Necromancer - Spiritual Powers - Tier 2
Like the Mathematician, the Necromancer is a "scholarly" character class that has poor combat skills and low hit point accumulation. However, while the Mathematician uses abstract mathematics and physics to reveal the secrets of the Universe, the Necromancer seeks to do so through biology and arcane lore. Necromancers have seven Tiers of spells. While it is theoretically possible for a Necromancer to be of "good" alignment, many either start off evil or are seduced by the darkness over the course of their careers.
Quick Links: Tier 1 | Tier 2 | Tier 3 | Tier 4 | Tier 5 | Tier 6 | Tier 7
Burning Blood
Tier: 2
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 person per level
Range: 60// line of sight (Ranged Touch Attack)
Duration: 1 round per level
Arcane Focus: Several drops of blood from someone who died from a fever
B-M-S Cost: 1.0
Classification: Combat
- Inanimate objects and Constructs: No specific damage. However, items like paper and wood could catch on fire.
- Living creatures: 1d6 damage
- Undead creatures: 2d6 damage
This spell becomes more powerful as the Necromancer ascends in level.
- Levels 1 to 4: This spell can affect one target. The damage is 1d6 or 2d6.
- Levels 5 to 9: This spell can affect two targets that are standing within 10' of each other. The damage is 1d8 or 2d8.
- Levels 10 to 14: This spell can affect three targets that are standing within 15' of each other. The damage is 1d10 or 2d10. Constructs visual sensors may be fouled by flame for the duration of the spell (Save vs Magical Weapon).
- Levels 15 to 19: This spell can affect four targets that are standing within 20' of each other. The damage is 1d12 or 2d12. Constructs visual sensors may be fouled by flame for the duration of the spell (Save vs Magical Weapon at -3).
- Levels 20 and higher: This spell can affect five targets that are standing within 25' of each other. The damage is 1d20 or 2d20. Constructs are slowed to 1/4 normal speed. Constructs visual sensors may be fouled by flame for the duration of the spell (Save vs Magical Weapon at -6).
Changes from the printed (book) version: Target quantity is scaled to the Necromancer's level and damage is scaled to the target type.
Corpse Touch
Tier: 2
Casting Time: 1 segment
Area of Effect: 1 person
Range: 10// line of sight
Duration: 1 round per level (living) or 2 rounds per level (Undead)
Arcane Focus: A vial of spinal fluid extracted from a corpse.
B-M-S Cost: 1.0
Classification: Combat
- Levels 1 to 4: The range is 10// and affects one target.
- Levels 5 to 9: The range is 15// and affects two targets.
- Levels 10 to 14: The range is 20// and affects three targets.
- Levels 15 to 19: The range is 25// and affects four targets.
- Levels 20 and higher: The range is 30// and affects five targets.
Modification for the Undead Necromancer
If the Necromancer is Undead, the spell duration for living and Undead targets are swapped.Changes from the printed (book) version: This spell has been rewritten to cause paralysis instead of infusing a weapon with frost damage.
Death Ward
Tier: 2
Casting Time: 5 segments
Area of Effect: 6// spherical volume
Range: Centered on the Necromancer
Duration: 1 turn per level
Arcane Focus: A finger bone from a slain Undead monster
B-M-S Cost: 1.5
Classification: Defense
The arcane focus is a finger bone from a slain Undead monster. It is not expended in the casting of this spell and can be reused any number of times. The spell lasts an extra turn if the finger bone is taken from an Undead monster that the Necromancer personally slew in battle and in which the Necromancer's final blow was the death blow for the creature.
The power of this spell grants protection from death magic and protection from Undead monsters. While the power is in effect, the Necromancer and his/her allies within the area of effect gain a +1 to Save versus Death Magic and have a temporary 10% resistance to Death Magic. Furthermore, Undead monsters of trivial level (half hit dice compared to the Necromancer) cannot enter the protected area. More powerful Undead must make a successful Save versus Area Effect to enter the protected area.
The power of this spell scales in accordance with the Necromancer's level as follows:
Necromancer Level | Death Magic Save | Death Magic Resistance |
1 to 4 | +1 | +10% |
5 to 9 | +2 | +20% |
10 to 14 | +3 | +30% |
15 to 19 | +4 | +40% |
20 and higher | +5 | +50% |
Modifications for the Undead Necromancer
If the Necromancer is Undead, he or she should be aware that channeling radiant energy is not without risk. The caster must make a successful Save vs Area Effect to avoid taking 3d6 damage from the energetic blowback.
Changes from the printed (book) version: The power scales upward at 5-level increments. The power can ward off Undead monsters.
Instructor's Tutoring
Tier: 2
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 lower-level Necromancer
Range: Touch
Duration: Until Discharged
Arcane Focus: One drop of blood from the recipient
B-M-S Cost: 1.0 + Spell Cost
Classification: Utility
A Necromancer, being both a scholar of anatomy and of the occult, often find themselves in the role of teacher, mentor, and guide. To that end, a Necromancer may sometimes choose to grant a higher-level spell to a lower-level colleague.
Like similar spells in other character classes, the granted spell remains available to the recipient until used. No recipient can carry more than one imparted spell. However, the higher-level Necromancer can impart a single spell to any number of students or colleagues. The grantor of the spell pays the full cost of the imparted spell. When cast, the spell activates at the level of the recipient, not the grantor.
Of course, those with "magic sight" kinds of spells will be able to see that the recipient is carrying an imparted spell.
Maddening Fear
Tier: 2
Casting Time: 5 segments
Area of Effect: 1 target per level
Range: 10// line of sight
Duration: 1 round per level
Arcane Focus: Not required
B-M-S Cost: 1.0
This spell is a more powerful version of Foreboding. When the Necromancer calls upon this power, his/her eyes glaze over in reflective black sheen. The Necromancer than needs to simply stare at a chosen targets in order to inspire fear and terror. Should the target of the spell fail a Save versus Sleep/Charm, he/she will flee at best speed for the duration of the spell (1 round/level). Thus, if "best speed" involves hopping onto a horse or driving off in a car, the affected character will do just that.
Of course, this spell often fails on Cavaliers, thanks to that character class having built-in resistance to fear. Likewise, a Changeling (or any character with an E20 rating or higher) can roll for empathic resistance to avoid being overwhelmed. In the latter case, the target still feels afraid but remains in control of his/her actions.
- Levels 1 to 4: The range is 10//.
- Levels 5 to 9: The range is 15//.
- Levels 10 to 14: The range is 20//.
- Levels 15 to 19: The range is 25//.
- Levels 20 and higher: The range is 30//.
Changes from the printed (book) version: The starting range is reduced to 10// but the duration is increased to 1 round per level.
Tier: 2
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 person or a collection of objects (up to 250 pounds of stuff)
Range: 1// line of sight
Duration: Until dismissed
Arcane Focus: A hand from a mummified body
B-M-S Cost: 1.0 per day active
Classification: Conversion
The arcane focus for this spell (a severed hand from a mummified corpse) is one that is difficult to come by. However, once obtained, it can be used any number of times. Of course, the Necromancer can always craft a mummy in his/her spare time. The corpse would be suitable for harvesting after ten years.
The power of Preservation allows the Necromancer to protect a person or object from the ravages of rot and decay. For example, a critically wounded companion could be Preserved and thus have the time to be transported for proper medical care. The person under the influence of Preservation would essentially be in a state of suspended animation. The Necromancer could also Preserve food and perishable medical supplies in this manner.
One of the more common uses for this spell is for search-and-rescue operations wherein the individuals rescued are likely to have incurred grievous injuries. Likewise, in such missions, it is important for the dead to be properly preserved until final arrangements can be made.
The spell becomes more powerful as the Necromancer increases in level.
- Levels 1 to 4: This spell can preserve one person or 250 pounds of perishables.
- Levels 5 to 9: This spell can preserve two people or 500 pounds of perishables.
- Levels 10 to 14: This spell can preserve three people or 750 pounds of perishables.
- Levels 15 to 19: This spell can preserve four people or 1,000 pounds of perishables.
- Levels 20 and higher: This spell can preserve five people or 1,250 pounds of perishables.
Changes from the printed (book) version: The weight limit is increased to 50 pounds per level. The duration lasts until the spell is dismissed.
Rapid Decay
Tier: 2
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Up to 50 pounds
Range: 1// line of sight
Duration: Instantaneous
Arcane Focus: A jar of grave beetles (living or dead)
B-M-S Cost: 2.0
Classification: Entropy
The arcane focus for this spell is a jar filled with grave beetles. The insects can be either living or dead. The arcane focus can be reused any number of times so long as the jar is not opened or broken.
Rapid Decay is essentially the exact opposite of Preservation. Through this spell, the Necromancer can make up to 50 pounds (per level) of food go rancid. It can make clean water suddenly bloom with algae. It can push medicines past the "sell-by" date. It can tarnish jewelry and corrode objects of iron, copper, or steel. Likewise, wooden boards can be made to fall apart. Against items with Structural Points, the targeted item must make an Item Save versus Harmonics or lose a Structural Point. It can, of course, affect Constructs (Save vs Magical weapon or take 1 StP damage).
While this spell has no effect on living targets, such individuals' clothes are another matter. It would likely be singularly embarrassing to have one's close unravel and fall off one's body in public.
The spell affects more material as the Necromancer increases in level.
- Levels 1 to 4: The range is 1// and affects 50 pounds of material. The maximum Structural Point damage is 1.
- Levels 5 to 9: The range is 2// and affects 100 pounds of material. The maximum Structural Point damage is 2.
- Levels 10 to 14: The range is 3// and affects 150 pounds of material. The maximum Structural Point damage is 3.
- Levels 15 to 19: The range is 4// and affects 200 pounds of material. The maximum Structural Point damage is 4.
- Levels 20 and higher: The range is 5// and affects 250 pounds of material. The maximum Structural Point damage is 5.
Changes from the printed (book) version: The area of effect has increased to 50 pounds per increment of power.
Speak With Undead
Tier: 2
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Range: 5//
Duration: 1 round per level
Arcane Focus: A preserved human (or humanoid) tongue
B-M-S Cost: 1.0
Classification: Communication
The arcane focus for this spell is a tongue that has been cut from a recently deceased corpse. The tongue can be re-used if it is properly preserved in a jar of formaldehyde or similar fluid. If the tongue is taken from the dead body of someone who was a proficient thespian or orator, the duration of the spell is doubled.
This spell allows the Necromancer to communicate and understand Undead monsters that ordinarily would not possess the ability to speak. Examples include skeletons and zombies as well as Undead animals. Depending on the level of intellect of the target creature, the Necromancer might be able to ascertain base motives ("kill", "must eat human flesh") or the Necromancer might be able to obtain higher-level information if the creature in question is operating on a sentient or near-sentient basis. For example, the Necromancer might be able to interrogate a mute Skeletal Knight to learn that Darklord Morgathian has ordered that all living humanoids in a nearby village are to be exterminated.
This spell does not permit the Necromancer to command the Undead or to change its plans. However, the Undead cannot attack the Necromancer while the spell is in effect. Additionally, the target of this spell cannot lie to the Necromancer. Of course, the spell ends if the Necromancer attacks the Undead creature. Likewise, just because the Undead monster cannot attack the Necromancer doesn't mean it can't attack anyone else.
The spell affects additional targets as the Necromancer increases in level.
- Levels 1 to 4: The range is 5// and affects one creature.
- Levels 5 to 9: The range is 6// and affects two creatures.
- Levels 10 to 14: The range is 7// and affects three creatures.
- Levels 15 to 19: The range is 8// and affects four creatures.
- Levels 20 and higher: The range is 9// and affects five creatures.
Modifications for the Undead Necromancer
If the Necromancer is Undead, he/she does not need to cast a spell in order to communicate with other Undead. Of course, he/she may still desire to use this power in order to compel hostile Undead to not attack the caster or his/her allies.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell.
Wasting Disease
Tier: 2
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 person
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round per level (primary effect) + 1 day per level (secondary effect)
Arcane Focus: A dead rat in a jar
B-M-S Cost: 3.0
Classification: Curses
Changes from the printed (book) version: The spell now has two phases of action; the description now lists how the spell can be countered.
Undead Appearance
Tier: 2
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 person (can be the Necromancer)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 turn per level
Arcane Focus: A small amount of blood or bile extracted from a slain Undead
B-M-S Cost: 0.5
Classification: Illusion
The Arcane Focus for this spell is an ounce of blood or bile extracted from a slain Undead creature. The focus is consumed in the casting of this spell (as the blood/bile is spread over the skin of the recipient.). However, the Necromancer may have a whole jug of this revolting liquid on hand and thus only need to occasionally replenish his/her supply.
When the spell is cast, the Necromancer spreads the focus material on the recipient's skin. The effect is that the recipient smells Undead and looks Undead. Whether the recipient can moan or shamble like an Undead is entirely dependent on the acting ability of the recipient. If the recipient has Acting as a skill, he/she gets a +1 to any kind of roll that the GM may require when determining if the disguised character truly blends in as an Undead monster.
This spell also grants the recipient a +1 to Save versus Death Magic and a temporary 20% bonus to disease resistance. Since this spell is effectively an illusion, any character class capable of penetrating illusions might also see through this spell.
Special Rules for an Undead Necromancer
An Undead Necromancer doesn't need a spell in order to appear Undead. However, such a person may instead need to cast an illusion in order to appear alive. In this case, the arcane focus is blood from a living individual.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This spell now lasts 1 turn per level (instead of an hour per level). However, it also no longer leaves the character vulnerable to "Affect Undead" attempts.

Things to Consider