Necromancer - Spiritual Powers - Tier 4
Like the Mathematician, the Necromancer is a "scholarly" character class that has poor combat skills and low hit point accumulation. However, while the Mathematician uses abstract mathematics and physics to reveal the secrets of the Universe, the Necromancer seeks to do so through biology and arcane lore. Necromancers have seven Tiers of spells. While it is theoretically possible for a Necromancer to be of "good" alignment, many either start off evil or are seduced by the darkness over the course of their careers.
Quick Links: Tier 1 | Tier 2 | Tier 3 | Tier 4 | Tier 5 | Tier 6 | Tier 7
Batch Animate
Tier: 4
Casting Time: 1 Round
Area of Effect: 1 Skeleton or Zombie per level
Range: 6// radius
Duration: 1 turn
Arcane Focus: A small marionette in the shape of a skeleton
B-M-S Cost: 3.0
Classification: Combat
The Arcane Focus for this spell is one of the few that do not require a body part or bodily fluids. Instead, the focus is a marionette in the shape of a skeleton. If the marionette strings were fashioned from threads used to sew shut the lips of cadavers prior to burial, the spell lasts twice as long. The focus is not expended in the casting of this spell.
While this spell does not necessarily create a fearsome Army of the Dead, it can certainly create ready-made cannon fodder for the Necromancer's enemies to waste both ammunition and spells destroying. The power of this spell will temporarily animate any dead humanoid or large dead animal within 60' of the Necromancer. The dead can be buried (it will take 1d4 rounds to claw its way to the surface) or it can be lying about a battlefield (wherein it is animated ready to fight). The spell prioritizes surface-level corpses over the buried dead. If the only dead that are available are cremated corpses, the spell creates whirlwinds of ash from the remains and will serve to interrupt an opponent's actions instead of inflicting physical damage.
The animated dead are simple and possess no innate supernatural powers. The Necromancer can mentally command them to obey simple orders, such as attacking a designated foe, carry an object, defend the Necromancer (or an ally), etc. The Undead are incapable of carrying out or understanding complicated, nuanced instructions.
Depending on the type of corpses available, the spell will create either an ash cyclone (if the corpse was cremated), a skeleton (if the corpse has no flesh), or a zombie (if the corpse has a reasonable amount of flesh). The damage inflicted by the temporary monsters are as follows:
Target Creature | Ash Cyclone (1 HD) | Animated Skeleton (2HD) | Animated Zombie (4HD) |
Constructs | 1d4 | 1d8 | 1d12 |
Living Beings | 2d4 | 2d8 | 2d12 |
Undead | 3d4 | 3d8 | 3d12 |
At the end of the spell's duration, the animated dead crumble to the ground and cease being animate. Of course, the Necromancer can simply cast the spell again and thus command the weary dead to continue fighting. The monsters created by this spell attack on the same initiative as the Necromancer and use the Necromancer's melee BAtCh.
The spell's duration increases as the Necromancer ascends in level.
Levels 1 to 4: The spell lasts for one turn.
Levels 5 to 9: The spell lasts for two turns.
Levels 10 to 14: The spell lasts for three turn.
Levels 15 to 19: The spell lasts for four turns.
Levels 20 and higher: The spell lasts for five turns.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell.
Command Undead
Tier: 4
Casting Time: 3 segments
Area of Effect: Same as class-related Affect Undead
Range: Same as class-related Affect Undead
Duration: 1 round per level
Arcane Focus: A nose ring that had been used to pierce the flesh of the recent dead
B-M-S Cost: 1.0
Classification: Combat (or possibly Sleep/Charm)
The Arcane Focus for this spell is a spiked ring made of brass, copper, silver, or gold. The ring mist have been used to pierce the septum (the cartilage between the nostrils in one's nose) on a corpse that has dead for no more than three days. If the deceased was a powerful business tycoon, an iron-fisted manager, or a pitiless task master of some kind, the spell lasts twice as long and affects twice as many creatures. The focus is not expended in the casting of the spell.
Using Command Undead is a two-stage process. First, the Necromancer must successfully cast the spell. The second part is rolling a successful value on the Affect Undead matrix for the Necromancer class. A partial success works as follows:
- Only the Command Undead works: The Necromancer can command the closest Undead creature and no others.
- Only the Affect Undead works: The Necromancer can still turn the monsters away but cannot issue commands.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This spell now affects more creatures and is essentially a spell-modifier to Affect Undead.
Curse of Undeath
Tier: 4
Casting Time: 1 Round
Area of Effect: 1 person or creature
Range: 10// line of sight
Duration: Until cancelled or dispelled
Arcane Focus: A piece of bone wrapped in humanoid skin
B-M-S Cost: 2.0 BMS
Classification: Combat
The Arcane Focus is a piece of bone wrapped in leather fashioned from the skin of a sentient humanoid. The spell's power increases in the form of a -4 penalty to the target's saving throw if the leather is derived from a dead Priest from any religion that reveres death (such as Scaxathrom or Illuthiel). Moreover, the enhanced focus is harder to dispel (-4 to any such attempt). The focus is expended in the casting because it gets converted into a brand on the target's skin.
While this spell does not have immediate combat value, it certainly has significant psychological value. When this spell is cast, the target of the spell must make a successful Save versus Spiritual Powers or else be branded on his/her hand with the image of the bone wrapped in skin. While the brand is in effect, the character will automatically convert into some form of Undead (the type is up to the Game Master or can be randomly selected). The risen entity is completely subservient to the Necromancer. In any event, the transformed target will have the same number of Hit Dice in Undeath as it had in life.
It's worth noting that the use of this spell is not without risk. There is a small chance (and the Game Master will decide on exactly how large or small the chance) that the Necromancer might attract the notice of the Gaunt Man when souls suddenly boomerang back into an Undead body immediately upon vacating a recently living body. The Gaunt Man is not an entity that one would desire to have as an enemy.
Of course, the spell does not do much while the target is still alive. However, the target is demoralized while the brand is active (since he/she now is preoccupied with death). Any checks involving fear, panic, or morale will be penalized at -4. Moreover, the target will take a -1 penalty on all attack/parry rolls and -2 to initiative.
The spell can be cancelled in three ways: 1.) by killing the Necromancer who cast the spell; 2.) By having the brand surgically removed; 3.) By having a successful Remove Curse or Dispel Magic
The demoralizing effect is more profound when imposed by higher-level Necromancers.
Levels 1 to 4: The spell imposes a -4 penalty to fear, panic, or morale.
Levels 5 to 9: The spell imposes a -5 penalty to fear, panic, or morale.
Levels 10 to 14: The spell imposes a -6 penalty to fear, panic, or morale.
Levels 15 to 19: The spell imposes a -7 penalty to fear, panic, or morale.
Levels 20 and higher: The spell imposes a -8 penalty to fear, panic, or morale.
Changes from the printed (book) version: The spell now functions as a curse instead of as a disease.
Dream Stalker
Tier: 4
Casting Time: 1 Round
Area of Effect: 3 people in a 3// radius
Range: 15//
Duration: 1 round per level
Arcane Focus: A dreamcatcher fetish that has been immersed in blood
B-M-S Cost: 3.0
Classification: Combat, Healing, Sleep/Charm
The Arcane Focus is a dreamcatcher (often crafted by Shamans and sold in occult supply shops) in which the dreamcatcher has been immersed in blood and allowed to dry. The duration is doubled if the blood was derived from a member of a character class familiar with dream travel (such as a Shaman or a Mathematician). The focus is not expended in the casting of this spell.
This spell allows the Necromancer to siphon off hit points, BMS, Endurance, Willpower, or spirit points from any sleeping target. The siphoned energy can either be absorbed by the Necromancer or distributed amongst the Necromancer's allies with 3//. While the spell is in effect, the victims are tormented by nightmares of exquisite intensity whilst also being held captive by sleep paralysis. Characters with empathic resistance can attempt to resist being targeted. Likewise, a successful Save versus Sleep/Charm will cause the target to not be affected.
At each round of operation, the Necromancer decides which type of energy resource he/she wishes to siphon from the targets. The damage inflicted is shown below:
Resource Siphoned | Standard Focus | Enhanced Focus |
Hit points | 1d8 | 1d10 |
Spirit Points | 1d6 | 1d8 |
BMS | 1 | 1.5 |
Willpower | 1 | 1 |
Endurance | 1 | 1 |
Innate Power Activations | 0 | 1 |
Of course, this spell cannot be used to commit murder. Any target of this spell stops being drained once the resource in question reaches zero. However, the target does remain incapacitated unless healed by magic or by natural rest. The targets of this spell must be asleep. Therefore, it is unlikely that any Construct or Undead would be affected by this spell. Of course, the Game Master could theoretically rule that a Construct under the effect of a Stun/Suspend spell is "asleep". Very high-functioning Undead also may be subject to "regenerative slumber", which is very similar to sleep.
- Levels 1 to 4: The area effect is three people in a 3// radius.
- Levels 5 to 9: The area effect is six people in a 4// radius.
- Levels 10 to 14: The area effect is nine people in a 5// radius.
- Levels 15 to 19: The area effect is twelve people in a 6// radius.
- Levels 20 and higher: The area effect is fifteen people in a 7// radius.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This spell has been wholly rewritten as a hybrid area effect damage/healing spell.
Fear of Death
Tier: 4
Casting Time: 5 segments
Area of Effect: 90-degree cone, 10// long
Range: Centered on the Necromancer
Duration: 1 round per level
Arcane Focus: A highly-polished skull
B-M-S Cost: 2.5 BMS
Classification: Combat, Sleep/Charm, Fear
When the Necromancer boldly holds the skull in the air and faces his/her foes, the eye sockets of the skull light up with a ghastly crimson radiance. In that moment, any foe caught within the area of effect must make a successful Save versus Sleep/Charm or else be convinced that entering into combat will surely result in death. The fear manifests in any round in which the affected character attempts a hostile action against the Necromancer or his/her allies. The game mechanics are such that the foe must make a successful Willpower check in order to take any offensive action. If successful, any attack roll or spellcasting roll will be penalized by -2 due to lingering doubts.
Of course, since this is a fear-based spell, the presence of a Cavalier in the ranks of the enemy could partially or wholly negate this spell. Likewise, any target with significant empathic resistance can also attempt to resist the Fear of Death.
The length of the "fear" cone lengthens as the Necromancer ascends in level.
- Levels 1 to 4: The cone of fear is 10// long.
- Levels 5 to 9: The cone of fear is 12// long.
- Levels 1 to 4: The cone of fear is 14// long.
- Levels 1 to 4: The cone of fear is 16// long.
- Levels 1 to 4: The cone of fear is 18// long.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell.
Hand of Death
Tier: 4
Casting Time: 3 segments
Area of Effect: The Arcane Focus
Range: Line of Sight (starting from the Necromancer's position)
Duration: 1 round per level
Arcane Focus: A mummified hand
B-M-S Cost: 2.5
Classification: Combat
The Arcane Focus is a mummified hand. If the focus is taken from a Warrior or Cavalier who died in battle, the spell lasts twice as long, and the Hand inflicts an extra 1d6 against all creature types. The Arcane Focus is not expended in the casting of this spell so long as it is not destroyed or lost.
This spell allows the Necromancer to launch the focus (the mummified hand) at any selected target in visual range. The Hand travels at 60// at Maneuverability Class A and thus it may take more than one round to hit distant targets. Likewise, the Necromancer can recall the Hand should it somehow travel outside the range of the Necromancer's vision.
Depending on the type of target, the Hand can inflict both standard damage and frost damage. It can hit one target per round. the targeting is based on the Necromancer's Ranged Touch Attack BAtCh. If the target is sentient, the target can attempt to parry the blow.
Creature Type | Standard Damage | Frost Damage |
Constructs | 4d6 | Immune |
Living Beings | 5d6 | 1d6 |
Undead | 6d6 | Lose turn |
The spell can be terminated early if the Hand is successfully targeted and destroyed. The Hand of Death has 1 hit point per level of the Necromancer, parries at the Necromancer's parry value, and has AC(0) due to being both small and mummified. Likewise, the Hand can be "turned" by way of an Affect Undead. In that instance, the Necromancer's level is used in place of the Undead Hit Dice on the turning matrix. A Hand of Death that is turned away by Affect Undead is not destroyed (and thus the Arcane Focus can be reused) but the spell is terminated, and the Hand automatically is recalled to the Necromancer.
If the Necromancer is also Undead, the damage columns for living and Undead targets should be swapped.
This spell inflicts additional damage if cast by a higher-level Necromancer:
- Levels 1 to 4: This spell inflicts 4d6, 5d6, or 6d6 damage.
- Levels 5 to 9: This spell inflicts an additional +3 standard damage.
- Levels 10 to 14: This spell inflicts an additional +6 standard damage.
- Levels 15 to 19: This spell inflicts an additional +9 standard damage.
- Levels 20 and higher This spell inflicts an additional +12 standard damage.
Changes from the printed (book) version: The damage is keyed to creature type. The Hand can be targeted by Affect Undead.
Night Creature
- Levels 1 to 4: The maximum flight speed is 36//. The poison bite in rat form is unmodified.
- Levels 1 to 4: The maximum flight speed is 42//. The poison bite in rat form is saves at -1.
- Levels 5 to 9: The maximum flight speed is 46//. The poison bite in rat form is saves at -2.
- Levels 10 to 14: The maximum flight speed is 50//. The poison bite in rat form is saves at -3.
- Levels 15 to 19: The maximum flight speed is 54//. The poison bite in rat form is saves at -4.
- Levels 20 and higher: The maximum flight speed is 58//. The poison bite in rat form is saves at -5.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell.
Shadow Travel
Tier: 4
Casting Time: 1 Round
Area of Effect: the Necromancer and his/her allies
Range: 100 miles per level
Duration: 1 turn per level
Arcane Focus: A key owned by a graveyard janitor or groundskeeper
B-M-S Cost: 1.0 per person
Classification: Travel
The Arcane Focus is a key (or set of keys) owned by a janitor. The keys can be willingly given, purchased, or stolen. However, the range and duration of the spell is doubled if the keys are obtained from a janitor that died on the job. The focus is not expended in the casting of this spell.
This spell is similar in theme to the Mathematician's power to traverse vast distances in a short time through the Imaginary Realm. In the case of the Necromancer, the shortcut is taken through the Plane of Shadow. The Necromancer has the power to travel to any place he has visited so long as it is within 100 miles away per level of the Necromancer. Like the Mathematician version, the Necromancer (and allies) will always appear within 500' of the desired location at a safe place but will never manifest at the exact location specified. This restriction precludes Shadow Travel from being used as a "murder" spell.
For each turn of travel in the Plane of Shadow, the Necromancer (and allies) travel 100 miles of equivalent distance in the material realm. Additionally, at the end of each Turn of travel, the Necromancer (and allies) must make an encounter check in order to determine if their presence was detected by the denizens of the Shadow Realm. Typical Shadow Realm encounters involve sentient Undead, unquiet ghosts, spectral beings of various sorts, and a variety of Priests. The Shadow Realm itself is a monochrome and barren place with leafless trees, sharp rocks, and a charcoal-grey sky that churn and churns but never produces a drop of rain.
Anyone defeated by denizens of the Plane of Shadow are not killed but instead are ejected from the Plane. Such persons will typically materialize some prorated distance in the general intended direction at some relatively safe spot. If the Necromancer is defeated, then everyone affected by Shadow Travel is ejected from the Plane of Shadow.
If the Necromancer is Undead, then there is a 50% chance that any encounter in the Plane of Shadow will be benign.
The Necromancer can ferry additional allies as he/she ascends in level.
Levels 1 to 4: The Necromancer can transport up to 5 allies within 10'.
Levels 5 to 9: The Necromancer can transport up to 10 allies within 15'.
Levels 10 to 14: The Necromancer can transport up to 15 allies within 20'.
Levels 15 to 19: The Necromancer can transport up to 20 allies within 25'.
Levels 20 and higher: The Necromancer can transport up to 25 allies within 30'.
Changes from the printed (book) version: The spell no longer requires that the Necromancer is standing in a door. However, there is now the possibility of Shadow Realm encounters.
Spirit Armor
Tier: 4
Casting Time: 2 segments
Area of Effect: The Necromancer
Range: Internal to the Necromancer
Duration: 1 turn per level
Arcane Focus: A holy symbol scavenged from the dead
B-M-S Cost: 1.5
Classification: Defense
The Arcane Focus is a holy symbol scavenged from a corpse. The focus has enhanced properties if the holy symbol is taken from a dead Protector, Gunslinger, or Speaker For the Dead. The focus is not expended in the casting of this spell.
As Necromancers have a notoriously weak combat prowess and a low reserve of hit points, this spell does serve to even the odds of survival by deflecting a certain amount of damage. The Spirit Armor spell is noted by a faint, shadowy aura around the Necromancer's body when the power is active. Depending on the type of focus (standard or enhanced) and the type of damage inflicted, the Spirit Armor grants the following protections:
Type of Threat | Standard Focus | Enhanced Focus |
Physical Injury | 5 HP deflection per blow | 10 HP deflection per blow |
Death Magic | +2 to saves | +4 to saves |
Poison | +1 to saves | +2 to saves |
Empathic attack | +20% resistance | +30% resistance |
Energy drain | 10% of attack failure | 20% of attack failure |
Changes from the printed (book) version: The spell absorbs less physical damage but now also has a chance to deflect various other types of attack.
Vermin Storm
Tier: 4
Casting Time: 5 segments
Area of Effect: 3// radius, 2// high
Range: 10// line of sight
Duration: 1 round per level
Arcane Focus: A piece of meat that has been infested with maggots (can be dead)
B-M-S Cost: 2.5
Classification: Combat
Creature Type | Damage | Constitution Loss |
Constructs | Loses turn | 0 |
Living Beings | 2d6 | 1 |
Undead | 3d6 | 0 |
The spell's area of effect increases as the Necromancer increases in level. At higher level, the Necromancer can extend either the radius or the height (or both).
- Levels 1 to 4: The area of effect is 3// in radius and 2// in height.
- Levels 5 to 9: The Necromancer can extend 1// in one aspect.
- Levels 10 to 14: The Necromancer can extend 2// in one aspect or 1// in both aspects.
- Levels 15 to 19: The Necromancer can allocate 3// in extensions.
- Levels 20 and higher: The Necromancer can allocate 4// in extensions.
Changes from the original (book) version: This is a new spell.

Things to Consider