Necromancer - Spiritual Powers - Tier 6
Like the Mathematician, the Necromancer is a "scholarly" character class that has poor combat skills and low hit point accumulation. However, while the Mathematician uses abstract mathematics and physics to reveal the secrets of the Universe, the Necromancer seeks to do so through biology and arcane lore. Necromancers have seven Tiers of spells. While it is theoretically possible for a Necromancer to be of "good" alignment, many either start off evil or are seduced by the darkness over the course of their careers.
Quick Links: Tier 1 | Tier 2 | Tier 3 | Tier 4 | Tier 5 | Tier 6 | Tier 7
Black Fire
Tier: 6
Casting Time: 8 segments
Area of Effect: An expanding ring of fire (6// maximum radius)
Range: Centered on the Necromancer
Duration: 1 round
Arcane Focus: A pinch of ashes from a person who died in a fire
B-M-S Cost: 4.5 BMS
Classification: Combat or Elemental Fire
The Arcane Focus for this spell is a pinch of ashes from the body of someone who died in a fire. This can include the body of someone who died of smoke inhalation in a burning building, as well as someone who died from extreme temperature extremes near fire (such as a blacksmith who died of a stroke while tending the forge). The Arcane Focus has additional power if the ash comes from the body of a person who was purposefully set ablaze (such as in instance of willful murder, self-immolation suicide, or a particularly grisly execution). A one-ounce tube of ash can power five uses of this spell. The ash is expended in the casting of this spell.
When the Necromancer throws a pinch of ash into the air, it summons a roiling sphere of black fire from the Plane of Conflagration (the realm of punishment for particularly evil souls). The fire is exceedingly hot and yet is black as pitch. The sphere expands outward over the course of one round and burns any foe caught within the area of effect. Affected creatures can attempt a Save versus Area Effect for half damage. Note also that the Black Fire (having been drawn from extraplanar sources) has the side effect of extinguishing normal fire). Thus, a Necromancer could theoretically use this spell to put out a fire in a warehouse or other structure. The damage effects and radius depend on creature type and focus type. the Black Fire does not persist past the duration of the spell and does not create secondary fires.
Type of Target | Standard Focus | Enhanced Focus |
Constructs | 4d12 damage + sensory overload for 1 round | 4d12 damage + sensory overload for 2 rounds |
Living Beings | 6d12 damage + madness for 1d4 rounds | 8d12 damage + madness for 2d4 rounds |
Undead | 8d12 damage + free Turning attempt by Necromancer | 10d12 damage + free Turning attempt by Necromancer at +4 |
Spell Radius | 6// | 9// |
The Game Master may rule that an Undead Necromancer may inflict additional damage against enemy Undead in lieu of a free Turning attempt.
- Levels 1 to 4: Standard radius.
- Levels 5 to 9: Radius +1//
- Levels 10 to 14: Radius +2//
- Levels 15 to 19: Radius +3//
- Levels 20 and higher: Radius +4//
Changes from the printed (book) version: This spell has been wholly rewritten from scratch.
Tier: 6
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 person
Range: 1//
Duration: Permanent
Arcane Focus: A tissue sample or blood sample from the person to be cloned
B-M-S Cost: 1.0 per level or hit die of the cloned person
Classification: Healing
The Arcane Focus is a tissue sample or blood sample from the person that the Necromancer seeks to clone. There is no "enhanced" version of the focus. Moreover, the focus is expended in the casting of this spell.
While the casting time is but one round, the Necromancer has a phenomenal amount of work that is required before the spell can be cast. The Necromancer needs access to a well-equipped laboratory (including vats, incubators, glass tablets, various chemical reagents, protein slurries, etc.) The setup time for a fully-stocked lab is one week. This time may be extended if the laboratory is missing key items.
The outcome of this spell depends on the Necromancer's intent. The Necromancer could simply make a duplicate of a still-living person (amazingly unethical!) In this event, the clone would innately retain approximately 25% of the memory, skills, and capabilities of the original. Any levels attained would be reset to Level 1. Experience is earned at twice the normal rate until the clone reaches the same level as the original. The clone and original can communicate telepathically within 120' (once they know of each other's existence). Generally speaking, the clone is vulnerable to developing mental health issues and to suffer from low self-esteem once he/she learns that the original is still alive. However, contrary to the fiction pulps, the clone will not be driven by a desire to slay the original.
The second possibility for this spell is the make a duplicate from a corpse. In this event, the experience level is reset to Level 1 and the clone regains experience at 1.5x the normal rate until he/she attains the same level as the original. The clone retains 25% of the original's memory, skills, and capabilities. It's worth noting that abuse of this spell could garner the attention of the Gaunt Man (as this entity deals with the safe passage of the soul from one life to the next). The chance of mischief is much lower if the Necromancer knows in advance that the deceased had wanted to be resurrected.
The third possibility involves the Necromancer employing a soul crystal (from the Soul Imprisonment spell). In this event, the soul of the original person is transferred to the body of the clone. Presumably, the new soul that was cosmically destined to inhabit the cloned body makes a U-turn (and there is no way any god or gods would take offense at this!) In this permutation, the clone starts off with 25% of the original person's skills, memory, and capabilities. However, as the original soul re-acquaints himself/herself with a biological existence, the balance of the missing memory, skills, and capabilities return at the rate of 10% per week. Additionally, experience levels also return at a rate of 10% per week. Thus, after ten weeks, the cloned person is essentially the original person again and is whole.
It is worth noting that clones age differently than the original. Clones age from infancy to being a toddler in one week; from toddler to small child in week two; from small child to young child weeks three and four; from young child to pre-teen in week five; from pre-teen to adolescent in weeks six and seven; from adolescent to young adult in weeks eight and nine; from young adult to mature adult in week ten. Essentially, once the period of accelerated growth has ended, the subject of this spell is the racial equivalent of 25 years old.
Those seeking immortality through the use of cloning may be in for a disappointment. While the first cloning attempt usually succeeds (assuming that the Necromancer doesn't blow the spell activation check), attempting to clone a clone will incur an automatic 50% failure rate. A third-generation clone would have a 75% failure rate. In the event of a clone failure, the soul can choose to remain in the crystal or to transcend to whatever afterlife awaits the soul.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell.
Death Magic Ward
Tier: 6
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: A radius of up to 6// (it can be cast smaller)
Range: Centered on the Necromancer
Duration: 1 hour per level
Arcane Focus: Four skulls and four black candles
B-M-S Cost: 3.0
Classification: Protection
The Arcane Focus for this spell involves four skulls and four candles. If the skulls are from sentient humanoids (as opposed to being derived from wild animals or livestock), the maximum radius of protection is increased to 9//. Likewise, if the black candles are fashioned from fatty tissue from a sentient humanoid, the spell's duration is increased to 1.5 hours per level of the caster. The skulls are not expended in the casting of this spell while the candles are consumed during the spell's effect.
The Necromancer can use this spell to ward an area against the forces of death magic and to repel Undead, evil spirits, and demonic entities. Theoretically, a Necromancer could attempt to ward off benevolent spirits and angelic entities by swapping the black candles for white candles (with the enhanced focus being candles blessed by a priest).
While the ward is in effect, any incoming damage from death magic is automatically converted to ordinary damage. Thus, if a Necomancer's ally were struck by a spell that would drain 1d4 points of Constitution permanently, the actual damage would be 1d4 to Constitution that would heal at the rate of one point per day. The same would be true of lost hit points, spirit points, levels, etc.
The secondary effect of Greater Death Magic Ward would be to repel lesser Undead and weaker spirits/demons/angels. If the Undead in question has fewer hit dice than the Necromancer has levels, it is barred from entering the protected space. It can, however, still employ spells and missile weapons. Thus, a skeletal archer would still be able to shoot arrows from the periphery, but a skeletal warrior could not march forward with its ax. For spirits/demons/angels, entities with less Willpower than the Necromancer are barred from entry. However, such entities could still cast spells from the periphery.
To define the area of protection, a skull and candle are placed at each of the cardinal directions. The candles are usually mounted on top of the skulls, but they can also be placed side-by-side if the Necromancer so desires. The candle flames cannot be blown out by wind and cannot be extinguished by oxygen deprivation (this is magical fire). However, the candles cannot be used to set secondary fires (again, this is a specific-purpose magical fire).
- Levels 1 to 4: Standard radius.
- Levels 5 to 9: Radius +1//
- Levels 10 to 14: Radius +2//
- Levels 15 to 19: Radius +3//
- Levels 20 and higher: Radius +4//
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell.
Mass Contagion
Tier: 6
Casting Time: 2 segments
Area of Effect: A 45-degree cone, 6// long
Range: Centered on the Necromancer
Duration: 1 round per level (primary effect) then 1 day per level (secondary effect).
Arcane Focus: A dead rat in a jar
B-M-S Cost: 2.5 BMS
Classification: Combat
- Levels 1 to 4: Arc is 45 degrees; length is 6// standard or 9// enhanced.
- Levels 5 to 9: Arc is 45 degrees; length is 9// standard or 12// enhanced.
- Levels 1 to 4: Arc is 60 degrees; length is 9// standard or 12// enhanced.
- Levels 1 to 4: Arc is 60 degrees; length is 12// standard or 15// enhanced.
- Levels 1 to 4: Arc is 90 degrees; length is 12// standard or 15// enhanced.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell.
Massive Life Energy Drain
Tier: 6
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 3// sphere
Range: Centered on the Necromancer
Duration: 1 round per level
Arcane Focus: A vial of blood drawn from a corpse's heart
B-M-S Cost: 4.0
Classification: Combat and Healing
The Arcane Focus is a vial of blood drawn from a corpse's heart. If the blood was drawn at the moment of death, the area of effect expands to 6//. Unlike in the lesser spell (Major Life Drain), the focus is expended in the casting of this spell.
When the Necromancer casts this spell and opens the vial of blood, the liquid converts into a thick, choking fog that immediately begins draining hit points from the Necromancer's foes. Damage inflicted in the Necromancer's foes are converted to healing for the Necromancer and his/her allies. The Necromancer is always healed first, Any over-healing then transfers to the nearest ally that is below 100%, and then to the next closest ally, and so on.
The type of damage depends on the creature affected:
Naturally, living beings can attempt a Save versus Death Magic to convert the 1d4 death magic damage to ordinary damage. Due to the thickness of the "death fog" the Game Master may impose significant penalties for missile combat.
- Constructs: 1d10
- Living Beings: 1d12 + 1d4 death magic
- Undead: 1d12+1d6
This spell deals additional damage as the Necromancer ascends in level.Levels 1 to 4: Standard damageLevels 5 to 9: Additional 1d6 damage.Levels 10 to 14: Additional 2d6 damage.Levels 15 to 19: Additional 3d6 damage.Levels 20 and higher: Additional 4d6 damage.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell.
Purge Death Magic
Tier: 6
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 person
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Arcane Focus: None
B-M-S Cost: 1.0 (+ special: see below)
Classification: Healing
This is one of the few spells that does not require and Arcane Focus.
Purge Death Magic has a similar outcome as the Priest spell "Imbue With Life Energy". However, because Necromancers do not draw upon divine energy (hence the use of BMS instead of spirit points), the healing power of this spell is actually drawn from the Necromancer's body.
Changes from the printed (book) version: The spell's BMS cost is reduced. However, the Necromancer must make a personal sacrifice of energy to power the spell.
Siphon Sphere
Tier: 6
Casting Time: 3 segments
Area of Effect: 1// sphere
Range: 15//
Duration: 1 round per round
Arcane Focus: A bone wrapped in sinew, painted black
B-M-S Cost: 2.0
Classification: Combat and Healing
The Arcane Focus is a bone wrapped in sinew. The bone should be painted black and be lacquered to a lustrous sheen. If the bone in question comes from a sentient humanoid, the sphere is 1// larger. The focus is not expended in the casting of this spell.
This spell has the power to siphon the dark forces that animate the Shambling Dead and convert it into life force that the Necromancer can use to heal himself and his allies. Each round in which the Sphere persists, any Undead caught within the area of effect is reduced in power by one hit die. The lost is converted to hit points at a 1:1 ratio and the Necromancer can direct healing as he/she sees fit. For example, five Mist walkers may be affected by the Siphon Sphere in one round. Each Mist Walker loses a hit die (which the Game Master may assess is worth a 1d8). The Necromancer could then direct 5d8 hit points of healing for himself or his allies.
The sphere cannot be moved once set. However, the Undead monsters may be unable to flee for several rounds if the battlefield is crowded. Likewise, many lower-level Undead are too stupid to have any sense of self-preservation and thus will keep fighting even as their anima is completely drained. Sentient, free-willed Undead can attempt a Save versus Death Magic to avoid being drained for a particular round. Undead creatures brought to zero hit dice are, of course, destroyed.
The range and area of effect increases as the Necromancer ascends in level.
- Levels 1 to 4: The range is 15// and the area of effect is a 1// sphere.
- Levels 5 to 9: The range is 18// and the area of effect is a 2// sphere.
- Levels 10 to 14: The range is 18// and the area of effect is a 3// sphere.
- Levels 15 to 19: The range is 21// and the area of effect is a 3// sphere.
- Levels 20 and higher: The range is 21// and the area of effect is a 4// sphere.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell.
Undead Champion
Tier: 6
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Range: 5// line of sight
Duration: 1 round per level
Arcane Focus: Jawbone from a skull
B-M-S Cost: 3.0 BMS
Classification: Combat and Summoning
The arcane focus is the same as in Summon Greater Undead. If the jawbone is derived from a humanoid skull, then the duration of the spell is doubled. If the jawbone comes from a humanoid skull derived from either an evil Priest or a sentient Undead, then the creature is able to inflict enhanced damage. The focus is not expended in the casting of this spell.
This spell calls forth interesting (and terrifying) monsters. Alternatively, the Game Master should feel encouraged to create a similarly powerful monster on the fly.
The possible monsters generated are as follows:
Percentiles (1d100) | Standard Focus | Enhanced Focus |
01..69: Bone Colossus | 14 HD Warrior, AC(2), attacks with two 1d12 longswords. | 16HD Warrior, AC(0), attacks with two 1d12+2 longswords |
70..89: Screeching Wraith | 14 HD phantom, AC(0), sonic attack in a 45-degree cone, 10// long, 4d12 damage (save vs magical weapon for half damage) | 16 HD phantom, AC(-2), sonic attack in a 90-degree cone, 10// long, 5d12 damage (save vs magical weapon for half damage) |
90..95: Hungry Soul | A powerful, disembodied spirit with Will(14). It seeks out foes with high SP and drains 3d8 SP/round (Save vs Death Magic to convert to ordinary damage). | A powerful, disembodied spirit with Will(16). It seeks out foes with high SP and drains 3d10 SP/round (Save vs Death Magic to convert to ordinary damage). |
96..00: Mentalist Priest | A revenant with all the powers and abilities of a 14th level Priest and 5th level Mentalist manifests. It can also fly and has an E30 empathic rating. | A revenant with all the powers and abilities of all the powers and abilities of a 16th level Priest manifests and 6th level mentalist. It can also fly and has an E40 empathic rating. |
The spell can be terminated early by casting a Dispel Magic (or similar spell) on the open portal. Likewise, the Necromancer can close the portal early if desired. Likewise, the portal closes early if the Necromancer is slain.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell.
Vermin Transformation
- Levels 1 to 4: The area of effect is 1//.
- Levels 5 to 9: The area of effect is 2//.
- Levels 10 to 14: The area of effect is 3//.
- Levels 15 to 19: The area of effect is 4//.
- Levels 20 and higher: The area of effect is 5//.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell.

Things to Consider