from the printed (book) version: this is a new spell.
Fists of the Elements
Tier: 3
Prayer: 1 round
Spirit Cost: 24 points
Range: Internal to the Shaman
Duration: 1 round per level (as a weapon) or 1 turn per level (as a tool)
Area of Effect: The Shaman's hands
Classification: Combat or Elemental
A Shaman is a defender of his/her community in times of war and a helper of the community in times of peace. Thanks to the Shamans' relationship with the spirits of the Elemental Planes, they can call upon aid for both war and peacetime aid. With the Fists of the Elements spell, the Shaman can empower his/her hands for more potent open-hand combat or for utilitarian reasons.
As a weapon, the spell lasts one round per level while the spell lasts for one turn per level if called upon as a tool. In either configuration, the Shaman gains immunity on his/her hands against damage from the elemental type used. For example, a Shaman will not suffer burns from calling upon a fire fist. The elemental effects are as follows:
- Air: As a weapon, the Shaman's fist inflicts +1d6 damage (air damage). Additionally, the fist kicks up dirt and dust. The target must save vs area effect to avoid losing his/her current action and the next round's action due to having dust thrown in one's eyes. As a tool, the fist can create a 10' spherical region of breathable air. It will also act as an air bubble if the Shaman is suddenly exposed to a hard vacuum, poisonous, or trapped under water.
- Fire: As a weapon, the Shaman's fist inflicts 1d6+3 damage (fire damage). Additionally, the target must save versus area effect to avoid taking an additional 3 points of damage in the following round. As a tool, the Shaman can weld metal and/or repair metal objects (assuming the Shaman has metal working, blacksmithing, or engineering). Alternatively, the Shaman can create a bubble or warmth that extends 10' in all directions. The spell also creates light equivalent to a torch.
- Water: As a weapon, the Shaman's fist inflicts 1d6 damage (water damage). Additionally, if the target is wearing leather armor, the target must save vs area effect to avoid the armor being temporarily softened by water (-2 AC for 1 turn). This penalty is not stackable. As a tool, the Shaman can purify up to 100 gallons of contaminated water simply by immersing his/her hands in polluted water. The Shaman can also breathe under water while the spell is active. Likewise, the Shaman could irrigate an acre of crops.
- Earth: As a weapon, the Shaman's fist inflicts 1d6 damage (earth damage). Additionally, if the target is wearing metal armor, the target must save vs area effect to avoid his/her armor being dented (and thus losing -2 AC until a blacksmith hammers out the dents). This penalty is not stackable. As a tool, the Shaman can make repairs to masonry (if he/she has stone crafting, sculpture, or engineering). The Shaman can also use this power to repair potholes in the road or large cracks in sidewalks. Although Shamans and Constructs typically do not see eye-to-eye, a Shaman could theoretically repair a stone or ceramic Construct for 1 StP.
Of course, the bare-hand damage is additive to any boxing or martial arts training that the Shaman may have. As with many other Shaman sigils, the power of this spell increases as the Shaman ascends in level.
- Levels 1 to 4: Base elemental damage is 1d6; tool potency is 1x.
- Levels 5 to 9: Base elemental damage is 1d8; tool potency is 2x.
- Levels 10 to 14: Base elemental damage is 1d10; tool potency is 3x.
- Levels 15 to 19: Base elemental damage is 1d12; tool potency is 4x.
- Levels 20 and higher: Base elemental damage is 1d12+2; tool potency is 5x.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell.
"May your food taste like sawdust. May sawdust gather in you underclothes and chafe ye night and day. May your machinery get clogged and fouled with sawdust. May sawdust get stuck betwixt thine teeth. May all this remind thee of thine crimes until you have made amends and replaced that which you have destroyed and until your heart is contrite."
Changes from the printed (book) version: This spell has been rewritten to be a story-driving type of spell instead of simply penalizing stats.
Planar Shield
- Air: The wielder has a steady supply of breathable air (handy in poisonous atmospheres or a hard vacuum).
- Fire: The wielder is immune to heat exhaustion, smoke inhalation, and sunburn.
- Water: The wielder can breathe under water.
- Earth: The wielder saves at +2 against any knock-back attack, petrification attack, or shape-change spell.
- Air: The cabin generates clean air and maintains a comfortable temperature/humidity. It keeps out poisonous gasses. Proper air pressure is preserved even if the outside of the cabin is a hard vacuum.
- Fire: The cabin is rendered impervious to both heat, fire, and radiation. While it is not effective against a hard vacuum, it does keep out smoke. This selection is quite useful for waiting out a forest fire.
- Water: The cabin keeps out water (rain, sleet, and snow). It will keep water out even if the cabin is fully submerged. This selection is particularly helpful for surviving floods and tidal waves.
- Earth: The cabin is physically stronger. The cabin has AC(0) and 8 Structural Points. It is a great choice for surviving attacks from gunfire or catapult attacks.
- Levels 1 to 4: Battle Magic: 5 shields, +2 DR; Shelter: 4 StP, houses 6.
- Levels 5 to 9: Battle Magic: 10 shields, +2 DR; Shelter: 6 StP, houses 9 (bigger).
- Levels 10 to 14: Battle Magic: 15 shields, +3 DR; Shelter: 8 StP, houses 12 (2 floors).
- Levels 15 to 19: Battle Magic: 20 shields, +3 DR; Shelter: 10 StP, houses 15 (bigger, 2 floors).
- Levels 20 and higher: Battle Magic: 25 shields, +4 DR; Shelter: 12 StP, houses 18 (3 floors).

- Levels 1 to 4: The yield is 1" or rain or 4" of snow.
- Levels 5 to 9: The yield is 2" or rain or 8" of snow.
- Levels 10 to 14: The yield is 3" or rain or 12" of snow. Note: dumping 3" of rain in one turn will cause flooding. Exposure to rain for 1 turn or longer will grant 1 point of natural healing.
- Levels 15 to 19: The yield is 4" or rain or 16" of snow. Note: dumping 3" or 4" of rain in one turn will cause flooding. Exposure to rain for 1 turn or longer will grant 1 point of natural healing. Exposure to rain for 1 hour or longer (if the Shaman makes it rain this long) will cure simple skin ailments such as foot fungus or acne.
- Levels 20 our higher: The yield is 5" or rain or 20" of snow. Note: dumping 3", 4", or 5" of rain in one turn will cause flooding. Exposure to rain for 1 turn or longer will grant 1 point of natural healing. Exposure to rain for 1 hour or longer (if the Shaman makes it rain this long) will cure simple skin ailments (such as foot fungus) or moderate skin ailments (such as psoriasis).
Realm Walking
Sacred Circle
- Levels 1 to 4: The sacred space has a 10' diameter. The ward repels Undead of up to 3 HD and evil spirits of up to Will(10). It also repels aggressive animals of up to 4 HD.
- Levels 5 to 9: The sacred space has a 15' diameter. The ward repels Undead of up to 6 HD and evil spirits of up to Will(12). It also repels aggressive animals of up to 8 HD.
- Levels 10 to 14: The sacred space has a 20' diameter. The ward repels Undead of up to 9HD and evil spirits of up to Will(14). It also repels aggressive animals of up to 12 HD as well as mutant/augmented/hybridized animals of up to 8 HD.
- Levels 15 to 19: The sacred space has a 25' diameter. The ward repels Undead of up to 12 HD and evil spirits of up to Will(16). It also repels aggressive animals of up to 16 HD. It also repels mutant/augmented/hybridized animals of up to 10 HD.
- Levels 20 or higher: The sacred space has a 30' diameter. The ward repels Undead of up to 15 HD and evil spirits of up to Will(18). It also repels aggressive animals of up to 20 HD as well as mutant/augmented/hybridized animals of up to 12 HD.
Note: If the Shaman is Undead, the Sacred Circle will not repel Undead. Instead, it will cause affected Undead to view the Shaman (and allies) in a favorable light.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell.
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Shielded Sight
Tier: 3
Prayer: 5 segments
Spirit Cost: 22 points
Range: Touch (can also be the Shaman)
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: One person (initially)
Classification: Utility or Protection
One of the hallmarks of Shamanism is their ability to perceive what others cannot. This spell grants the Shaman the ability to see magical emanations within 30'. Items (or persons) enchanted with relatively trivial spells would glow weakly while artifact-level enchantments would glow brightly.
In addition to detecting magical emanations, this spell also protects the Shaman from being dazzled by bright lights, gaze attacks, and magically induced blindness. If the Shaman makes an appropriate saving throw, the incoming attack is simple unsuccessful. The Game Master can determine the type of save required. For instance, a flash grenade would indicate an Area Effect save while a laser shot to the eyes would be countered by a Magical Weapon save.
Of course, this spell becomes more potent as the Shaman increases in level.
- Levels 1 to 4. This spell protects the Shaman, and the magical detection extends to 30'.
- Levels 5 to 9. This spell protects the Shaman and one other person. The magical detection extends to 60'.
- Levels 10 to 14. This spell protects the Shaman and two other people. The magical detection extends to 90'. The spell also reveals if a creature is Undead.
- Levels 15 to 19. This spell protects the Shaman and three other people. The magical detection extends to 120'. This spell also reveals if a creature is Undead or invisible/out-of-phase.
- Levels 20 and higher. This spell protects the Shaman and four other people. The magical detection extends to 150'. This spell also reveals if a creature is Undead, invisible/out-of-phase, or extraplanar in origin*.
* This spell will not reveal Fey as extraplanar. Although their ancestors were extraplanar, the Fey on Gaianar have been marooned for generations and thus no longer count as extraplanar.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell.
- Levels 1 to 4: This spell affects one person/creature.
- Levels 5 to 9: This spell affects three people or creatures.
- Levels 10 to 14: This spell affects five people or creatures.
- Levels 15 to 19: This spell affects seven people or creatures.
- Levels 20 or higher: This spell affects nine people or creatures.
Changes from the printed (book) version: The spell has a higher cost but longer duration; it cannot be used as a murder spell.

Things to Consider